Hey there:
I am a Black woman and still Protestant
, but I have visited several Catholic churches here in the DFW (Dallas/Ft. Worth) area. Heck, I even took grad level classes at the local Catholic college, U of Dallas (which is actually in Irving–just like the Dallas Cowboys, which next year will be in Arlington, not Irving or Dallas. Go figure).
Anyway, I can tell you that I got a warm welcome at both the university and at the Catholic churches I visited --both the university chapel, as well as the local parishes in DFW. Heck, I even was given a free ticket to a Young Serra Catholic evangelization weekend at SMU (Southern Methodist U) about a decade ago (Scott Hahn, Father Groeschel, et al) by the Catholic friends I made at UDallas. I got invites to a Feast of the Virgin of Guadelupe celebration, a classmate’s child’s baptisim, a wedding—they haven’t run me off yet! I even attended a “Fullness of Truth” conference in Arlington this past August; I may have been the only non-Catholic in attendance!
I agree with previous posters that the racial makeup of a congregation depends a lot on whatever side of town the parish is in. I have visited Catholic churches in the suburbs here in DFW where I was the only person I saw of African ancestry. I have also visited a parish in South Dallas, where the only Caucasian was the priest. (Now that gas prices are down, I think I’ll go visit again–it’s about a 30 minute trip from where I live). I live within walking distance of a parish is which is all the colors of the rainbow, but the mass I sometimes visit there (Sunday night) is mostly Caucasian. I can’t go Sun AM because I’m a musician at my church.
Yeah, a few MIGHT be standoffish, but as I said, I got an overall warm welcome, otherwise I would never go back.
Don’t forget, the Catholics will learn as much from you as you will from them. There is a lot of misinformation floating among Catholics about Protestants , and vice versa. The only way we can clear up the ignorance is to talk to each other. Visiting a Mass or two and finding someone who can answer your questions and/or direct you to material to read really helps.
There is even a black Catholic evangelist I ran across online! Check out Richard Lane at
www.qorban.net He is good friends with Alex Jones, and he has a blog also which you access from his site. If the web address I gave doesn’t work, just Google “Catholic Evangelist Richard Lane” and that should bring it up. :egyptian: