Why would you post something that doesn’t address my question…
From your article,
“Pew Research study found Catholics comprise about 16% of the total global population.“
Yes, I’m not asking about the global population of Catholics. I’m asking about American Catholics.
I posted context-setting information (which you seem to have mixed up with a different statistic in the article).
Twice as many Catholics are sub-Saharan African than are American.
Given that sub-Saharan Africans are (correct me if I’m wrong) predominantly black, I think that’s relevant to your racially divisive and racially targeted question interrogating black Catholics about why there are so ‘few’ of them.
Sure, as with any country, I’m sure examining the historical and demographic trends of religion in America could be interesting enough.
But given all the race-baiting out there these days, it honestly comes across (to my eyes) as disrespectful to black people, to suggest that they’d be Catholic for any reason different than a white person, Asian person, Latina person, etc.
Surely you can presume that each of us is Catholic because we believe Catholicism is true.
Why would black people be ‘different’ from anyone else in their motives for religion?