Black Lives Matter Cancels Anti-Poverty Billboards in Poor Neighborhoods

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Gee - In my opinion - perhaps Star Parker would have greater weight on this issue than perhaps you - I dont know your background story. However, Star Parker is a person of color, came from a broken home and lifted herself from poverty - from shop-lifter and victim of racism according to a white public school staffer. Who basically told her that accounted for her being a thief - ergo understandable. [Personally I find this racist and emblematic of the left today]

Star Parker is very accomplished - your denigration of her stems from her holding a conservative view point and not really her lack f a “job” I think. But she cares about the inner city, she is working to improves the lives of those that live in these communities where 75% of children are born into single parent households, absentee fathers, high drop out rates, gangs, gang violence and crime.

Many people think that Christian values, developing a work ethic, intact families - marriage, staying in school, saving and investing and giving back to your community are the building blocks of successful happy and productive lives and safe communities… This is true whether you are lower income, middle income - or a multi-millionaire …

Every one of those aspects is an investment in self - and improves your outcome - for yourself, your family and your community.

Others may see it as white patriarchy - which is just foolish … but then - from what I see of those like Al Sharpton, the DNC, BLM - they need the dysfunctional communities, the ‘victims’, the divisions along race, LBTGQ etc - to keep the tribal wars alive … its a power struggle …

When people take control of their own lives - they dont need government, politicians with empty promises and the civil rights activists who show up for some newsworthy injustice but ignore the day in day out violence …
they are all the same at this point,
My, that’s a wide brush.
Which BLM group is speaking out against the BLM organization?
The so called nuclear family does not mean that other family are excluded and I am not sure there that position arises.

Intact families - Mom, Dad, kids do not mean that other family members cannot be part of that family unit or live near by. In fact, it is perhaps more likely that extended families are very much a part of those strong family ties. If that basic family unit is weaker - the unity of the extended families are also weaker.

It is common when parents divorce the non custodial parent has less access to their children as do their extended families. While there are always exceptions - this is generally the case.

Broken families at the Mom, Dad and children level impacts the cohesiveness of the extended families. Intact families have greater cohesion. And one community you can see this lived out well is in the the Asian communities. They have less divorce, less single parent households and multi-generational households are common. There nuclear families are intact. As a result, they have less poverty, greater academic success, lower crime rates and generally safe neighborhoods.

My MIL lived in our home the last 4 plus years of her life, before my FIL passed away we helped them with home maintenance, shopping and other aspects of them remaining in their home - involved - for years. My own mother lived in my home for years until the last few months of her life when I was not able to care for her needs - so for nearly a decade I cared for her - the last 4 months she was in a nursing facility. My children never had a non family member baby sit for them when they were young and we needed someone to be with them - it was always a family member, a grandparent or an Aunt, Uncle - even though we were just the basic family unit.

And occasionally we had extended family for a time in our home when the need arose - that is what family does when it is not totally broken and dysfunctional …

So in my mind the nuclear family does not eliminate other extended family members …
I’ve lived in Pittsburgh and there are a lot of extended families here, especially amongst the Catholic population.
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Your post reminded me of Springsteen, who lived in Philadelphia.
Edit: Oops, he lived in New Jersey. He wrote Streets of Philadelphia lol
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“Charter Schools and Their Enemies”
Thomas Sowell’s audio cd has an informative .pdf cd that indicates how badly public schools are failing minorities. Teachers’ unions don’t want competition. Hence, they oppose Charter Schools.
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