Black Lives Matter fundraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board

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I haven’t checked out thtat web site. I’m not interested in doing so either. The term Black Lives Matter is being used by people all over the world as a call to end racism. I support that 100%.

If you want to tie that in with whatever appears on that site that entirely up to you. If you don’t want to add your support to this call to end racism because of what’s on that site then that’s entirely up to you.
Haha, good one. So I either support this or I don’t want to support a call to end racism? Riiiight. That’s the tactic.

Person a) Do you support Black Lives Matter?

Person b) Well not this movement no.

Person a) Racist.

I notice you still didn’t answer the question. It sounds like you are saying you are for the ‘term’ used around the world but not necessarily for the official movement/organisation, although I can see that for some reason, you don’t want to directly say it.
I can’t say anything about the BLM website. From what I have read on this forum it lays out what the organisation called BLM believes. Which seems to include what people on this forum has described as Marxist and anti family. I haven’t read it and have no interest in doing so. But I am not a Marxist and not anti family. If I was American I would vote Democrat and my family unit is something I would strongly recommend. They were all here for dinner tonight.

So I am ‘for the ‘term’ used around the world but not necessarily for the official movement/organisation’.

That should be clear enough for everyone.
I’m afraid do. So here we go:

Listen up everyone!

Blackforest and I wholeheartedly support the BLMM ( B lack L ives M atter M ovement).
Obviously, one is not whole heartedly supporting the crimes and loss of life that has occurred with the riots.
Of course not.
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In the first few days of protests, sure, I might have marched in a peaceful protest… but now, about 6 weeks after and what we know. I would say I couldn’t. The organization wants to dismantle the nuclear family and so on. I don’t think this is good.

I don’t think wanting to de-fund the police is good and this is some sort of very organized “movement” as far as that goes, calls for this de-funding was called for in various cities. I think I heard some one person from North-Minneapolis or at least, Minneapolis in general say that he knows of no one who wants to do that. I’ve heard other people say similar. That seems pretty crazy and yet, this was an idea that was floated by Nationally. I believe Biden has even talked about it.

I think the Police Union is part of the problem, they don’t just negotiate wages but possibly liability and so on. “Choke holds”? I don’t know, maybe.
So I am ‘for the ‘term’ used around the world but not necessarily for the official movement/organisation’.
Now that’s a better answer. It does indeed clear it up.
I haven’t read it and have no interest in doing so.
Why not? It doesn’t take long. Then you could know for sure if you agree with the ‘movement’ or just the ‘term’ instead of making your decision based off what other people on this forum tell you the BLM movement believe. Anyway you’ve said you don’t ‘necessarily’ support the official movement/organisation, so that’ll do I suppose, even though choosing to stick ‘necessarily’ in there is interesting.
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BLM, the organization, is Marxist, and does not have my support. The concept, Black Times Matter, is a different matter. I grew up in a time (1940s and 1050s when Black lives did not matter. I know the difference. While I do not believe that there is systemic racism in our large city police departments, I do believe there is racism in police departments and in society at large. There is and probably will always be racism by whites, blacks, Asians, and others. We should continue to work to eradicate it, just as we should work to eradicate all crime and injustice.

Many of our large city police departments have either a black police chief or a black mayor. Many have a large percentage of non-white rank and file. These factors make systemic racism unlikely.

I think more often what blacks run into is the code of silence whereby police support each other even when one of them commits an unlawful act, whether or not it involves race. This can appear to be systemic racism to a highly sensitized black person.

Also, because a greatly disproportionate amount of the crime is committed by black males, there is a higher chance that a black male being interacted with by the police may be a criminal than a person of another race. Police would be rightly more apprehensive dealing with a black male than a person of any other race.
If anyone wishes to post this as a separate thread, feel free too. I don’t care to post more BLM but there are a number of articles on how a TX Bishop has discussed BLM and indeed, he says “Movement”:

Texas Bishop Calls out ‘Dangerous’ Black Lives Matter Movement​

And how about this, an African Cardinal comments:

Yes, too much destruction associated with BLM.

Yes, Black Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter and so on. But this pulling down statues, some of this stuff is I believe the term, is sophomoric. Let adults handle this.
So not a real terrorist, but a lable used for political ammunition.

Even if we agree, a terrorist is still a human who can care about issues.
In fact I’d argue they care a lot given the nature of what you linked.
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