Blue christmas?

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Does anyone else ever get “Blue” during the Christmas Season?

I know I do… even trying to make the best of it…just always a blink away from tears.

Anyone else share the same symptoms?
Hi Annunciata,

While absolutely love the Christmas Season, my dear hubby loaths it. He gets sooo depressed and upset. I think he has Seasonal Affective Disorder-the lack of bright sunlight, short days etc. keeps his serotonin levels too low for his comfort…so he overeats on carbs (which raise serotonin), his blood sugar crashes and overeats some more! Then gains massive weight and gets stuck in this cycle until the spring thaw.
I recently began giving him 5HTP- an over the counter supplement to raise his serotonin levels and it is working!!! -No side effects.

His other problem is that he is one to dwell on the negative of everything. Our priest in a homily relates that a person who is negative, perhaps, has a problem with being an ingrate-can’t see the blessings because he is too busy feeling like he’s been jipped.
Whether or not we get the taxes paid in December and have extra money for Christmas, he STILL is upset and frets over the “commercialization” of Christmas. But yet doesn’t get too keen on my Advent plans-prayer, fasting…vespers etc.

We told the children that this year we would have to be understanding that the money isn’t there and all the extravaganzas are over. (Hubby is having a difficult time with a boss who slashed his pay!)

They said, “That’s ok, it’s Jesus birthday anyways, not ours” AND “Mommy, do you want some money from us for food?” AND “That’s gonna be hard but we understand, these things happen”

Plenty to be thankful for over here at my home! My precious children and my husband whom I love dearly aka Mr. Grinch aka Scrooge aka Pouty Pants.

So Ann-check out the winter blues theory…maybe check with the doc and see if it is ok for you to give 5HTP a whirl…

Did you ever have a bad event in the past happen over Christmas?
If not, then I’d bet on the money stress being a cause or the Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Regardless, I hope you feel better soon! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Love in Jesus,
Shelby Grace
Shelby Grace:
Hi Annunciata,

…Did you ever have a bad event in the past happen over Christmas?
If not, then I’d bet on the money stress being a cause or the Seasonal Affective Disorder.
I started getting it after the death of my father 33 years ago! I act like I’m enjoying it and give my family the best darn Christmas I can each year…inside I’m hollow…and I nursed my 1st husband through his last Christmas…he died just a month later.
Regardless, I hope you feel better soon! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Thanks for the kind words, Shelby.
Blessings, Annunciata:)
I’ll Be Home For Christmas has been playing alot. That song rips a giant hole in my heart. I’t makes me think about who will NOT be home this Christmas. My son reminded me, (like I needed reminding), that this will be our second Christmas without Dad.

Two years ago, My DH died on our son’s 9th birthday. Every holiday since then has been a real struggle. We try very hard to focus on WHY we celebrate this wonderful holiday. Some days are easier then others.

May God heal all the lonely, broken hearted people this season and shine His mercy upon us.
Does anyone else ever get “Blue” during the Christmas Season?

I know I do… even trying to make the best of it…just always a blink away from tears.

Anyone else share the same symptoms?
Yes, this Thanksgiving day at my home(I live with my parents) my two sisters, their husbands and their kids, and my brother and his jids came over, but it gets more dysfuncional each year: they all talk at the same time, are loud, and after 4 or 5 drinks, by brother in law (otherwise a very responsible hard worker) begins to in a quiet and decent way to talk nonsense. The only ones who have much faith are my mom, me, and ONE sister and her husband, all others:nope: . Drinks (I hate that, but it’s not my home, if it was NO WAY!!) are always provided for by my father.
NEXT YEAR: I am going elsewhere, to a friend’s home: she is very spiritual and there is PEACE.
THISD Dec. 25, I am out too!!!
I wish I had my own wife, family and peace in MY OWN Apartment/home. But, well I am 33 years old and have not yet found neither. I know, I should be on my own, I am TRYING to do that, NOW.
I often get soooooooooooooo angry and depressed that I have not even found a decent God loving girlfriend. I cannot (many other people either) understand WHY (its like I am cursed) after all I am God loving, a good catholic, I graduate of a Prestigious University, a law abiding guy, and well, I have been told I am “good looking.” Forgive me all for ranting, I just feel so frustrated.
Any advice???
I now hate holidays, too,
Thanksgiving was miserable (except for Saturday night which I spent with a friend) and I am dreading Christmas…I don’t want to go back to my house…agg…I wish I could stay in the dorms…
Awww, I’m so sorry for what people have been through and the memories/anniversaries that the holidays bring up. We had a son due on 12/25/93 who we lost at 27 weeks into the pregnancy. I don’t think Christmas will ever be the same since that. Also, my MIL died right before Thanksgiving. These anniversaries make it rough, but I am thankful for my blessings too.

HUGS to all who are hurting,
My husband get’s the Christmas blues. I took me a while to become sympathetic, it used to really get on my nerves because I love Christmas. It finally dawned on me why, I don’t know what took me so long.

I am a very nostalgic person. Christmas brings back memories of childhood, when my sister was alive, when our family was still a family (until I was 13). The memories of Mass together,my dad and my sister making a home stable for our nativity set (which I have now) listening to our Lawrence Welk christmas records(which I actually found a set of my own at a thrift store), sitting on Santa’s lap, opening presents on Christmas Eve.

My husband didn’t have any of that because they didn’t celebrate Christmas. His dad got sucked in to Jehova Wittnesses. They couldn’t celebrate holidays. And worse they would go to his fathers family’s house and my husband as a child would watch his cousins open presents and he couldn’t have any. His dad told him Santa Claus was dead.

When he was about 13 his mom finally asked his dad if they could celebrate. He had fallen away from the JW’s years earlier but they still didn’t celebrate. His dad said he would allow it if his mom stopped going to church. So she did.

I used to deck the halls to hilt every year, played Christmas music from Thanksgiving day. And get irritated that he just wouldn’t get in the spirit. I’ve toned things down quite a bit the last few years - just tree, nativity, advent wreath, and stockings (and they go up later than they used to). I’ve accepted that Christmas doesn’t have the same meaning for him as it does for me. I think all the cold and lack of sun also contributes to his blues. He also has grown to like Christmas a little more as he’s seen it thru our daughter’s eyes. And since he’s grown in his faith life.
Does anyone else ever get “Blue” during the Christmas Season?

I know I do… even trying to make the best of it…just always a blink away from tears.

Anyone else share the same symptoms?
I think almost everyone does to a certain extent. Thus the term “winter blues” and “spring fever”.🙂

I do SEVERELY. I have come to see winter as the “winter of my soul”. Instead of trying to repress my sad feelings, I dive into them. I journal, I explore why I am feeling sad … (usually past hurts and wounds that for some reason only seem to surface in the winter) and I bring them before God each one as it comes.

I have experienced INCREDIBLE healing and consolation in this way. Also some of the darkest and most intense suffering of my life. But my “souls springtime” always comes and I emerge more whole, more healed and a more beautiful creation of God.:love:

This is the way I handle my winter depression. I take what seems to be intended to destroy me and allow God to use it to mold me. Even though I know it’s coming every winter, I am never prepared for the intensity of it.:crying: The temptation to go and fill the prescription of Prozac my doctor calls in is always there calling to me. “Why suffer?” “You don’t need to put yourself through this every year”

I am proud and stubborn, God forgive me, and I have no
idea if I am doing the right thing.:confused: Day by day … trusting He will guide me.

Although I am always hopeful and expectant for His healing, again I am never prepared for the intensity of it, then I am glad I persevered.😃
I have heard light therapy is also a very successful treatment of seasonal affective disorder. It involves purchasing a type of lamp and sitting under it for 30-45 minutes a day.

God bless!
After my father passing away in 2002.
Got laid off from work in 2003.
Still unemployed
My younger brother and his family broke away from my twin brother and me.

You better believe it’s been several Blue Christmases. (In fact my tree will be decorated ALL in blue).
… I have come to see winter as the “winter of my soul”. Instead of trying to repress my sad feelings, I dive into them. I journal, I explore why I am feeling sad … (usually past hurts and wounds that for some reason only seem to surface in the winter) and I bring them before God each one as it comes…
Hi Ana,
I like this “The Winter of my Soul” I sort of do that in putting on a happy face and just doing what is needed to be done at this time…and I alway “offer it up” in union with our Lord’s Sufferings on the Cross.
He never said it was going to be easy…
God Bless,
After my father passing away in 2002.
Got laid off from work in 2003.
Still unemployed
My younger brother and his family broke away from my twin brother and me.

You better believe it’s been several Blue Christmases. (In fact my tree will be decorated ALL in blue).
Blue is pretty…I had a blue fake tree one year…probably because I was blue! Anyway, we cut a nice GREEN one the day after Thanksgiving every year now… I just have to get out of myself and my “poor me” attitude and decorate it! Not to minimize what you are going through…someone else posted I think here??? “Bloom where you are planted” and “When you get lemons you make lemonade”
Sounds good anyways:rolleyes: …from experience…not always possible… this is why we brothers and sister in Christ need each other so very much! We can make a difference! When two or three…
Ed, I’ll be your sister or mother…which ever the case may be and I will hold you up in prayer for this whole season…will you do it for me too?:yup: Annunciata:)
I wish I had my own wife, family and peace in MY OWN Apartment/home. But, well I am 33 years old and have not yet found neither. I know, I should be on my own, I am TRYING to do that, NOW.
I often get soooooooooooooo angry and depressed that I have not even found a decent God loving girlfriend. I cannot (many other people either) understand WHY (its like I am cursed) after all I am God loving, a good catholic, I graduate of a Prestigious University, a law abiding guy, and well, I have been told I am “good looking.” Forgive me all for ranting, I just feel so frustrated.
Any advice???
Hi Mis,
I’ve told you this before…You fit the description of my younger son and he finds it very frustrating…nevertheless try to be more patient…I have God working on your case through the intercession of St. Josemaria…and he has always come through…so take heart and think of it as Ana said, “The Winter of Your Soul”.
God Bless,
My husband get’s the Christmas blues. I took me a while to become sympathetic, it used to really get on my nerves because I love Christmas. It finally dawned on me why, I don’t know what took me so long…

… I’ve accepted that Christmas doesn’t have the same meaning for him as it does for me. I think all the cold and lack of sun also contributes to his blues. He also has grown to like Christmas a little more as he’s seen it thru our daughter’s eyes. And since he’s grown in his faith life.
We don’t always know why God permits the suffering…but one thing for sure it’s for the good of our souls. If we can only resign ourselves, as you have done, we just might see the fruits.
God Bless,
I’ll Be Home For Christmas has been playing alot. That song rips a giant hole in my heart. I’t makes me think about who will NOT be home this Christmas. My son reminded me, (like I needed reminding), that this will be our second Christmas without Dad.

Two years ago, My DH died on our son’s 9th birthday. Every holiday since then has been a real struggle. We try very hard to focus on WHY we celebrate this wonderful holiday. Some days are easier then others.

May God heal all the lonely, broken hearted people this season and shine His mercy upon us.
How sad…the second Christmas was the worst…though some said it was going to be the first…everyone is different…our grieving processes are as well.
There will be good days and the bad days… Have you ever thought of joing a Support Group? I did…I ended up w/ a new husband:D …not in my plans…God’s Plan!:clapping: I’ll keep you especially in my prayers for the widowed,
God Bless,
Awww, I’m so sorry for what people have been through and the memories/anniversaries that the holidays bring up. We had a son due on 12/25/93 who we lost at 27 weeks into the pregnancy. I don’t think Christmas will ever be the same since that. Also, my MIL died right before Thanksgiving. These anniversaries make it rough, but I am thankful for my blessings too.

HUGS to all who are hurting,
And hugs right back at you Nicole! lost my first one as well and it was just around this time of the year…( oops, just remembered another reason):confused:. Anyway, this year we have all of us intact and a brand new Gift Frome God who will be celebrating his First Christmas!
God Bless,
Hi Mis,
I’ve told you this before…You fit the description of my younger son and he finds it very frustrating…nevertheless try to be more patient…I have God working on your case through the intercession of St. Josemaria…and he has always come through…so take heart and think of it as Ana said, “The Winter of Your Soul”.
God Bless,
Thank you so much for your prayers to one of my favorite Saints and founder of THE most Prestigious and the Only PERSONAL PRELATURE of the Church: Opus Dei. I thank God there are people as Annunciata in this world, who are so caring about others and totally UNselfish.
I know God will help me find my soul mate, I want to love her and give her flowers:
Does anyone else ever get “Blue” during the Christmas Season?

I know I do… even trying to make the best of it…just always a blink away from tears.

Anyone else share the same symptoms?
whatever makes you cry during the Christmas season must be pretty bad… 😦 and i am sorry for your pain… try to remember that you have lots of support in the forums and that a lot are be hind you… as far back behind you as we can get… 😃 but, behind you none the less… don’t give up, try to smile, because the blue person that sees you smile may find comfort in your smile… and that may help more than you will ever know…

I wish you Peace and happiness this holiday season… next time you find yourself alone and out of the corner of your eye you think you see the flash of something or movement and then there is nothing… don’t assume it’s nothing… it may just have been a Space Ghost with an arm of comfort around you… 👍

Merry Christmas Annunciata, a whole lot of people care about you and that is definitely something to smile about… 👍
Does anyone else ever get “Blue” during the Christmas Season?

I know I do… even trying to make the best of it…just always a blink away from tears.

Anyone else share the same symptoms?
Yes, I do. I have holiday depression and it gets to me during the holidays…I recall the feeling in my chest the one that feels so heavy that its hard to breathe…its like just when you start to cry but before the tears come.
I do have my good and sad days but I sometimes don’t seems to be able to catch up with all that probably should be done. And no matter what I might try …its not enough.
I try to make the best of it and we do celebrate …I also participate in prison ministy and that helps.
reading all of the posts here …I don’t feel so alone.
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