Ouija is NOT a game.Avoid any game like Quija.
Ouija is NOT a game.Avoid any game like Quija.
Honestly, those types of games bother me a lot more than games with fantasy/magic imagery.This thread reminded me of Cards Against Humanity, which is pretty smutty.
Undoubtedly, references to D&D, Ouija, Game of Thrones, and nudity are immediate thread derailers on CAF, as they raise a lot of discussion that, while somewhat related to his question, go too far afield. When he mentioned them, he probably didn’t realize how it would fracture this thread off in too many directions. If he could redo this, I imagine he would make a much more finely-tailored OP and stay focused on what he was looking for.To also be fair to those who are making substantive, non-joke contributions other than lists of games, the OP’s query is so broad and he has raised so many side questions (such as suggesting that a practicing Catholic is going to be bothered by looking at a pentagram, that RPGs are demonic and that Game of Thrones is porn) that it’s no wonder the thread took different turns.
I agree generally and if the thread wasn’t already where it is, I would post it here. And I agree re PMs, too, generally. But based on my reading of this thread, at this point my substantive responses (which get into specifics about the level of dark/demonic themes in various games) would elicit mainly snarky responses, so I think they are better directed to the person who will appreciate the info.You taking the substantive content off the thread and into PM doesn’t help the thread to be more substantive, either. This is one reason I generally avoid PMs unless it’s absolutely necessary to share something in private rather than put it on the public forum to stay forever.
There’s been a revolution in tabletop board gaming in the last 20 years. The OP is talking about the newer games, which are really nothing like the older generation of board games. The D&D/Lord of the Rings-type of theme (e.g. magic, elves, trolls, etc) is one of the most popularly employed. There are definitely games that go deep into dark themes.When I think “board games”, things like Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Clue, Risk, Axis & Allies, etc. come to mind. I don’t see anything wrong with any of these games, so I am wondering what games exactly the OP is talking about.
I agree. I’m not one to see the devil in every bit of harmless child’s play, but I sure as heck do in a game whose objective is to make the most outrageously offensive statement filled with as much blasphemy, racism, sexual assault, death, and genocide as possible. And grown adults are supposed to find this funny? I haven’t played any of the games you listed except Cards Against Humanity, and that was only once. I lasted about 20 min and then excused myself. I lost a couple “friends” that night too. Apparently I’m uptight and I’m supposed to just shrug it off when somebody plays a hand describing (very offensive blasphemy)This thread reminded me of Cards Against Humanity, which is pretty smutty.Our Lord watching his mother being sodomized by elves.
Close, but we already have one. Every moral question becomes about abortion.There needs to be a version of Godwins Law for CatholicAnswers where every moral question becomes about game of thrones. Wasn’t this thread about demonic board games? I’m still wondering what board games are considered demonic.
Funny. I somewhat wish I held on to this old Catholic game I came across one time. It was some sort of Catholic nostalgia game. Even in the direction booklet, it was like “Remember the old days when we used to be Catholic?”I bought a vintage Mystery Date game from ebay