I am glad we are correcting this error, too. Our present church is largely indistinguishable from a Protestant one…Mostly becasue of the empty cross.
The cross is merely a symbol. The crucifix makes more explicit what the symbol means.Jesus is no longer on the cross. He is now seated on the right hand of the Father. [Sometimes He does stands] So why place Him where He is not. It is finished.
Not to quibble, but we are NOT a “denomination.”In addition, the body on the cross reminds us of our own sinfulness and how that added to Christ’s pain. It is a tool to help us repent because of the tremendous love He had for us. The main reason that Protestants don’t use the image is an aversion to using images and their misinterpretation of the commandment about not having idols (graven images).
By the way, we are not the only denomination that uses the image of Christ on the Cross. Most Protestants do not but the some do and the Orthodox do also.
He’s no longer in a manger, but most Christian families still put up a nativity scene as well, or send out nativity based Christmas cards.But you see its all about the cross.Jesus died for me on the cross but He is no longer on the cross.
Jesus is no longer on the cross. He is now seated on the right hand of the Father. [Sometimes He does stands] So why place Him where He is not. It is finished.
Angels are spirits. Therefore the answer to the question, “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin” is ZERO. 1. Angels have no legs and can’t “dance” as we understand the term; 2. Spirits do not occupy space.P.S. Now about angels on the head of a pin … 53. It says so in the Bible somewhere!
Why the Crusifix?This weekend I went to a non-denominational service (check out my post in “Non-Catholic Religions” for the gory detail) and I thought of something I had heard (not 100 percent that it is true though) that Christ’s Church is the only Christian denomination to put the Body of Christ on our Crosses. I know why we do, but why does no one else? Do they think that Christ’s Body was dirty or unclean? Christ was the pure sacrifice, so putting His Body on the cross only makes sense to acknowledge what He did and how much He loves us.
I agree with your kudos to Servant1. But, … that table needs to be heptagonal and the failure of the Bible to establish a normative standard against which the head of a pin can be determined to be in conformance with accepted dimensions has resulted in a congressional investigation intended to rectify this shortcoming. However, the point may be moot since OSHA no longer allows angels to dance on the head of a pin, unless they wear safety harnesses, something about risk factors.
Many years,
Gods peace be with you theophilus (freind of God) Calvin,… yes “Christ crucified.”
The Greek is perfect tense (action is completed in the past) not present progressive (action continues in the present). Don’t take my word for it, look it up in the Greek: users.mstar2.net/broman/editions.html.
Your quote proves the Protestant argument, not the Catholic one.