Border wall for illegal inmigration

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“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel,” the Pope told journalists who asked his opinion on Trump’s proposals to halt illegal immigration.
Trump immediately fired back, calling Francis’ comments “disgraceful.”
I would take that more seriously if it was not coming from someone living in a castle guarded by an army of mercenaries.
Of course you would. So do you take Trump’s side over the Pope’s in every single issue?
If the Pope speaks ex cathedra I have to comply. Otherwise I will use my discretion accordingly.

That is what happens when you have a Pope who believes in globalism and liberation theology and then tries to make it a part of Catholicism. You are going to get some pushback from nationalists.

Pope urges Europeans to embrace unity, reject nationalism

Pope Francis is urging Europeans not to fear unity and to put aside nationalistic and other self-interests.
My question requires a simple “yes” or “no”: do you believe the Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ and the successorship of the apostles is passed down through the lineage of the papacy?
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In my opinion, no church is 100% right. The fact remains no one knows what happens when one dies, and all we have is today to be kind to one another, empathize with each other, and try to learn together.
Do you believe the Catholic Church is 100% right, and the only true Church founded by Jesus?
Do you believe the Catholic Church is 100% right, and the only true Church founded by Jesus?
Absolutely, I believe the Catholic Church was one and only Church founded by Jesus Christ.

You still have yet to answer my question, so it looks like you do not believe that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ.
I’m still searching. In an ironic twist, I actually do feel like a Catholic Agnostic if that makes any sense, but it probably doesn’t 🙂
“Many feel strongly about their Catholic identity but don’t feel obliged to listen to everything the pope says, especially if it doesn’t suit them.”
So you are going to chide individuals about their disagreement with the pope on certain issues, even though that is completely permissible by Catholic teaching and orthodoxy.

In my opinion, no church is 100% right. The fact remains no one knows what happens when one dies, and all we have is today to be kind to one another, empathize with each other, and try to learn together.
You will not commit to dogma or doctrine as defined by the magisterial authority of the Church. Interesting.

So your position, to roughly paraphrase your critique of others, is…

@Jamie5 feels “strongly” (stated as: "no church is 100% right) about his Catholic identity but doesn’t feel obliged to listen or assent to everything the magisterium of the Church authoritatively teaches, especially if it doesn’t suit him.”

Your warrant for critiquing others concerning their disagreement with the pope has just evaporated.
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I would take that more seriously if it was not coming from someone living in a castle guarded by an army of mercenaries.
Or if one was Catholic.
That is what happens when you have a Pope who believes in globalism and liberation theology and then tries to make it a part of Catholicism. You are going to get some pushback from nationalists.
There will always be a conflict from the Catholic Church with nationalists, just like there are with anyone who promotes some other sin or heresy. Nationalism is diametrically opposed to the universality of the Church. It is an impossible fit within the confines of the teaching of Jesus and the Golden Rule. One can not treat others as they want to be treated while seeing themselves as deserving of exceptionalism.
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I think you need to center your life more around the Eucharist instead of all of your friends. Friends are nice to have, but they are not the center of the universe. God is.
Many feel strongly about their Catholic identity but don’t feel obliged to listen to everything the pope says, especially if it doesn’t suit them.”
Appeal to authority.

We do not have to agree with everything the Pope says.
That is what happens when you have a Pope who believes in globalism and liberation theology and then tries to make it a part of Catholicism. You are going to get some pushback from nationalists.
There’s more than just nationalists who will be pushing back. There’s more options than nationalism or just letting every one in. As it is, this is a losing argument for the Pope in it’s current form.
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This is what happens when we do not know what we are saying…
Neither globalism nor Liberation Theology,neither comes from the Pope.
There will always be a conflict from the Catholic Church with nationalists, just like there are with anyone who promotes some other sin or heresy. Nationalism is diametrically opposed to the universality of the Church. It is an impossible fit within the confines of the teaching of Jesus and the Golden Rule. One can not treat others as they want to be treated while seeing themselves as deserving of exceptionalism.
Both of these statements are patently untrue. The issue is treated with some detail in CCC 1880 - 1927 and beyond. The more crucial teachings are:

1891 The human person needs life in society in order to develop in accordance with his nature. Certain societies, such as the family and the state, correspond more directly to the nature of man.

1894 In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, neither the state nor the larger society should substitute itself for the initiative and responsibility of individuals and intermediary bodies.

Note: This rules out both collective socialism and globalism when either one seeks to undermine the individual responsibility that underpins a truly free society, and that would seem their express reason for existing.

1897 Human society can be neither well-ordered nor prosperous unless it has some people invested with legitimate authority to preserve its institutions and to devote themselves as far as necessary to work and care for the good of all.

1901 If authority belongs to the order established by God, "the choice of the political regime and the appointment of rulers are left to the free decision of the citizens. The diversity of political regimes is morally acceptable, provided they serve the legitimate good of the communities that adopt them. Regimes whose nature is contrary to the natural law, to the public order, and to the fundamental rights of persons cannot achieve the common good of the nations on which they have been imposed.

1911 Human interdependence is increasing and gradually spreading throughout the world. The unity of the human family, embracing people who enjoy equal natural dignity, implies a universal common good. This good calls for an organization of the community of nations able to "provide for the different needs of men; this will involve the sphere of social life to which belong questions of food, hygiene, education,…and certain situations arising here and there…
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