Boxer Can't Tie Condi's Shoes

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Isn’t it amazing how all the grillings come from these total losers? Boxer is an embarrassment. Are people in California really in support of this twit? Oh and the MISERY of having to hear John Kerry’s voice. I thought he’d go away.

Lisa N
This woman is part of the culture of death. I sent her mail and E-mail complaining about her pro-abortion activism and she replied that is was too bad that I felt that way. Hope that everyone will do something on my birthday (Jan 22th) to help our country rid itself of the terrible evil of abortion. I hope someday to be able to enjoy my birthday again, when this country stops killing innocent children.

Deacon Tony SFO
I have never liked the woman’s politics.

I heard her last week during the confimation of election results.
I didn’t think she would ever shut up.
Sure wish that Boxer was brief… guess I shouldn’t be short(s) with her.
Speaking of endless pontification, did anyone endure Biden or Kerry this morning???
Lisa N:
Isn’t it amazing how all the grillings come from these total losers? Boxer is an embarrassment. Are people in California really in support of this twit? Oh and the MISERY of having to hear John Kerry’s voice. I thought he’d go away.

Lisa N
Misery indeed. What a shocker - that Kerry would have reservations about “this president and this administration.”

Windbags r Us will not prevail.
Boxer is a disgrace. She should actually read the resolutions she grilling Condi about. What an embarrassment to CA.
From an observer:

Barbara Boxer just said she was very disappointed to hear Condi say “the tsunami was an wonderful opportunity for the United States to show what they can do to provide humanitarian relief”. Barbara explained the tsunami was a bad thing, not a wonderful thing.Wow. :banghead:
Sure wish that Boxer was brief… guess I shouldn’t be short(s) with her.
I noticed that she was at a confirmation hearing with…no real questions. She simply took the time to give an oration which as anyone who has heard her before knows, wasn’t noteworthy. Another loser. And as for Kerry…the man ought to get a life.
I am amazed that you guys have no problem with Rice contradicting herself over and over regarding the WMD’s.

Truth is not relative, it is OR it isn’t! It’s suprising to see that you, an admitted Agnostic had a comment about the truth.

Of course you know the Russians, the Brits, Egypt, Isreal and 18 other nations said Saddam had WMDs. That was the best Intellegence available. Saddam said he had WMDs too,

Reign that horse in , Cowboy. Condi is in the saddle now.:tiphat:
This is Boxer’s only shot at the National Stage - the occassional attempt at beating up the President and his politics. And lucky for us, we don’t have to see her much more on TV, but we GET to have Condi. Condi is such an inspiration, I would love to meet her, just to sit for a few hours and talk with her, once I got over being intimidated by her, it would be a blast. I’m so proud that W nominated her.
Here are the facts. Rice first stated that Saddam could not have a Nuke within a years time. Then, months later she changed that statement and said that he could. Then after it was apparent there was no nuke program she stated that no one in the administration claimed he could have a nuke within 12 months time. This of course contradicts what she said, and a speech the president had given in my state of Ohio.
Just an interesting observation (or not):

Every news report in the net re Condi and the hearings have an accompanying photo of her and quite frankly, none are very flattering.

Odd coincidence.
Here are the facts. Rice first stated that Saddam could not have a Nuke within a years time. Then, months later she changed that statement and said that he could. Then after it was apparent there was no nuke program she stated that no one in the administration claimed he could have a nuke within 12 months time. This of course contradicts what she said, and a speech the president had given in my state of Ohio.
Sounds a little like a John Kerry speech…😃

Now seriously, let’s review:

Of course you know the Russians, the Brits, Egypt, Isreal and 18 other nations said Saddam had WMDs. That was the best Intellegence available. Saddam said he had WMDs too,

Are you mad at ALL of them??? 18 countries, including those who renegged on Resolution 1441…they lied to us too??

You do not seem to be reading what I am writing. I am not complaining about the fact that the war was based on WMD’s and it turned out that there were none. I am complaining about Rice contradicting herself in regards to the nuke capability of Iraq.
You do not seem to be reading what I am writing. I am not complaining about the fact that the war was based on WMD’s and it turned out that there were none. I am complaining about Rice contradicting herself in regards to the nuke capability of Iraq.
Gotcha. And the only way she can get on TV and say anything about Iraq’s nuclear capabilities is she’s briefed by the best intelligence at the time. The intel was at fault.The intel capabilities have been at fault for a long time.
But why would she claim that no one in the administration had claimed that Saddam could have a nuke within 12 months when both she and the President did?
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