The amount of abuse in the public schools is astronomical. Of course… The media never talks about it.teachers
From a US Department of Education report:
If you have a girl, 1 in 7 chance she will be abused in public school. If you have a boy, it is about 1 in 10.3.0 PREVALENCE OF EDUCATOR SEXUAL MISCONDUCT
3.1 Sources and methods. Studies documenting child sexual abuse by any
adult are conducted using two approaches. Incidence studies examine child sexual
abuse official reports to child protective or criminal agencies. Prevalence studies ask
children or adults if they have ever been sexually abused as a child by an adult.
Incidence rates are generally lower than prevalence, since many more children are
sexually abused than report this abuse to authorities. Only 5 to 6 percent of child sexual
abuse cases become known to social services or the police (Kelly et al., 1991).
Results of prevalence studies differ based upon definitions of sexual abuse,
sample, and data collection methods but range from 13 to 34 percent of females and 7 to
16 percent of males (Freel, 2003). Gorey and Leslie (1997), in a review of prevalence
studies where they controlled for response rates and operational definitions concluded
that 15 percent of women and 7 percent of men were sexually abused as children.
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