Boycott Nestle!

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In third world countries, inability to breastfeed is almost unheard of. That is a western phenomenon. Not wanting to is another matte​

Thank-God women in the U.S have the choice whether to bottle or breast feed. I formula fed my children. They are happy well adjusted children.
In response to Spatulate…

I read with interest the information contained in your post. I’m wonderering about its source. Given that it is footnoted, I’m guessing it’s not of your own creation. Could you please provide authorship/source–it seems rather agenda-driven.

I know it sounds far-fetched, but it’s true, and not just in developing countries: formula manufacturers DO try to get women to use their product as soon as the baby is born. You can go home with free formula from a US hospital, too. Our culture does not really encourage breastfeeding. Not that long ago - in fact, in our mothers’ generation - people actually believed that
FYI–I completely agree that mothers-to-be and new mothers in the US are the targets of massive marketing efforts–especially from formula manufacturers. How this impacts breast-feeding decisions in this country versus the issue of of supplying subsistence nutrition in the third world are, in my humble opinion, two separate and distinct discussions.
Thanks! An NGO devoted to the promotion of breastfeeding–however admirable–is just the agenda I anticipated. No offense, but I wouldn’t expect them to be neutral or even terribly objective when it comes to such a large manufacturer of infant formula.
Island Oak:
Thanks! An NGO devoted to the promotion of breastfeeding–however admirable–is just the agenda I anticipated. No offense, but I wouldn’t expect them to be neutral or even terribly objective when it comes to such a large manufacturer of infant formula.
Then I will try to find for you sources that aren’t devoted to breastfeeding. I guarantee you they exist.

And yes, there is an agenda out there with the formula companies. I told the hospital I was planning to solely breastfeed, and they sent me home with 2 cans of Similac anyway.
Sorry, comparing formula samples to cigarret samples is extreme.
Some people can’t or do not want to breastfeed.
I agree…I couldnt breastfeed because of meds. Thank goodness for formula. I dont understand what is wrong with them giving free formula to babies. Some women in those countries can not breastfeed due to health reasons etc…
O.k.,I’ll jump in here with both feet. I’ll agree that there’s nothing wrong with Nestle giving away formula in 3rd world countries, but here’s the rub, there not giving them enough. A 8 week supply only last that long, then what do these mothers do, I’m going to assume that they most likely have other children, so which one of them do they stop feeding to buy the formula now that their breast milk is gone, or who will pay for the hormone shots to try to restart it again, if that is even possible. It is very rare for a mother to have medical issues that prevent her from being able to nurse her children. I am unfortunately one of those rare women, I had life threating postnatal infections after giving birth to both of my daughters, and even here in the good old USA if I didn’t have access to the WIC program I would have been up the creek without a paddle, and that was in 1979 and 1983. Nestles coorporate greed is amazing to me, even in this day and age, and I am not a nieve woman by any measure.

Linda H.
Why Boycott Nestle/Risks of Artificial Feeding
Baby food action - Nestlé boycott
The International Baby Food Action Network, IBFAN, consists of public interest groups working around the world to reduce infant and young child morbidity and mortality.
Baby Milk Action is a non-profit organisation which aims to save lives and to end the avoidable suffering caused by inappropriate infant feeding.
Information page on the Nestle Boycott
The Infant Feeding Action Coalition (INFACT) Canada is a non-governmental, non-profit organization consisting of individuals and groups working to improve the health and well-being of infants and young children through the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding.
No I don’t even applaud them for giving away their little 8 weeks worth of formula either, because like I said before:

They charge 12.99 a can for a little cleaned up powdered milk with a few pennies worth of vitamins thrown in. They aren’t losing any money off the deal. They only do it to rake in new business.

I know one woman who gave all of her babies regular milk from the time they were born and they grew up just fine. They are now in thier 30s and have had no health problems from it. I am not saying that is a good idea, because some children do develop milk allergies, but if it came to letting a baby starve to death or feeding her regular milk, you do what you gotta do. The thing is no one tells you that, and a lot of those babies could have been saved even if they did have to live on goat or cow’s milk for a while, if only they’d known.

Of course breastmilk is always a better option if you can do it, not everyone can but most women can. It has 100 more vitamins/nutritional ingredients than formula has.
Besides, in 3rd world countries, giving a baby formula instead of breastmilk is depriving the kid of a lot of VERY necessary immunoligcial benefits that the child would have recieved from the mother. That is so crucial in a place where there is a lot of disease.
Ah, conspiracy theories. Always fun as long as you don’t take them seriously.
They are not doing it to feed starving babies, if they were they would supply the mothers with enough formula for the baby’s entire infancy.
Instead they give them about 8 weeks worth, which is just enough to insure that the mother’s breastmilk supply will be non-existant, and the child will be dependant on formula.

If you actually read the article, you will note that Nestle has been in violation of several ethical terms which they agreed upon after the first boycott, and that’s why it’s back on.

I am very sad that I am unable to continue breastfeeding my baby due to an infection, because it is the best nutrition a baby can get. Almost every formula company out there sends you free formula for the first few months, and then after that the coupon amounts get smaller and smaller. They are really making a killing charging 12.99 for 12 ounces of powdered milk with a few pennies worth of vitamins thrown in.
If almost every company is doing this than why only boycott Nestle?
If almost every company is doing this than why only boycott Nestle?
Because they are the worst when it comes to violations of international codes.

Most other formula companies do not give their formula to 3rd world countries in the way that Nestle has and is.
Ah, conspiracy theories. Always fun as long as you don’t take them seriously.
Spoken like a truly uninformed person who probably didn’t follow a single link in this thread and would rather voice her own ignorant opinion than learn anything.
Spoken like a truly uninformed person who probably didn’t follow a single link in this thread and would rather voice her own ignorant opinion than learn anything.
Would you make that remark in front on Jesus Himself? Shame on you for such a nasty, snotty, snide, uncharitable remark. And you call yourself Christian, much less Catholic?

Boy, that REALLY makes a non-Catholic want to convert.
Would you make that remark in front on Jesus Himself? Shame on you for such a nasty, snotty, snide, uncharitable remark. And you call yourself Christian, much less Catholic?

Boy, that REALLY makes a non-Catholic want to convert.
I am sure non-Catholics are perfect, and never get frustrated…

I always say don’t rain on someone’s parade… what is the point in someone mocking the orginal post? If you don’t like boycotting, then don’t do it. What is the point in arguing with the OP about it?
Uh…what? Are you serious? Honey, you have WAY too much time on your hands…seriously.

Now excuse me while I go sip down my chocolate milk!
Uh…what? Are you serious? Honey, you have WAY too much time on your hands…seriously.

Now excuse me while I go sip down my chocolate milk!
Actually it doesn’t take much time because certain organizations like Million Moms March send out emails to their listed people… It takes seconds to read them.

Do you know if Nestle makes Three Muskateers? Those are nummy in my tummy…

And, it that chocolate milk in your Starbucks?🙂
I don’t know if they still sell it this way, but in Jamaica in the 60’s the Nestle reps would dress as nurses when distributing formula to consumers.

A friend told me that the Nestle “nurse” would pitch the formula as being more modern and have more vitamins than mothers’ milk.
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