Brad and Jennifer

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What are you thoughts on this breakup?
I am not surprised,most of the hollywood crowd think of marriage as a summer vacation.Jennifer is pro-choice:rolleyes: I guess she just made another one.When truth is relative so is everything else. God Bless
I voted “I’m surprized they lasted this long” but I think the poll should have had the option of “who cares?”😃
I feel sorry for the young in Hollywood. What a pathetic life! Relationships are just meant to be broken there. It is real news when one lasts. I voted, didn’t expect it to last this long. They will be with new partners within the year.
I am not surprised in the least, or perhaps that it lasted this long. America already has a high divorce rate, and hollywood is notorious for its many divorces. Furthermore, the divorce rate among those who have had pre-marital sex is 30% higher than those who wait for marriage. There was many other things working against them. In all honesty, whenever a celebrity gets married my cynicism tells me it won’t last for too long. Let’s see how long the britney spears marriage lasts…
The choices given do not convey what is my opinion.

I commend that Brad stated that he is ready to have a family, but you don’t get divorced over it becasue is selfish and don’t want a family. This should have been discussed before they got married.

I am sad that just because these are ‘Hollywood’ people, that they seem to be exempt to what the order of married society is all about.
If John and Jane Smith of Nowhereville were getting a divorce would you start a poll about it? We don’t know them, all we truely know about them is gossip, rumor and inuindo(?) What is truely sad is the easy in, easy out attude towards marraige that so many seem to have these days. I try very hard to avoid the t.v. shows that thrive on spreading all the gossip so I don’t know if they have any children, but if they do they are the ones I would feel sorry for, I can’t begin to imagine what it would be like for them. I can just see it now, 10 years down the road some “reporter” corners one of them to ask them how they felt about a crazy new story on why their parents split up.

Linda H.
It seems that in Hollywood “It’s all about me” and marriage is just some thing you do for kicks until you realize it’s actually work. I find the whole situation in hollywood sad. Money. money, money. How will they feel on their deathbed not having a partner that shared years and years of memories?
Linda H.:
If John and Jane Smith of Nowhereville were getting a divorce would you start a poll about it?
Linda H.
No, I wouldn’t. Your points are well taken, however if the Smiths got married I would never be subjected to reading about it in countless headlines of the tabloids that I don’t buy. Yet I do buy groceries and I have seen Jennifer Aniston on the cover a million times, OK maybe only 500 times! I don’t even think of the Pitt’s as real people. They have made it so. That is why my first post on this thread said that I feel sorry for them. I do.
I voted “I’m surprized they lasted this long” but I think the poll should have had the option of “who cares?”😃
Me too. :rolleyes:
Seriously, is it any coincidence that my boyfriend told me he just wanted to be friends last week and then I hear that Brad Pitt is free? Don’t worry, I’ll wait until the Lord sends him a sign that tells him he needs to become a Christian and move to central Illinois. I’m sure that’ll happen soon. And poor Jennifer, I hope she and I can be friends when I run into her at the high profile premiers and stuff. (We’ll still go to those things, even though he’s given up his hollywood lifestyle to live in the midwest with me).

Well, I’ll close this fantasy now and hit the hay.

Yours truly,
Mrs. Pitt…I mean…Katie 😉

In a way I do as well, I fell sorry that they chose a lifestyle that let to their unhappiness. Even in Hollywood amongest some of the most well know stars there are many solid long term marriages. I will just list a few of them, Bob & Deloris Hope, may he rest in peace, Martin Sheen and his wife, Mr.& Mrs. Kirk Douglas, the Leno’s and there are many more. These stars have made a choice to put their marriges and families ahead of the Tinsletown lifestyle and that is why over the years that you haven’t seen their faces plastered all over the scandle magazines covers. It has been proven time and time again that a star can have a astounding career and a wholesome family life, they can even follow their faith and still be big stars. So yes I do feel sorry for Brad and Jenn, I am sorry they chose the lifestyle that may have been the undoing of their marriage.
Linda H.
It’s none of my business.

I run my own life and others are free to run their own as they see fit. Anyone else’s private life is none of my concern.
“I would never be subjected to reading about it in countless headlines of the tabloids that I don’t buy”

Oh, please, grow up, be an adult, and stop the “I’m a victim” whining. The next time you see a tabloid CLOSE YOUR EYES. I’ve never seen so much spiritual immaturity as I’ve seen in this forum.
SweetPea said:
“I would never be subjected to reading about it in countless headlines of the tabloids that I don’t buy”

Oh, please, grow up, be an adult, and stop the “I’m a victim” whining. The next time you see a tabloid CLOSE YOUR EYES. I’ve never seen so much spiritual immaturity as I’ve seen in this forum.

So harsh. I think that you probably should of just went to another forum to speak about something that probably would not of upset you so. Spirituality has nothing to do with what you said in your comment.

God bless you SweetPea.
Linda H.:

In a way I do as well, I fell sorry that they chose a lifestyle that let to their unhappiness. Even in Hollywood amongest some of the most well know stars there are many solid long term marriages. I will just list a few of them, Bob & Deloris Hope, may he rest in peace, Martin Sheen and his wife, Mr.& Mrs. Kirk Douglas, the Leno’s and there are many more. These stars have made a choice to put their marriges and families ahead of the Tinsletown lifestyle and that is why over the years that you haven’t seen their faces plastered all over the scandle magazines covers. It has been proven time and time again that a star can have a astounding career and a wholesome family life, they can even follow their faith and still be big stars. So yes I do feel sorry for Brad and Jenn, I am sorry they chose the lifestyle that may have been the undoing of their marriage.
Linda H.
I believe those are one star families there wives are not in Hollywood no matter they had a chance.
I think when 2 Hollywood stars get together and one refuses to quit the business its a kiss of death. 2 egomaniacs can’t make a marriage work.
It’s none of my business.

I run my own life and others are free to run their own as they see fit. Anyone else’s private life is none of my concern.
Took the words right out of my mouth. I was hoping for the choice “I don’t care about their divorce and it’s none of my business anyway.” Yet another failed marriage in Hollyweird is hardly a cause for all the hoopla it generated in the press. It’s quite telling, really, that every Hollyweirdo divorce is made such a big deal of. I thought there was nothing abnormal or shameful about no-fault divorce, no?
You should have made the following one of the choices in the poll:

:hmmm: :yawn: :sleep:
Wait a second? What happened to Ross? Didn’t she marry him?

And wasn’t Brad either killed by a bear or gambler in Montana? Or was he just figment of Ed Norton’s imagination?

I’m so confused… :confused:
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