Brad and Jennifer

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They may be Hollywood. They may be living in a completely different reality than the rest of us. They may not know a marriage from an extended mutual living agreement – but I am still very sorry they couldn’t work things out. Anytime a marriage doesn’t work, it’s sad, no matter who the couple are.
Wierd to see this forum full of Iraq, taxes, government policy, Church matters, life and death and then…

Jen and Brad???

Ok, Fair enough. It is “in the news”, I guess.

Hollywood relationships are less about love than it is about business. The actress chose a profession that doesn’t value love. The business values looks, marketability, and most of all, money. All things EXTERNAL.

Aniston chose externally, and she will regret it, even after all the millions she makes. She will say as much in some interview ten years from now.

Hey, as long as we are talking about hollywood, does anyone know about Annette Benning and Warren Beatty?? For a hollywood couple, they have quite a brood! And they started pretty late, too! Are they pro-life?? Catholic?? Liberal, I’m sure, but what’s the deal??
Do you suppose that before they became famous they had such a muddled view of marriage?
Thank you for participating in this thread. Although this story is indeed “In the News”, discussions about the breakup of a marriage by those outside of direct involvement in the events could be seen as gossip and should be avoided in the future.

This thread is now closed.

Paul Stephens
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