Brain and the soul?!

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If a brain transplant was possible, would the soul move with it? Yes, no? Why? Why not?
So you think that when people are declared “brain dead” they have lost their souls???

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The human being is body and soul fused together. Each brain is tethered to its respective soul. It’s like a SIM card
So if we can in the future extract a living brain from a person and keep it alive apart from the body, would you say that brain will continue to have a soul?
Whoever gave you the idea that a person’s soul resided in the brain?
I don’t know where the soul resides. Where do you think it does in my example?
Oops. Living brain. Uh. I don’t know! Lol.

Now that I think about it, I once read in a very old Catechism book that the soul leaves the body immediately in certain kinds of death. Like beheading. Now I’m not sure what the priest meant. He may be trying to say that the soul leaves the body immediately if the manner by which the person dies leads to immediate death. The priest explained about this when he was discussing whether anointing a dead person (ie. When the person dies before the priest reaches) helps them.

Well à single celled zygote is considered a human being from the time of conception. The child doesn’t have a brain then. That doesn’t mean it’s soulless. So yes! Souls don’t reside in our brains. I guess they’re in some other dimension.
The soul is certainly dependent on the brain. Even people who have been guillotined maintain consciousness for several seconds. It’s a bit disturbing.
It appears to be tethered to it. The brain sends out signals to the body but the soul appears to supply the consciousness.
That doesn’t explain brain dead people. They aren’t conscious, but they are alive…
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Aren’t brain dead people kept artificially alive? Haven’t some scans still showed minute activity? Declaring someone brain dead is very difficult. Unless they’re comatose and suffering “locked in syndrome”. In that case they’re very much alive and able to still breath and digest food.
Head transplants Philosophy
I saw in the news today, that a scientist in Italy believes we will be able to have the first “head transplant” within 3 years.:eek: I seriously doubt this would ever be successful, but I think it raises some interesting questions from a Catholic point of view. Aside from the obvious moral issues, If a person had such a transplant, assuming a new brain in their body, would they still be the same person? Would they still have the same “soul”? Would the donor’s soul still remain on earth, and …
You said that the soul supplies consciousness. What did you mean by that? Did you mean the awareness of self? Only humans have that (and chimpanzees I think).
Yes. Without the soul we’d be a hunk of meat. Who we are arises from our immortal soul and carries our memories into the next life.
Yesssss cephalosomatic anastomosis… Or head transplant… I remember reading an article in 2014 or 2015 about this. The original plan was to use the body of a brain dead donor. So I guess the soul moves with the new body.
If the soul moves in the new body, you are outside the teaching of the Catholic Church!
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