Brain and the soul?!

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Indeed you’re right! However, we might not be debating a Catholic and he wishes to debate Scripturally… :man_shrugging:t2:

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Thanks for the sweets sweetie. But non-Catholics need to understand where we;re coming from. We don’t see the Bible as a reference book.
God bless you!, Where;s my coffee??? 😎
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Coffee is served 🧐
It doesn’t. I didn’t make that assertion. You made the assertion that memories will be wiped away and I merely asked for your source. Thus far you have provided none so I take it as just your speculation, which is fine.
Great respond! However, i have a problematic with the with the “They might have different memories and familiarities, becuase the brain holds these neurological connections that we call memories and experiences”. You think that neurological connections can remain without the soul, i don’t think so… you think that the soul can operate to this synaps? However, is possible somehow, the soul “stamp” the brain, but now appear the problem of free will of the recevier…he can inherit a “sinful synapsis”… It’s verry verry complicate. However, Your respond is great!
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Us and animals are both awake and conscious. However, we differ in that we (humans) have a sense of selfhood and they don’t. Though apes and several animals can recognize their reflection they’re not gonna philosophize about their existence.
Doctor of the Church St. Thérèse of Lisieux promised her Sisters: “I’ll still be even more with you than I was before; I’ll not leave you. I will watch over Uncle and Aunt, over my little Lèonie, over all of you. When they are ready to enter heaven, I’ll go very quickly to meet them.”

From St. Therese of Lisieux: Her Last Conversations translated by John Clark, OCD. ICS Publications. Washington D.C., 1977. (pp. 275-276)

1 Samuel 28:15

Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” “I am in great distress,” Saul said. “The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has departed from me. He no longer answers me, either by prophets or by dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what to do.”
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Yeah the brain is lifeless without the breath of life. Without the brain though we couldn’t control our bodies. So although the soul doesn’t reside in any particular organ, it’s most dependent on the brain. Otherwise, we’d be severed entirely and heading towards judgement.
Here’s my thinking on that… If we can transplant your head and give you any semblance of life, why couldn’t we just fix or regrow your old body? After all, we’d have to be pretty technologically advanced :alien:
Right. Just 3D print a new body. If we’re going to assume brain transplants are possible, I’m going to assume 3D printing of organic material is a piece of cake.
Exactly! Why perform transplants and do 100x more work? For instance, in Star Wars everyone has mechanical appendages because they’re getting blasted and cut. But didn’t they clone a million soldiers? Surely they could grow a hand! 🤨
Snarky: the failed brain transplant experiments might explain some CAF threads.

Less snarky: there are actually expecting 3D printed organs in several years. Early experiments already being done.

Least Snarky: God can certainly infuse a soul into whatever He desires. We just don’t know how to address that, since, as has been pointed out, HOW you accomplish the task is not set, nor ready for prime time yet.
That doesn’t explain brain dead people. They aren’t conscious, but they are alive…
When a person is brain dead, the brain cannot tell the body what to do. However, that doesn’t mean that the soul as left yet.
IF this was ever successful, my GUESS would be that the Soul would follow the brain to the new body.

But the key word is IF this is ever successful.

My TOTAL GUESS is that the soul is linked to the Brain. Doesn’t necessarily live in the Brain, but is linked to it.

So if a brain was to leave the body and enter a dead body, my GUESS is that soul would follow the brain.

Have Catholic Moral Theologians discussed this yet? Would such a thing be considered moral (assuming the body donor was established ethically?

The whole thing just sounds terrible to me… scientists could clone human bodies and keep them on ice until a brain transplant was needed.

The thing sounds similar to that movie “The 6th Day” with Arnold Schwarzenegger

Very scary.
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