BREAKING: Supreme Court tosses rulings against churches in Colorado, New Jersey

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Another victory for religious freedom!


BREAKING: Supreme Court tosses rulings against churches in Colorado, New Jersey​

Both cases contested attendance limits placed on religious institutions that were not equally applied to secular ones, with the latter case also arguing that New Jersey’s mask mandate was applied more strictly to religious gatherings than secular establishments.

Tue Dec 15, 2020 - 4:53 pm EST

By Calvin Freiburger

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December 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The United States Supreme Court reversed a pair of lower court rulings that sided with COVID-19 restrictions over the religious liberty claims of churches on Tuesday, ordering the courts to reconsider the cases in light of its decision last month against similar health measures New York attempted to impose on religious institutions.

SCOTUSblog reports that the orders concern rulings against High Plains Harvest Church in Colorado and both Christian and Jewish houses of worship in New Jersey. Both cases contested attendance limits placed on religious institutions that were not equally applied to secular ones, with the latter case also arguing that New Jersey’s mask mandate was applied more strictly to religious gatherings than secular establishments.

The nation’s highest court ordered the lower courts to reconsider the cases in light of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision last month in favor of Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn against capacity limits imposed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“Even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten,” the Court ruled in November. “The restrictions at issue here, by effectively barring many from attending religious services, strike at the very heart of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious liberty,” and “cannot be viewed as neutral because they single out houses of worship for especially harsh treatment.” . . .
They went to court so they “COULD GATHER”.

So let them Gather.

My brother is a Church of God Pastor. They post their services on Face Book. Zero Social Distancing. Zero wearing of Facemasks. Both in violation of Governors Executive Order. Brother told me 10% of his congregation have died of Covid and yet they continue. He says it is God’s WILL that they died.

I have no sympathy for church people that gather with an attitude of arrogance and ignorance.

So let them Gather and…
Mobile church hit with coronavirus cancels services, moves back online -

Over 60 cases of COVID-19, 4 deaths linked to rural Arkansas church: CDC - The Christian Post

Three dead, 147 infected after COVID super-spreader wedding (

And it keeps going on and on and on.

Nothing uncharitable about It. It is reality.

CCD has been canceled for the next 2 weeks because 2 students became infected during a teenager event we sent our teenagers to at another Parish.

One of my mentors at my Parish died last week of Covid. His wife is not expected to last out the week. They insisted on attending Mass in person.

I viewed the Mass Sunday night. I could hear people hacking and coughing during the service.
Nothing uncharitable about it.
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I say let them gather and infect each other.
Very uncharitable
10% of his congregation have died of Covid
In all charity, 10% of his congregation has died of Covid? That is more than the percentage in the general population, which ranges around 1 - 2 %.

Recently was told by a funeral directors family member that the numbers are not matching up. People are people labeled as dying of Covid when it clear they have died of something else - such as heart attack, falling down the stairs, car accidents…
I viewed the Mass Sunday night. I could hear people hacking and coughing during the service.
Nothing uncharitable about it.
Again in all charity, our parish has Mass every day as always. We use social distancing, face masks and hand sanitizers. I have attended and I have also watched many Masses online from my parish and other parishes around the country. I have yet to hear people coughing and hacking at any of the Masses, in person or online.

I am sure those who say they can not attend a 40 minute Mass spend that much time at Walmart.

People need God right now more than ever and more than anything else.
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I am just finding that 10% of a congregation dead from the virus a large number. I could understand 10% or more contracting it but for that large of a number you would almost expect that most there know they have Covid and are showing up there anyway.

With that most people that I know that have tested positive for Covid or who have had symptoms such as coughing or hacking, stay home until they are over it.

In other words, I think this congregation and this high number of deaths seems like a rare situation or a large number of the population are elderly.

I work part time in a large doctors office with about 100 employees. It is open 8 hours every day. Fortunately most all of our patient visits have moved to virtual, just because of the nature of our field we can do that.

Of the 100 employees probably about 25 now have knowingly had Covid. Praise God and hope it continues, but all stay home, quarantine and then return when they are well. Only one person has had a difficult time but, and again praise God and hope it continues, there have not been any deaths.
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Punished? No. I think not. Are people being punished for going to Walmart, sporting events, gyms, craft shows and other places. Are people being arrested for going to gyms? Yes here Churches are restricted but gyms are not. You can even take an hour swimming lesson, spend an hour at Walmart but not go to Church and pray. This is so wrong in so many ways.

There is definitely a bias going on and it can’t continue.
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I have no sympathy for church people that gather with an attitude of arrogance and ignorance.
How about an attitude of wanting to corporately worship God and societal fairness?
I viewed the Mass Sunday night. I could hear people hacking and coughing during the service.
I went to a big box store two weeks ago. I could hear and see people hacking and coughing during their shopping.
In all charity, 10% of his congregation has died of Covid? That is more than the percentage in the general population, which ranges around 1 - 2 %.
His claim not mine
Recently was told by a funeral directors family member that the numbers are not matching up. People are people labeled as dying of Covid when it clear they have died of something else - such as heart attack, falling down the stairs, car accidents…
Again in all charity, our parish has Mass every day as always. We use social distancing, face masks and hand sanitizers. I have attended and I have also watched many Masses online from my parish and other parishes around the country. I have yet to hear people coughing and hacking at any of the Masses, in person or online.
You are fortunate that you have not heard coughing or hacking. But that is not believable. I’ve never attended a Mass and not heard at least one person cough. And when incense is being used during the Mass, at least a half dozen are coughing. I can’t even breathe when incense is being used. I have leave the Church, go out to the car and use my inhaler. If I see before hand they are warming up the Thurible in the Sacristy, I sit at the back door with the door ajar so I can breathe fresh air. So I find your claim outlandish to say the least.
I am sure those who say they can not attend a 40 minute Mass spend that much time at Walmart.
Not true if you buy from Walmart online and they bring your order out to your car.
People need God right now more than ever and more than anything else.
True enough
Initially I felt sorry, but when it said it is God’s Will, I stopped feeling sorry. It is their Religious Culture.
Recently was told by a funeral directors family member that the numbers are not matching up. People are people labeled as dying of Covid when it clear they have died of something else - such as heart attack, falling down the stairs, car accidents…
Good point MagdalenaRita!

We’ve sure seen a lot of that shenanigans throughout the US recently. . .

San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths​

The link to the above story is shadow-banned on Google even with quotes (later I may go to my own posts and find and post it or try to scroll down far enough to see where Google hid it from you. Or attempt to find it on Duckduckgo. The fact that Google is shadow-banning it, is instructive in and of itself regarding their propagation of propaganda.)


Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags​

By Amanda Prestigiacomo

Apr 25, 2020

Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags | The Daily Wire


‘Related to obvious other causes’: Gunshot victims included in Washington coronavirus death tally​

By Emma Colton

May 24, 2020 - 11:08 AM

'Related to obvious other causes': Gunshot victims included in Washington coronavirus death tally - Washington Examiner


Colorado man died of alcohol poisoning, but death was later blamed on coronavirus: report​

By David Aaro | Fox News

A Colorado man who died of alcohol poisoning had his death classified as due to the coronavirus, possibly shedding light on a skewed virus death toll in the state, according to a report on Thursday.

Sebastian Yellow, 35, was found dead by police on May 4. Montezuma County Coroner George Deavers later determined that his death was due to acute alcohol poisoning. His blood-alcohol content measured in at .55. . .

Colorado man died of alcohol poisoning, but death was later blamed on coronavirus: report | Fox News


Using this “logic”, George Floyd was not killed by his own drug overdose or Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd died a corona virus death. (Remember. Floyd had corona virus as an incidental finding at autopsy.)
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Here it is!

I found it on CAF search engine (but not Google’s. Check that. Now it is showing up on Google’s first page. But still not directly matching. Even with a set of quotes it still was 8 returns in.).


San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths​

San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths | The Daily Wire
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Thank you for your courageous Christ-loving witness (name removed by moderator).
Apparently the Supreme Court has no grasp of public safety. I guess if you can’t see the virus it must not exist.
Apparently the Supreme Court has no grasp of public safety. I guess if you can’t see the virus it must not exist.
I was going to argue the same position.

They in effect denied the State’s position and right to protect it’s own citizens from Covid-19 infection how they saw fit.
Splitting hairs. Death is death. I don’t even know what my parents died of.
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