BREAKING: Supreme Court tosses rulings against churches in Colorado, New Jersey

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More selfishness from the religious right in the US. “I don’t care who dies so long as the world can see that I am pious.”

Actually, I was thinking quite the opposite of those who opposed this in the courts.

I was thinking from those guys challenging against the Churches in the courts more selfishness from the irreligious left in the US. “I don’t care who dies without the Sacraments so long as I personally don’t get a virus because I am worried about myself and this life most of all."

“But I need to continue to shop for ME.”

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Yes it is. My strategy is to only go in one as soon as they open for the day. I figure most airborne Covid has settled overnight and going before hundreds have been in and out already is the best I can do to lower my risk.

I also get in and out as fast as I can. If something I want isn’t on the shelf I don’t browse for a substitute. I’ll look for it next time.

And two masks. The outer one being a 20 cent common blue surgical mask that I remove as soon as I’m back at my vehicle. No temptation to reuse such an inexpensive mask so it gets tossed in a small garbage can in the back of my truck if there are no other trash cans nearby.
As our governor here in KY said about suspending large gatherings, " this is not a test of faith ".

I agree
Glad that we’ve got a Supreme Court that stands for the Constitution. Trump did what he needed to do.
More selfishness from the religious right in the US. “I don’t care who dies so long as the world can see that I am pious.”

If you think that’s the point of going to Mass, then you’re uneducated on the subject in the extreme.

In any event, you’ve got the freedom to stay home, order your groceries delivered, and so on. Nobody is infringing on your rights or your safety in any way by going to Mass; . . .
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Apparently the Supreme Court has no grasp of public safety. I guess if you can’t see the virus it must not exist.
I was going to argue the same position.

They in effect denied the State’s position and right to protect it’s own citizens from Covid-19 infection how they saw fit.
The problem is that many of the state’s laws are a) not grounded in science and b) have double-standards between religious and secular institutions.

California, as an example, put a limit on socially distant, mask wearing outdoor Mass attendees, but no such restrictions on outdoor protests? They were fining large capacity Churches for having 2 people inside, when no such restrictions were in place for secular institutions like supermarkets.

COVID does not know the difference between an outdoor Mass and an outdoor protest.
COVID does not know the difference between a Church and a supermarket.

This does not mean reasonable restrictions can’t be placed on Church attendance…if those same science based standards apply to secular institutions.

For some reason, CA, NY, NJ, CO and other states seem to think they can have an non-science based double standard on their COVID laws.
I understand the unfairness of it all. But is the only remedy the increase the exposure of the virus in the total system?
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Churches should be allowed to do the same. From what I understood in the article, religious institutions were only asking for the same rights as secular institutions.
His claim not mine
So, with this I am assuming that you would agree that your story of the 10% at the church is hearsay also.
You are fortunate that you have not heard coughing or hacking. But that is not believable. I’ve never attended a Mass and not heard at least one person cough. And when incense is being used…
Yes I have heard people cough in Mass. I guess it was my poor assumption that took these comments below out of context thinking you meant they were all coughing and hacking with Covid and passing Covid around.
One of my mentors at my Parish died last week of Covid. His wife is not expected to last out the week. They insisted on attending Mass in person.

I viewed the Mass Sunday night. I could hear people hacking and coughing during the service.
Nothing uncharitable about it.
Not true if you buy from Walmart online and they bring your order out to your car.
My statement is true, though yes I agree you can buy online and many people are doing that, myself included, though many, myself included, even if you purchase online there are times you must go inside to purchase something and it has yet to not be crowded in my Walmart when I have done that.
I understand the unfairness of it all. But is the only remedy the increase the exposure of the virus in the total system?
  1. Are you willing to put the same restrictions on protests? Arrest any and all BLM protesters?
  2. I suppose you also want to shutdown all schools, sporting events, Hollywood (who currently has an exception), Biden celebrations, etc (and I could come up with a very long list of other things…).
  3. Are you able to show me the science to justify your unfairness?
For some reason, CA, NY, NJ, CO and other states seem to think they can have an non-science based double standard on their COVID laws.
Great point KMC!

They haven’t even reopened the schools in some of those places yet despite Fauci giving them the green light.
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I understand the unfairness of it all. But is the only remedy the increase the exposure of the virus in the total system?
Are you also ready to arrest “law-breaking” Democrat politicians? Or at least fine them?
even if you purchase online there are times you must go inside to purchase something and it has yet to not be crowded in my Walmart when I have done that.
That is exactly right.

The last time I attempted to have curbside pickup they told me they were full. I had to go into the store.
I’m not shutting anything down. People should know how the fatal virus works. I think 300,000 deaths just in this country alone should motivate them to do something other than assert their rights.
Are you able to show me the science to justify your unfairness?
Unfortunately the dimensions of the virus are slightly above the bounds where the rules of quantum physics would safely apply. Otherwise I could show you the math. Sorry.
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