First, swats are most effects when it is clearly understood a line has been crossed and it is used sparingly. Regular use, routine use, used for everything - that’s not going to be effective. There’s not clear guide for the kid to follow. They get wacked for everything, so the punishment is not effective and has little impact other than planting the seed of distrust.used routinely
mother’s answer to everything (including C’s on tests) was the belt. It was a very common practice when I was a child. What would be considered abuse today was the norm then and I can’t help but think that it is the result of us boomers remembering what went on.
I am no liberal by any stretch of the immagination. But the belt or the paddle are NOT the answer to discipline problems.
What you describe is not a discipline problem. Grades are usually not about discipline, they should be about knowledge and study habits. Neither of which are going to suddenly develop with a swat to the tuckus.
umm, I’m actually FOR appropriate spanking when neccessary, but I question that respect. When done properly, yes a kid is going to respect just authority. They will even find comfort in it. Respect would mean they didn’t behave that way period, in front of them or not. If my child is a saint in front of me and a holy terror when I’m not there (which I’ll admit they have done at times!) - that is NOT respect. It’s nothing more than a healthy awareness of preserving their backside. Which certainly has some merit, but a parent should not think the job of character formation is anywhere near complete by that behavior alone. They’ve only taught 1/2 of the lesson.those same Brothers were always treated with respect and no one acted up in front of them.