I also disagree with Frommi’s assertion that “Liturgical rubrics are not part of the ‘teaching authority of the Church’”.
Vatican II teaches very clearly concerning liturgical rubrics in Sacrosanctum Concilium (The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy):
Chapter 1
Vatican II teaches very clearly concerning liturgical rubrics in Sacrosanctum Concilium (The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy):
Chapter 1
- (1) Regulation of the sacred liturgy depends solely on the authority of the Church, that is, on the Apostolic See, and, as laws may determine, on the bishop.
(2) In virtue of power conceded by law, the regulation of the liturgy withing certain defined limits belongs also to various kinds of bishops’ conferences, legitimately established, with competence in given territories.
(3) Therefore no other person, not even a priest, may add, remove, or change ANYTHING (my emphasis) in the liturgy on his own authority.
- …The ministry of the priest is the ministry of the whole Church, and it can be exercised only in obedience, in hierarchical fellowship, and in devotion to the service of God and of his brothers. The hierarchical structure of the liturgy, its sacramental power, and the respect due to the community of God’s people require that the priest exercise his liturgical service as a faithful minister and steward of the mysteries of God. He should not add any rite which is not contained and authorized in the liturgical books.