Discussing with women my age, we have reflected. I think people do want to wait until marriage, but there is a big judgmental push by secular society that it is foolisf. Couples are stressed, their intention is for marriage focused on Christ, but secular society says its “old fashion”. If discussed, many women will judge them for not “testing” their fiance out first.
For many women now married, say they don’t regret living together. What they do regret is not getting married sooner when they first moved in. They love their spouses just as much, they were denying themselves the complete unity of marriage in the Church.
You can say we shouldn’t judge those who live together, but I was very much judged by secular society for making a bad decision when I decided to wait.
Modern day thinking believe as long as you are not married you are free, even if you live with a domestic partner and share property, bills, and credit jointly. And there is no divorce court, when the relationship goes bad and the boyfriend ruins your credit.
I wanted to get married, once it was realized that I should be together with my husband. All I got was why such a short engagement? I told people, that society had no problem if we just moved in so I don’t think there is an issue why I want to be married by summer’s end.
The idea of Marriage is prolong in secular society, it is unreasonable to wait to start looking for a spouse until you are 25 and out of graduate school. Unfortunatly this creates serial monogamy, with confused 20 something desiring marriage but trying to talk themselves out of it by living with who ever they are dating.