But they do!
I’m not a Canon Lawyer, but I use the term “right” in the very legal sense. I just read some very detailed posts from a Canon Lawyer on another board several years ago, she would make very clear that dispite a couple’s fall into secular values, they were more then entitled as a right being a Catholic (even non-practicing) to have a Catholic Marriage.
But human beings can be wrong - it is better to know the Church’s teachings and the Gospel message than to take the word of a canon lawyer who without reading what she wrote but based on your synopsis is wrong.
IF the couple wants to have a Catholic ceremony then they should be willing and able to go to confession in order to remove mortal sin, and if living together in sin, they need to have resolve to not commit the sin again especially before the ceremony. They also need to be confirmed. If these requirements are met then yes I guess they have the “right” to complete a Catholic ceremony. But in any case, this process is granted through the grace of the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing for Our Lord on our own, it is the prompting of the Holy Spirit that makes these works possible. It is His GRACE that allows a Catholic marriage, not by any perceived entitlement of our own, and we certainly don’t deserve His grace by any means, it is His free gift. And as Catholics, we believe His saving grace can be taken away by our own sinfulness, the Gospels are full of passages that speak of this. We must remain and abide in His grace.
I guess with my work through pre-cana, I see these couples and they need to have this right to be married in the Church.
Of course they have this need - the need to be close to God is the law written on our hearts. But that doesn’t mean they deserve it.
They want something better, and they deserve something better.
Again, IMHO this is the definition of the “entitlement mentaility”, that we all deserve things we have no right to, and we deserve whatever we aren’t willing to work towards. This is dangerous in secular and religious society.
I don’t think anyone would disagree that Brittiany Spears and Jennifer Lopez deserve better then what the media has portrayed them as.
Possibly, but the media is the price they pay for living the life they’ve created, which is filled with all the riches for them and for others that anyone could possibly want. Maybe they are finding out through the media’s sometimes hurtful and dishonest coverage that it’s not worth it. For what is it worth for a man to win the world but lose his soul? Hopefully Ms. Spears and Ms. Lopez will come to see that sometimes having it all in the world means very little, and I hope the Church can provide them with that.
I think as Catholics we have the right to love, and the Church shouldn’t deny any Baptised Catholic that right in the Sacrament of Marriage.
**I’m sure you do great work in the pre-cana program and that is commendable. But we don’t have a right to any of God’s grace. We love because God made us to love not because of anything we’ve done and sometimes that love is not always within God’s grace, and it is the Church working through Christ Himself, not us, that has the right to sanctify it. Jesus’s sacrifice is worth our sacrifice - the joyful sacrifice of living His word, carrying His cross, abiding in His grace, as burdensome as it may be. We must persevere to the end, not turn to Him only when necessary or convenient. His gift is free, but it is earned only through His grace, not because we deserve it or because we are entitled to it. I guess that’s all I’ll say about it (amen, right???)