I grew up Catholic with only one sibling, an older brother. My brother is an atheist now as is his wife. My sister in law has been particularly mean to my Mom telling her she hates Catholicism. Both my brother and his wife support abortion. I am married with 5 children. My brother opted out of playing an active “Uncle” role with my oldest 4 children. It even got to the point where my kids would often ask if their aunt and uncle still lived in the same town as us. They did. We usually saw them only at Christmas and Easter (which was ironic as they don’t celebrate those holidays). When my youngest son was born my brother voiced that he wanted to be more involved in his nephew’s life (Perhaps because he now had a 4 yr old daughter of his own). In the fall my sister in law sent some books to my daughters (ages 15 & 19) recommending one particular book as “really good”. My 15 yr old read it. On Friday she told me it involved 5 women and their lives. One of the characters was a teenager who has an abortion. This is portrayed as emotional/sad for the character but there is no morality attached to her decision. My daughter has already been arguing that abortion isn’t wrong and that an unborn child is “just tissue”. Needless to say we already have an issue getting our child to see the value of an unborn child. I reached out to my brother to ask him if he knew that abortion was portrayed in the book he gave our daughter. He said no. My sister in law told me that she didn’t realize I felt so strongly about the topic and that she was sorry. She told me she doesn’t usually run books past parents before she suggests them and if that was true case she would rather not give books at all to her nieces and nephews. My husband thought it wasn’t even worth talking with them about. My parents feel that I should just not accept gifts from them. I don’t want a relationship with my brother at all. Am I wrong?