You still don’t get it.
Blindness comes from not wanting to search for truth in communion with others (especially one’s teacher).
I gave you the opportunity to resolve the contradiction with me and you summarily rejected both the need to search and my assistance with:
i will gladly bull my way through that china shop for nothing more than preserving my sanity.
When I observe such a response is exactly the attitude that dooms one to wander in eternal illusion according to Buddhism then you charge me with ad hominem.
This, again, in Buddhist teaching is another indicator of being caught in illusion (being driven by attachment to fleeting desires or aversions). In this case you seem to want to prove me “wrong”, yourself “right” or merely to save face on this thread.
I am not ad hominem-ing you.
I generously gave you a tailor-made gift of a koan constructed from your own responses and thought patterns.
I am simply observing calmly the ripples of your responses, as a Buddhist teacher might observe the responses of his disciple to his own questions (eg what is the sound of one hand clapping?).
I suggest that if you were a disciple you would be failing badly. For your responses indicate only a late “willingness” to seek truth. It appears motivated for the motives indicated above.
In that case the principles of seeking truth for its own sake and in harmony with others … is not what drives your “willingness” to return to the contradiction I generously presented to you.
At this stage a Buddhist teacher would likely send his young disciple off with a fatherly scolding to chop wood and carry water for another month or so before sitting with him again.
Which is probably the best policy with your good self at this juncture.
None of this is ad hominem.
It is how to truly start understanding the religion of other major cultures.
One cannot learn or understood it from Wikipedia or a limited English translation of very foreign texts. Only from actual practitioners.
I am but a novice in my own understanding of Buddhism.
God (the Christian one) bless.