Buddha Statue In Yard

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My God daughter is telling me I have to get rid of my Budha statue because she says demons are possessing it and passing that evil on to me. She’s adamant that I destroy it and not even give it to anyone least they become possessed.
I don’t worship Budha nor have I ever.
She says the devil will try me in the heavenly court to persecute me and accuse me. What do you think?
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So, why as a Catholic woman would you want/have a Buddha statue in your yard to begin with?

I don’t believe the things your goddaughter is saying though.
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My God daughter is telling me I have to get rid of my Budha statue because she says demons are possessing it and passing that evil on to me. She’s adamant that I destroy it and not even give it to anyone least they become possessed.
I don’t worship Budha nor have I ever.
She says the devil will try me in the heavenly court to persecute me and accuse me. What do you think?
Buddha himself confessed that he was neither a god nor a prophet. He was simply awake—ie buddha. To Buddha, the existence of God or otherwise, is irrelevant and immaterial. Buddhism is all about the self. He did allude deities, but they are really not important.

Here comes the dangers. There are many, many sects of Buddhism. A number of them involve voodoo spirits, all sorts of spirits, evil or otherwise… They play around with spirit and soul possessions…
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Well there is the first commandment and even though you say you are not ‘worshipping buddha’ others might think that you are. If they know you are Catholic then scandal might be involved. Regardless of whether your daughter is right or wrong about demons I think she is right to be concerned.
It’s a long story and it really belongs to my sister and she asked me to take it because she wanted it but she couldn’t take it at the time. I would like to get rid of it since it does offend some Catholics. It weighs 500 pounds. It was in the yard of a high school friend who passed away 20 years ago. If it wasn’t so heavy it would be gone by now.
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I wouldn’t have a Buddha statue displayed in my house or yard because that doesn’t represent my faith or my creed.

The stuff about becoming possessed is kind of extreme and weird. Buddhism is a pre-Christian Eastern religion that didn’t have the benefit of public revelation. Millions of people around the world have statues of Buddhas and they’re not demonically possessed.
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500 lbs? If there is no way your sister is coming to claim it, and you don’t really want it, there are several options. Put an ad in the local free paper or Let go, or whatever, for a free 500lb Buddha. You never know, someone else might think it is the coolest thing.

If no one wants it, I would either break it up with a sledge hammer and get rid of it. Or, dig a hole in front of it and push it in to bury it.

I agree that having a 500lb Buddha in your front yard makes it look as if you practice Buddhism not Catholicism. I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever have agreed to having it put in my yard.
I don’t think you should give it to anyone else since it may encourage them to become boudhist.
@GordonP, it’s her goddaughter, not her own daughter. How is she going to “ find other things to manipulate you about.

She just testing the ground now to see what she can get away with and how far she can make you jump, but already has plans to exploit your gullibility. Don’t give in an inch, or you will regret it for years to come.”

I agree this is a little over the top in response…
Thanks so much. It’s just garden art to me. I never gave it another thought. I pray the rosary everyday and would never ever worship any other God. It’s 500 pounds and not so easy to get rid of.
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Should a statue of Buddha sit on the mantle? Ask an Apologist
Not too long ago, while on vacation, my wife picked up a small Buddha statue as an ornament and likes to leave it on the mantlepiece in our living room. I would rather not see it but she wants it and claims it is just for ornamental purposes. Is there a problem with this?
Maybe this will help.

Granted, it’s referencing a small statue, not 500 pounds.

Maybe plant shrubbery around it?
My God daughter is telling me I have to get rid of my Budha statue because she says demons are possessing it and passing that evil on to me. She’s adamant that I destroy it and not even give it to anyone least they become possessed.

She says the devil will try me in the heavenly court to persecute me and accuse me. What do you think?
I went to a Chinese restaurant not too long ago and ate some egg rolls and kung pao chicken. I also drank some green tea. All the while as i was eating there was a statue of Buddha overlooking everyone. Does that mean that i am now possessed by an evil devil who will try me in his court? Can I get rid of this devil somehow or will it stay with me and cause me to do all sorts of evil things? Oh and BTW, it was similar at an Indian restaurant which had their own version of various Hindu deities on display. And it was not just me dining out as I was with several friends. No doubt they are all also possessed now as would be everyone else who ate there?
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All the while as i was eating there was a statue of Buddha overlooking everyone. Does that mean that i am now possessed by an evil devil who will try me in his court? Can I get rid of this devil somehow or will it stay with me and cause me to do all sorts of evil things? Oh and BTW, it was similar at an Indian restaurant which had their own version of various Hindu deities on display. And it was not just me dining out as I was with several friends. No doubt they are all also possessed now as would be everyone else who ate there?
There is a big difference between running across a pagan statue in a place that is not your home, and having a pagan statue in your home. Buddha statue is a pagan statue. As a Catholic, I believe it is scandalous. It also invites unwanted things into your home. Why expose yourself to them? Whereas, your home should reflect your Catholic faith.

Spirit/soul possession in various denominations/temples in Buddhism is a very serious matter.
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Wow. You are easily offended, and equally excitable to think that the OPs goddaughter, who probably is related, cannot even speak to her godmother without it being some sort of manipulative, controlling behavior. No doubt her goddaughter thought she was passing along helpful information, whether it is actually true or not. I have every suspicion that the OP did not freak out and accuse her of trying to do anything but offer her some well-intended, though flawed, advice.

For you to assume that anyone is “loopy” and gullible is uncharitable.
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Where in the world are you getting your information Randolph?
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