Buddha Statue In Yard

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I would call some strong men with a truck and get rid of the buddha. Not so much because of the evil, maybe a little, but rather it is better to have a statue of Mary.
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The goddaughter needs to remember “Judge not lest you be judged”. You have every right to leave your Buddha statue where it is. It doesn’t mean you’re worshipping it, or any other false gods. If it pleases you, it is simply a piece of art, and those trying to manipulate what others say, think and do is tyrannical, judgmental and paves the way for more extreme measures if we give in to extreme people. See Salem Witch Trials.
It is not a sin for someone to not be Catholic. If the statue is given to a Buddhist, how is that a sin?
Because of the way it looks. It can be considered scandalous.

For example:

Imagine there is a house next door to a Catholic Church with a 500 lb Buddha in the backyard. The house goes on sale and the Buddha is staying with the house.

Now, imagine that the Catholic parish decides to buy the house to be used as a new rectory or convent. Once the Church buys the land, what kind of message would it send if the parish priest sold or gifted someone the buddha?

It would imply to some that all religions are equal. If the example of this fictional priest giving away the buddha lead a Catholic to leave the faith or live in a non-Catholic way because the priest’s actions confirmed their incorrect view that all religions are equal, then that priest would be guilty of the sin of scandal.

So it’s the same with any lay person. When our example (even if minor on the surface) contributes to the sin of another, then we are guilty of the sin of scandal.

As I’ve said many times in the past, in today’s society, people refuse to accept the sin of scandal, but it is Catholic teaching and something we need to consider more.

Finally, in regards to to the current situation, even if you knew of a buddhist friend, by giving it away to a buddhist, you are subconsciously telling the buddhist that your religion isn’t that important or is equal to theirs because you are not evangelizing but support them in their religion.

Therefore, I would destroy it.

God Bless
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You just remind and prove how powerful our visual reminders can be. I think most Christians would feel at home and at peace in your house. Excepted for iconoclasts if any still exist.
Once the Church buys the land, what kind of message would it send to Buddhists in the local community if the Church made a point of publicly destroying the Buddha?

The Church would very likely simply ask the sellers to please remove the Buddha themselves before finalizing the sale.
Once the Church buys the land, what kind of message would it send to Buddhists in the local community if the Church made a point of publicly destroying the Buddha?

The Church would very likely simply ask the sellers to please remove the Buddha themselves before finalizing the sale.
First - I had a typo, I meant to say “backyard” like where the OP’s buddha is (fixed that).

However, what you say is true. In my fictitious example, the Church should ask the sellers to remove the buddha first. But if they didn’t, I didn’t say the Church should destroy the Buddha “publicly.”

It can done early in the morning or simply pulled out and taken to a dump. I never said or meant to imply that it should be destroyed in a public spectacle.
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do you consider it a piece of art?

does your God daughter object to garden gnomes too?
If you are uncomfortable with it and it is a piece of art, I’d either sell it or give it away to someone who or some institution that would display it for its artistic value. If sold you could use the money for the church or to replace it with a Catholic statue.

I don’t believe that you are in danger of being possessed or lured from your faith by the presence of it.
If you keep the statue, the Church provides a means of protection. Bless it with holy water and use deliverance prayer to break curses and cast out evil.
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