Budgets...blown it again

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His parents advised him (i don’t agree but he does) that my money/debt is mine and his money/debt is his. They also told him that joint accounts are a bad thing, sharing money and bills are bad etc.

How many of you have joint accounts or share your money/debts with your spouse?
When two become one, that includes all the baggage (financial included) as well as a joining together of income into one household. It won’t take very long browsing either the marriage or financial counseling websites to see there is a very common theme against the ideas your inlaws are advising. If you have a joint future together, it has got to include joint finances.

Though moving is a pain, after setting out what the monthly expenses are and separating out what is a necessities versus things tacked on my others sharing the house with you, it might end up being cheapest to look into a place of your own (even if just an effiency) to be able to take full control of what you are paying for each month. It sounds like you are (at least in part) underwriting the “entertainment” expenses of your housemates. Also, utility expenses are usually less in an apartment than a house.
We actually combined our accounts before we married, too. While I understand that it “sounds” dangerous, I knew that even if by some horrible chance we had a horrible break-up before the wedding, I was not marrying someone who would cheat me out of what I put in with his (and his was considerably more, anyway). It just made sense for us, since we had so many purchases to make and things to pay for before we actually walked down the aisle.

Like you, it worked out beautifully and my husband has never once intimated that he views the money he brings home as “his” and not “ours.” In fact, I basically do all the buying…clothes, groceries, toiletries, movie rentals, whatever. He writes the checks for our bills, and withdraws money on occasion for lunch at work, but that’s about the extent of his spending. We talk about money on an as-needed basis, sometimes daily, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly. Right now, I do not work and I have not worked in exactly a year…he has never suggested that I don’t “pull my share” and instead is so appreciative of the things I do around the house and other ways that I contribute to our family. We make decisions together about large purchases (basically anything that isn’t on the above list) and talk together about what our needs are, what we’re saving for and what we can do without.

I would feel like I just had a roommate if I was “responsible” for a certain portion of rent, car payment, etc. My husband’s parents had a marriage like that, and he was adamant that ours would not be like that at all. His dad actually had a “talk” with him before we were married about the importance of keeping separate bank accounts. My husband told him to stay out of our business… praise God. His parents are the unhappiest people I know, and we attribute a lot of that to the resentment they have over money and finances with one another. He hoards, she spends out of spite…it’s just a vicious cycle. I am so glad my husband did not inherit those issues!
I do most of the ‘buying’ of groceries and necesseties like that. I’ve been stressed lately about money (I’m wanting to quit work and raise my family just waiting for my husband to get a new job), so I gave him the fun fun job of paying bills. I used to handle the account all alone. But now it’s just too much. I ask him, hon do we have money for groceries this week? Yes, spend this much. Or what not. So it has been good not having to worry about it.
If so, I find this confusing and disturbing. Do you have a roommate to help pay “your share” of the bills?

Basically, the way it works right now is that he pays his half of the rent, car insurance, gas, his credit card/student loan payments and groceries. I pay my share of the rent, phone, internet, cable, credit card/loan payments.

Right now, it’s hard to save on phone, internet and cable because cable is included in the rent but because the people who rent upstairs are on the same cable (in a house) we can’t get rid of it or get it deducted from our rent. I have a roommate as well. He calls tons of places (BC, Indiana etc) so he insists on the most expensive long-distance plan as well as the fastest internet possible (and most expensive). Because we use these services too, we don’t have much say. But, he doesn’t pay his share of the bills so I may change to dial-up and a cheaper plan because he won’t pay.
Sarc, I totally relate to your financial challenges. Although I am not married I still struggle with these issues all the time. I know that I need to visit a nonprofit credit/financial counselor to clean up my finances. I’ve struggled with these issues all my adult life, and I’ve gotten myself into some fine messes because of my denial about it. I have avoided dealing with it because I am so poor and have been unemployed for a long time and I am afraid to deal with it. Nonetheless I am the first to admit I really need to deal with it and soon!

You are doing a good thing for yourself by posting this thread and reaching out for some help–that is awesome and quite admirable, in my book. Hopefully you and I will learn a lot from all the responses! Meanwhile, keep the faith!

Many blessings,

If so, I find this confusing and disturbing. Do you have a roommate to help pay “your share” of the bills?
I think she has a husband, I early stated it seemed like a ‘roommate’ relationship because they are doing the this is yours this is mine to the bills.
I have a roommate as well. He calls tons of places (BC, Indiana etc) so he insists on the most expensive long-distance plan as well as the fastest internet possible (and most expensive). Because we use these services too, we don’t have much say. But, he doesn’t pay his share of the bills so I may change to dial-up and a cheaper plan because he won’t pay.
You have a male roommate living with you and your husband?:bigyikes: Not a good idea. You and your husband need to be a couple, not a trio.

Sounds like you have a marriage problem. I think that once you tackle issues within your marriage, you will then be able to live within a budget.

1.) You and your husband need to find a place of your own.
2.) Combine your accounts.
3.) Make a budget.
4.) Make it work.
5.) Love each other while doing so, through it all.

Good Luck.🙂
Sorry I haven’t been around to address the new posts. Crazy week this week.

Yes, we have a room mate. I can’t stand him. I don’t want another room mate, however, it does help cut rent down significantly. We’ve been trying to find a new place for ourselves, but everything is much more expensive on own. We’ve recently decided to rent a house, and have people live in the basement (seperate from us). This will allow us to have our lives, but also keep the bills low. We are just waiting for credit checks and reference checks to see if we have the house or not. I’ve taken lots of your advice and put it to good use. The frugal recipe websites were great…thanks rayne.
As of now, I’m a little ticked at my husband. He consulted his family about our financial situation. He still thinks it’s a good idea to have seperate bills etc. He takes what his parents say very seriously. I’m still trying to show him the benefits of putting our money together, but sometimes I think he doesn’t hear me. I love him so much, but his stubborn thinking is getting a bit much. His boss tells him to leave me because I’m still in school and the financial burden is too much. Thank God he never listened to him (btw, his boss likes to throw in advice whenever…he doesn’t know our financial situation).
DH has agreed to cutting spending to a minimum. Now that I have a fairly decent job with lots of hours, we have the money to do more, but I’ve told him that we should still live as though we have no money in order to pay off the debts we’ve acquired.
As for the new computer…unfortunatley, my school is what they call “technology-based” which means, as of next semester, everyone in my program requires a laptop computer for every course. We have a choice of getting our own or renting one from the school (a whopping 1500/year). I’m getting my own.
Thank you all for your support and advice through this troubled time.

Just letting you all know that we got the house we wanted and move in June 1st. We also have arrangements for roommates to live in the seperate basement…which means, even cooking, they will be seperate from us. We have to save quite a bit for first and last but we’re working on it…unfortunatley we spent nearly $500 on food and it isn’t even the end of april yet…most of it junk food that we don’t need…I’m having a talk with DH as soon as he comes home from work and telling him that we are absolutley not spending any more money on anything we don’t absolutley need. I hate to get all tough-love on him, but I guess I need to!! On a brighter note, we saved tremendously on entertainment, only $20 the whole month!!!

If any one else has any tips that would be awesome!!! I’m putting them in use (or at least trying to) everyday!!!

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