When two become one, that includes all the baggage (financial included) as well as a joining together of income into one household. It won’t take very long browsing either the marriage or financial counseling websites to see there is a very common theme against the ideas your inlaws are advising. If you have a joint future together, it has got to include joint finances.His parents advised him (i don’t agree but he does) that my money/debt is mine and his money/debt is his. They also told him that joint accounts are a bad thing, sharing money and bills are bad etc.
How many of you have joint accounts or share your money/debts with your spouse?
Though moving is a pain, after setting out what the monthly expenses are and separating out what is a necessities versus things tacked on my others sharing the house with you, it might end up being cheapest to look into a place of your own (even if just an effiency) to be able to take full control of what you are paying for each month. It sounds like you are (at least in part) underwriting the “entertainment” expenses of your housemates. Also, utility expenses are usually less in an apartment than a house.