Bumper stickers

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I have a license plate holder that says,“Equal rights for unborn women.” I have a bumper sticker that says"How come, America, we brake for animals, save the seals, and protect the whales, but we murder our unborn children?" My hisband has a sticker on his truck the says “one of every 4 babies dies by choice.” We have never gotten an unkind comment about our stickers, but we have received many positive comments and thumds up!

I have a bumper sticker left from the last person. It says, “every day that I fish adds a year on to my life” Unfortunately, they guy killed himself with cigarettes and died of lung cancer, and his widow had to sell the car.

Normally I don’t have bumper stickers, but I left that one on.
i have a license plate holder that says choose life from conception to natural death & a bumper sticker that says "what does an abortion cost? it has a picture of a child & the answer is one human life? i have had several comments on it all positive. i had a jacket on one day that said “abortion is homicide” & came out of the store & had ketchup on my van (that was before i had the bumper sticker on my vehicle) i believe that people are influenced by bumper stickers–i have also heard reports where people were on their way to the abortion clinic, saw a bumper sticker & changed their mind. That is my prayer that the bumper sticker will change someone’s mind & that there is one child living somewhere because of its message.
No, I do not have bumper stickers.

Nothing makes me tune-out someone’s opinion like a bumper sticker. Whenever someone with a bumper sticker makes a driving error, cuts me off, does something stupid - it’s hard not to associate their stupidity with the “cause” advertised on their bumper. If I agree with their bumper sticker, it makes me embaressed for them and myself when I see them driving stupidly. I know in my head that there’s no connection between the person and the correctness of their bumper-sticker, but every time a giant, unnecessarily large pick-up truck (in perfect condition, since such people rarely actually USE their trucks) barrels into my lane with an “Elect Bush/or/Kerry” bumper-sticker, I can’t help thinking, “typical Bush/or/Kerry supporter …”

So all you with stickers - be aware that once you slap a religious/political sticker on your car, folks are judging your religion/politics by your driving - like it or not.
👍 I agree 100 percent! That is why I took off my bumper sticker, especially if I am in a hurry.

But mainly once you label yourself either you have gained an opportunity to convert or if you drive terribly you have just changed someones mind on an important issue!

I see people with the bumper sticker from my school a good Catholic school cut someone off and I am always embarressed that they have left one more black mark on my school…:hmmm:
I have to tell you all about this, because a bumper sticker actually played a huge role in my coming home to the Catholic Church. I had no intention of being Catholic, but one day I got behind a car with a Sacred Heart Radio bumper sitcker on it. I checked it out…then I was hooked, but secretly (Protestant at the time). Pretty soon all of my prejudices were dropping away. Pretty much primed my heart for the day that my 16 yr old daughter came to me crying, telling me that she had been on her face before God and that she felt called to be Catholic. The end result–our whole family is now happily in the church and for the first time in my life I have a big bumper sticker on my car. Guess what it says!!! If you live somewhere that gets a Catholic radio station signal, get a bumper sticker (unless you have problems with road rage).
I believe that bumper stickers are not the answer but a small part of the answer. I live in a country where our prime minister said that the issue of abortion has been dealt with in this country and that it is no longer an issue. Isn’t that what the devil wants? Out of site out of mind. I refuse to do so. As far as what people do when they see them may bother me a little bit but then I believe persecution is good for the soul. I am not in it for a popularity contest.
Now if someone cuts me off or the like and has a bumper sticker I would try not to stereo type them and say all people who have Bart Simpson decals are terrible drivers. I have 2 cars, one with a license plate that says “Choose Life” and in the back one"Children are a Gift from God". The other car has “I’m a child not a choice” and “Save the Unborn baby, Stop abortion” My kids who don’t mind the stickers have also put their own, “Instant Idiot, just add beer”
i used to have 2 stickers…

**Pro-choice thats a lie, babies dont choose to die !
Smile, your mom was pro-life !

**many pro-abortion people got mad when they saw my first sticker.

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