Bush -08

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This thread is for Jeb Bush. They interviewed him during his present trip to the tsunami torn area in the south pacific. They asked for his first reactions and he said to “pray to Rosary”. This caught my attention and made my ear perk up. Let’s hope he runs a conservative Catholic, its my dream. If his brother would convert (like he did) would totally make my 4 years.

This thread is for Jeb Bush. They interviewed him during his present trip to the tsunami torn area in the south pacific. They asked for his first reactions and he said to “pray to Rosary”. This caught my attention and made my ear perk up. Let’s hope he runs a conservative Catholic, its my dream. If his brother would convert (like he did) would totally make my 4 years.

Here! Here! Wouldn’t that be wonderful!👍 Thanks for sharing this.
Wow, a real Catholic as President. That would be a first 😉 . Wouldn’t it drive the liberals insane? Another Bush! It would be so much fun.
Yeah…it would be great…but unfortuneatly, he gave a short talk on Bush’s re-election night, and he said at that time, he had no intentions whatsoever to pursue the presidency in '08… 😦 Maybe he will change his mind…or he just don’t want the Dems to know right now.
Wow, a real Catholic as President. That would be a first 😉 . Wouldn’t it drive the liberals insane? Another Bush! It would be so much fun.
Just picture Jeb Bush running against and winning over Hillary! Certain liberals I know would be apoplectic! Three President Bushes! The Democrats would never recover. What a thought. :dancing:
Wow, a real Catholic as President. That would be a first
Father, what’s your beef with President Kennedy’s faith?

John Higgins:
Father, what’s your beef with President Kennedy’s faith?

President Kennedy was pro-choice.

Didn’t Kennedy once say “that he was just a president who happened to be Catholic”, not “a Catholic president”? 😦
Yeah…it would be great…but unfortuneatly, he gave a short talk on Bush’s re-election night, and he said at that time, he had no intentions whatsoever to pursue the presidency in '08… 😦 Maybe he will change his mind…or he just don’t want the Dems to know right now.
I really would like to see Gov. Jeb Bush as our next president. :yup: I think he is being sincere however, when he says that he has no intentions to run for president. Hopefully, he will change his mind.
John Higgins:
Father, what’s your beef with President Kennedy’s faith?

May he rest in everlasting peace, he was also a notorious skirt chaser.
La Chiara:
Just picture Jeb Bush running against and winning over Hillary! Certain liberals I know would be apoplectic! Three President Bushes! The Democrats would never recover. What a thought. :dancing:
Haha! :rotfl: I’m a liberal Dem and I couldn’t help but giggle good at this post!! Just the thought of Jeb vs Hillary got me going!!! Haha! What a race *that *would be!!! Lots of new jokes!!! 👍
Haha! :rotfl: I’m a liberal Dem and I couldn’t help but giggle good at this post!! Just the thought of Jeb vs Hillary got me going!!! Haha!
Well, if you are a liberal Dem and you laughed at that, then you are one of the few of them Dems who still have a sense of humor! (My dad sure doesn’t!)
La Chiara:
Well, if you are a liberal Dem and you laughed at that, then you are one of the few of them Dems who still have a sense of humor! (My dad sure doesn’t!)
LaChiara, so many of us take ourselves *way *too seriously, ya know? It really helps to have a sense of humor in this day and age in America! Just the thought of Jeb and Hillary running against each other was just enough to send me reeling–can you imagine the heyday the press would have? Haha!!!
Don’t get me wrong … I like Jeb and would vote for him without reservation. I even met him (althought I doubt he remembers me) when he was being inducted into the Knight of Columbus (I was living down in Florida at the time and served on the 4th degree Color Guard) but I seriously doubt that he would win a national election for President – MANY still associate the 2000 Florida Election mess as ultimately being HIS fault even thou it was democrates who designed the ballot incorrectly.
The thought of JB in 08 is a good one. Not sure if it’s going to happen, but I would vote for him.

None of the other GOP candidates really excite me. McCain annoys the heck out of me, Guilliani and Pataki are pro-choice. If Rice were to run…well, she’s pro-choice too. Frist? [shrug]. Colin Powell?? Very electable, but to what end? Romney?? Good guy, but his faith will sink him.

Bill Owens of Colorado?? Pawlenty of Minnesota?? Good govs, but not household names like anyone above.

What does ROVE think??
Wow! A REAL Catholic president with real Catholic values, morals and loyalty to the teachings of the Church. I won’t hold my breath, though Jeb’s family always did think he would be the one to succeed in politics.
I still think Bobby Kennedy would have made a REAL Catholic president; he was such a faithful son of the Church, unlike his brothers. Oh well, dashed dreams of 37 years ago.
Hi all,

And don’t forget Jeb’s son, George P. Bush. Do you remember him during the 2000 election getting a little press? He could run during the 2020-2030 decade.

Yeah…it would be great…but unfortuneatly, he gave a short talk on Bush’s re-election night, and he said at that time, he had no intentions whatsoever to pursue the presidency in '08… 😦 Maybe he will change his mind…or he just don’t want the Dems to know right now.
I don’t think he intends to run…if the Republicans don’t come up with anyone …he might…but I don’t think its likely.
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