Bush -08

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Father, what’s your beef with President Kennedy’s faith?
I don’t know if cestus meant this, but my reservations about JFK (may he rest in peace) come from what I have read about his wrongful interpretation of what his Catholicism was or meant. He was so busy telling the world that he wasn’t the Pope’s lackey, or that he was just like any other person, that he fell into the trap of the relativists. I believe Gov. Mario Cuomo did the same, with his “I am personally opposed to abortion, but I would not legislate my morality on somebody else”–both Cuomo and Kennedy wanted to have their Catholicism as a personal “set of values” but not to act on it. They were politicians who happened to be Catholic, in their minds, rather than Catholics who happened to be politicians.

If you don’t put your Catholic faith first, and your job/vocation/calling second, you run the risk of denying your faith. It’s the “servant with two masters” problem–you hate the one and love the other. You cannot serve both the world and God. You can serve the world through God, but the corollary is not necessarily true that you can serve God through the world. Mostly, there will come a time where you will have to make a choice.

President Kennedy, when faced with upholding Catholicism, in all good “faith” no doubt decided that he would best serve his faith by downplaying it, minimizing it, relativising it, narrowing the focus on it, ecumenizing it. I’m sure that he tried his best, as a man and as a President, as shown by some of the very great things he did and the ideals he espoused in his speeches about service, etc., but he actually did Catholicism more harm by attempting to make it quasi-Protestant by focusing on values and relativism, IMO.
That would be awesome if Jeb was president. He is such a good Catholic. And picks good Catholics to surround him. Florida’s former Lieutenant Govenor, Brogan, was also Catholic and a knight of Columbus. I would sure vote for him! 🙂
I did not realize Jeb Bush was Catholic and was surprised yesterday when I also heard him calling for people to say the rosary. I really hope he changes his mind and decides to run in 2008. It would really help get this country back on a moral track! I’d love to see him with an enormous win, running as a staunch Catholic in total communion with Rome, over someone like Hillary or Kerry (who is an embarassment to Catholics)!!!
If I ran for president, would you guys and girls vote for me?
work(name removed by moderator)rogress8:
That would be awesome if Jeb was president. He is such a good Catholic. And picks good Catholics to surround him. Florida’s former Lieutenant Govenor, Brogan, was also Catholic and a knight of Columbus. I would sure vote for him! 🙂
Jeb Bush is also a Knight! I remember seeing a picture in Columbia magazine after he went through his 2nd Degree. Oops…already mentioned…

I think he’d be a great President, but I doubt it would happen.
  1. I think some moderates would have Bush fatigue.
  2. I’m not sure that enough of the non-Catholic Christians would feel comfortable with an openly conservative (theologically) Catholic. I hope I’m wrong on this one.
God Bless,

I did not realize Jeb Bush was Catholic and was surprised yesterday when I also heard him calling for people to say the rosary!
He married a Catholic and converted. From what I understand, he is VERY devoted to the faith.
Jeb Bush is also a Knight!
Yep. I was living in Florida at the time and was present when he became a knight.
I still think Bobby Kennedy would have made a REAL Catholic president; he was such a faithful son of the Church, unlike his brothers. Oh well, dashed dreams of 37 years ago.
I share the same sentiments…I even named one of my children after him…
Pray “to Rosary”? Is that how you say it?

I was a big fan of JFK when he was alive and for many years after, but after reading dozens of books about him and his family I had to come to the conlusion that he was a cultural Catholic who wisely clung to the trappings of faith for political gain. Let’s face it, there is a lot of political capital in being Catholic, showing up at Mass all over your district, speaking to the K of C etc. He exploited it to the hilt, as practically every Catholic pol does. And at the time abortion was not on the table so he didn’t have to take a position on that. His private life belied any truth faith, or else he must have gone to confession every day…

Oh, and I’d be interested in learning more about JB but I’m afraid there will be much Bush fatigue by 2008. I’m already a little fatigued myself. 😦
Pray “to Rosary”? Is that how you say it?

I was a big fan of JFK when he was alive and for many years after, but after reading dozens of books about him and his family I had to come to the conlusion that he was a cultural Catholic who wisely clung to the trappings of faith for political gain. Let’s face it, there is a lot of political capital in being Catholic, showing up at Mass all over your district, speaking to the K of C etc. He exploited it to the hilt, as practically every Catholic pol does. And at the time abortion was not on the table so he didn’t have to take a position on that. His private life belied any truth faith, or else he must have gone to confession every day…

Oh, and I’d be interested in learning more about JB but I’m afraid there will be much Bush fatigue by 2008. I’m already a little fatigued myself. 😦
Hi Caroljm,
I have no use for JFK…but RFK *was *the best of the lot…
I really would like to see Gov. Jeb Bush as our next president. :yup: I think he is being sincere however, when he says that he has no intentions to run for president. Hopefully, he will change his mind.
It’s probably wise for him to stay away from it for 2 or 3 years, then see how things are. I think that’s whay Hilary is doing. Jeb and Hilary are considered early frontrunners, and if they say “yes i’ve decided to run” that gives 4 years to beat their negatives down.
George Prescott Bush, Jeb’s son, may eventually be our first Hispanic President. Not in '08, but maybe by '12 or later. He’s sort of the JFK, Jr. of the Bush family (who are becoming the Republican answer to the Kennedys).

I think were looking at McCain, Romney or Giuliani in '08 for the Republicans and Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Joe Biden or even Al Gore in '08 for the Democrats.

I will probably be voting third party by then.
I will probably be a manic depressant by then :crying:
4 marks:
George Prescott Bush, Jeb’s son, may eventually be our first Hispanic President. Not in '08, but maybe by '12 or later. He’s sort of the JFK, Jr. of the Bush family (who are becoming the Republican answer to the Kennedys).

I think were looking at McCain, Romney or Giuliani in '08 for the Republicans and Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Joe Biden or even Al Gore in '08 for the Democrats.

I will probably be voting third party by then.
I will probably be a manic depressant by then :crying:
:rotfl: Cheer up. I don’t know your politics, but I don’t think any of the three Republicans mentioned can win in the primaries. They are all too liberal. If you are a conservative, take heart a conservative will be nominated. If you are a liberal, uh…sorry 😃 .

God Bless,

If you are a liberal, uh…sorry 😃 .
Dumspiropero a liberal?!? Are you trying to give the guy heart failure?!!! I looked to see when you joined the forums and see it was after the election. Thought so. You missed the politics forum or you would know Dums is a proud ultra conservative and then some. Right (no pun intended) Dums? 😃
Prior to their elections last year the Canadian Catholic Bishops Conference issued a briefing which raised the issues below. Would the American Jeb Bush deliver a good Catholic response to them?

"Preferential Option for the Poor
9. For Christians, concern for the impoverished is not only a political option, but also a Gospel imperative. Jesus had a special love for the weak and vulnerable; he identified
himself with them and proclaimed the Good News to them.
10. Pope John Paul II has said that the moral measure of a society is how the most vulnerable are faring. Catholics are to provide for those in immediate need and to act against injustice. They are called to give preference especially to those who are most at risk, poor or oppressed. How this shapes public policy goals and priorities reflects the character of society. Will the upcoming federal election offer hope to those whose voices
are often not heard?
The Common Good
11. The common good is “the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or individuals, to reach their fulfilment more fully and easily.” It allows human dignity to be respected and fundamental needs to be met. It is more likely to be achieved when everyone contributes to the building of a just and compassionate society in which the human development of each person is promoted.
12. Human beings are created as members of a family, with roots in the larger community. Humans are social beings who cannot survive without human relationships. Commitment to the common good is expressed in a solidarity that Pope John Paul II has described as “a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say, the good of all and of each individual because we are all really responsible for all.” Will the upcoming federal election foster a deeper awareness of what the common good requires?
Yeah…it would be great…but unfortuneatly, he gave a short talk on Bush’s re-election night, and he said at that time, he had no intentions whatsoever to pursue the presidency in '08… 😦 Maybe he will change his mind…or he just don’t want the Dems to know right now.
Often politicians will say they have no interest in running for office and “change their minds” later. It could happen in this case, who knows.:hmmm:
No no…I am a conservative. I dont’ want to see conservative imposters being elected.

rlg94086 said:
:rotfl: Cheer up. I don’t know your politics, but I don’t think any of the three Republicans mentioned can win in the primaries. They are all too liberal. If you are a conservative, take heart a conservative will be nominated. If you are a liberal, uh…sorry 😃 .

God Bless,

No no…I am a conservative. I dont’ want to see conservative imposters being elected.
Cool. Sounds like I missed a lot of fun in the Politics forum 😃 .

As I said, I don’t think the “front runners” will make it. Moderates and the press tend to tell us who the front runners are far too early. They’ve been pining for McCain since 2000…won’t happen because he’s a flake.

I don’t think a Pro-Abortion Rights Republican will pass as long as the primaries.

Just my humble opinion.

Solidarity Brother 👍 ,

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