Bush backs proposed pro-life bills

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Say, I’ve lost the other thread but I am not convinced that overturning Roe is the most effective approach. I think there are PLENTY of states that would continue in the abortion biz and while it might slow down the mills, I don’t think it would STOP them and that is what I want.

We need life defined as being as of conception giving the unborn baby equal protection under the law just like any other person. Thus rogue states could not defy the law by enacting their own abortion statutes if killing an unborn child is treated as homocide.

I don’t recall anyone responding about this approach on the other thread, but maybe I’ve just track of it.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Say, I’ve lost the other thread but I am not convinced that overturning Roe is the most effective approach. I think there are PLENTY of states that would continue in the abortion biz and while it might slow down the mills, I don’t think it would STOP them and that is what I want.

We need life defined as being as of conception giving the unborn baby equal protection under the law just like any other person. Thus rogue states could not defy the law by enacting their own abortion statutes if killing an unborn child is treated as homocide.

I don’t recall anyone responding about this approach on the other thread, but maybe I’ve just track of it.

Lisa N
That is a good idea.What would it take to push for that?God Bless
That is a good idea.What would it take to push for that?God Bless
I am pretty ignorant of the process. I think there have been some tentative proposals on those lines. Maybe someone with political knowledge can clue in here. Doesn’t a congressman enter a bill and then it goes to committee and gets hashed over, then voted on then goes to the Senate then to the President? It’s a long process so the sooner we start!!!

I’m just concerned that reversing Roe will only arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.There was access to abortion before Roe, it just made access consistent throughout the states. It might be that a reversal would be necessary along with giving unborn children equal protection under the law. I think the evidence is on our side and it would be compelling. Certainly the process would educate the American public about the reality of abortion. People do not KNOW. I was one of them…you know the blob of tissue argument, the 'its MY body keep your hands off argument…I believed them because I was ignorant. I think education is a real key here. Americans are kind hearted people and if they understood what they were doing there would be a real reversal of attitude.

Lisa N
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