Bush signs increase to Planned Parenthood funding

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TPJCatholic said:
4.or an obscure nice fella whose time on the radar is minimal (like the media wants this guy!), but is staunchly pro-life,

==> People in this group would not be expected to be “nice fellas.” They would be expected to be 100% prolife. If Catholics stood behind such a person, he/she would be elected. That is why this is a question of a lack of faith. IMO, Catholics need to vote for 100% prolife candidates and leave the rest in the hands of hte Holy Spirit, if we do that, abortion will end. If we do not, then we will just get many, many more years of watching babies die. I firmly believe God is waiting for us to be truly faithful and He will bless and honor that faithfulness.

What percentage of the US are catholics? I guarentee it isn’t 50%.
I don’t think voter turn out is 50%, is it? Besides not only Catholics are Pro Life.

**There are over 65,000,000 so-called Catholics in this country. **

What to do:

1. Stop voting for camdidates who are not 100% prolife.

2. Tell everyone you know what you are doing and why.

3. Send emails, faxes, letters to your representatives and senators telling them you will only vote for 100% prolife candidates and that you plan to spread the word.

4. Send emails, faxes, letters to the White House and tell them you will only vote for 100% prolife candidates and that you plan to spread the word.

5. Let prolife groups know what you are doing. Let the AFA know what you are doing.

6. Pray.

7. Pray some more, ask Our Lady to Help, offer many novenas.

**It will not happen overnight, yet if more Catholics did the above, this culture would make abortion illegal.


Let us just say that I have the blinders off and you still have them on (no insult intended). You continue to believe the garbage the GOP spews, whereas I have painfully realized they are no better then the dems. The truth is, the GOP uses the prolife issues to get elected, and then once they are in they continue to talk a great game, but they do nothing real to advance the cause of life. Frankly, as much as I do not want Hillary, I cannot see any difference–for life issues_-between her and Bush.
Insult taken but not accepted. It is absolutely ludicrous for you to say there is no difference in life issues between Hillary and Bush. The money not going to fund abortions around the world and instead going to promote abstinence is just 1 giant step. The SC nominee he will make will be leaps and bounds ahead of any radical pro-death only judge that Hillary would nominate.

You are throwing in the towel and not using reason.

Here is my central and most major point:

During the time it takes me to form my thoughts to write this message, and then actually type and send this message, ONE MORE BABY WILL HAVE DIED.

All this talk and no action just leads to more dead babies! All this hand wringing over what Bush and the Senate and the SC should do just leads to more babies dead. Roughly every 20 seconds we lose another person–EVERY 20 SECONDS!

We need to stop talking and start saving the babies.
I do and am taking action. If you think all I do is type here… you’re wrong. I NEVER said sit back and smoke a cigar while hatchet men are taking it to the unborn (sorry for the visual but that IS what is happening). You must work the political process AND support crisis pregnancy centers AND go to pro-life marches AND speak out against abortion. You must do it all. Our elected representatives do listen to their constituents. They have to. Noise gets results. The problem in the Republican party is not George Bush or Bill Frist or Rick Santorum. The problem is divided loyalties among the voters. We need voters that are more vocal and more active. We need voters that can see through the clouds of the secular media and Demcrat spin machine to notice that judicial activist judges are THE primary problem in this country. We must make the Republicans the pro-life party.

I stand by what I said, I see no effective difference between Bush and Hillary, I do see a rather large gap in rhetoric, but not in anything real. When Bush leaves office he will not have saved on American unborn baby (we can argue the worth of his foreign policies regarding life issues, which I consider nearly worthless). When Hillary leaves office she will not have saved on American baby. History will view them the same, no babies saved.

I was not trying to insult you, I respectfully think you have GOP blinders on. We need to be Catholics first, voters second. We should not be GOP voters first, and Catholics second. If Catholics, all of them, unashamedly voted for only 100% prolife people, this problem would go away quite quickly.

I obviously believe in action and I am glad you feel action is required. However, I do think you are being naive’ to think our noise makes much difference. Just this week Osama Durbin gave a so-called apology that was not an apology at all, and in fact was a way to blame it all on us. Yet, he had heard a tremendous roar over his words. The truth is, politicians don’t change, they just adjust their rhetoric. The only thing that moves politicians is the fear of losing our votes–that is the one and only thing they fear. We need to make them realizet their fears, then things will finally change. Until then, we will just get more of the same, wrapped in a different rhetoric covered box.
Today, in Washington, while babies were being murdered across the land, the House approved a bill banning flag burning. You see, a piece of cloth is more important then 1.5 million babies murdered every year.
Everybody’s against flag burning. If pro-life candidates can pass a flag burning amendment then they’ll get more votes. You have to think of the bigger picture.
Dear Oat Soda, President Bush can do no wrong. Thought you would like to know that!

I am not against flag burning, I have always thought it is a free speech thing.

I stand by what I said, I see no effective difference between Bush and Hillary, I do see a rather large gap in rhetoric, but not in anything real. When Bush leaves office he will not have saved on American unborn baby (we can argue the worth of his foreign policies regarding life issues, which I consider nearly worthless). When Hillary leaves office she will not have saved on American baby. History will view them the same, no babies saved.

I was not trying to insult you, I respectfully think you have GOP blinders on. We need to be Catholics first, voters second. We should not be GOP voters first, and Catholics second. If Catholics, all of them, unashamedly voted for only 100% prolife people, this problem would go away quite quickly.

I obviously believe in action and I am glad you feel action is required. However, I do think you are being naive’ to think our noise makes much difference. Just this week Osama Durbin gave a so-called apology that was not an apology at all, and in fact was a way to blame it all on us. Yet, he had heard a tremendous roar over his words. The truth is, politicians don’t change, they just adjust their rhetoric. The only thing that moves politicians is the fear of losing our votes–that is the one and only thing they fear. We need to make them realizet their fears, then things will finally change. Until then, we will just get more of the same, wrapped in a different rhetoric covered box.
In case you missed it the last election was about the Supremem Court. If we return the court to non-activists then the Congress whom we elect will be able to pass pro-life laws without fear the Supreme Court will overturn them.

History will not view them the same - one embraces the culture of death the other embraces the culture of life. How would you judge them?

I am not against flag burning, I have always thought it is a free speech thing.
Do you think killing babies is a freedom of expression too?

Are you seriously equating burning a piece of cloth to the wholesale slaughter of human life? Please tell me you are not saying they are even in the same realm of being comparable?

I do not think the flag is sacred, I do think human life is sacred because humans lives (each one of them) are created in the image and likeness of Almighty God.

We must tread very slowly with all these attempts to take our liberties away, one of the things that makes this nation great is the ability to voice dissent, even if other people find that dissent loathsome in its nature.

Do I think flag burning is wrong? Yes, you bet I do.

Do I think a person who burns a flag has a gross misunderstanding of what this nation stands for? Yes, you bet I do.

Buuuuut…I do not think it is the flag that makes this nation great, I think it is God, people, our Constitution and the faith of millions that has made this nation great! WE could have zebra striped flag and this nation would still be great!
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