Intrusive Gay Bill Moving Through CA Legislature
by Terry Phillips
The concept of “big brother” government is being re-tooled by the homosexual lobby in California. It makes the favored gay legislative themes pale in comparison.
When first written, the California bill would have required a private foundation to gather information about its operations pertaining only to race and gender. Becky Burgoyne, legislation analyst with the California Family Council, says it was soon amended.
“They have now expanded that to all foundations. And so they’re all included now, but they also put in sexual orientation.”
Jeff Johnston, a gender analyst at Focus on the Family, finds the demand, to gather information on sexual orientation, ironic.
Intrusive Gay Bill Moving Through CA Legislature
by Terry Phillips
The concept of “big brother” government is being re-tooled by the homosexual lobby in California. It makes the favored gay legislative themes pale in comparison.
When first written, the California bill would have required a private foundation to gather information about its operations pertaining only to race and gender. Becky Burgoyne, legislation analyst with the California Family Council, says it was soon amended.
“They have now expanded that to all foundations. And so they’re all included now, but they also put in sexual orientation.”
Jeff Johnston, a gender analyst at Focus on the Family, finds the demand, to gather information on sexual orientation, ironic.