California Legislature Passes Bill That Will Soften Penalty For LGBT Adults Who Have Sex With Underage Teens

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California law is strict when it comes to under age 14.
Any person who has sex with a minor under the age of 14 will be charged with a felony and may serve 3, 6, or 8 years in prison if convicted. They will also have to register as a sex offender in California, a requirement that may have devastating effects on their lives and careers.
It gets a lot more lenient over age 14 and things become misdemeanors.
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1970’s: Please do not beat us and call us slurs!

1980’s and 1990’s. Now we get access to the clergy and the military.

2000’s: Our relationship is equal to your marriage.

2010’s: If you do not think Desmond is amazing and publicly affirm your support for homosexual behavior, you are a Nazi.
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Their? Are you talking about more than one? How about “his” or “her”
While I don’t care for it, “them” and “their” are used as gender neutral singular pronouns too. At first glance this appears to be a recent change in language, but is has been used in writing throughout history this way. It isn’t a usage that I hope to adopt myself. But I know, when i encounter it, that it could be used either way.
I don’t consider people gender neutral.
Historically, “gender” has been a word for a grammatical category while “sex” a biological category. “Gender neutral” in the above refers to the category if the word.

The word “people” is a gender neutral word. The referants of “people” individually would usually be classified as one sex or the other.

“They” is gender neutral. What we are seeing more frequently is it being used for a singular referent. “They” does not ascribe to a person “male” or “female”. It just does not specify.
Historically, “gender” has been a word for a grammatical category while “sex” a biological category. “Gender neutral” in the above refers to the category if the word.
I understand the grammatical usage. Der, die, das in German, etc.
that isn’t the direction it is being taken now. It is being taken into the false science of multiple genders.
They” is gender neutral. What we are seeing more frequently is it being used for a singular referent. “They” does not ascribe to a person “male” or “female”. It just does not specify.
I understand the, too. See above.
There should be no difference in legal penalties based on the sexual orientation of the offender.

I personally believe the age of “discretion” of the judge should be 16 not 14 for heater or homosexual cases but that’s just me.
Back to the boards briefly on a holiday weekend before going back to other things:
Let’s question what is being done, what penalties for older males in general and then we can better understand the law. If the worse thing that these men get is a time on a sex offenders list, that does not seem appropriate.
It’s not the worst penalty they can get.

Posts #69-71: It’s a crime, and the penalties depend on the age of the parties involved.

And (maybe for the last time):

I don’t support these acts with an underage person.

I don’t support legalization of such acts (some of the hysteria from anti-gay extremists may create the impression that this legislation would “legalize” it).

But I believe that, when appropriate, people should be given a second chance in life.

The people have decided, through the legislature, that an 18-year old makes a mistake on prom night with his 16-year-old girlfriend, that he won’t be required to register (the court still may require him to register). That person, as far as we know, is still attracted to women/girls of about his own age (as most young men are). Therefore, when he’s a little older, he won’t be a threat to 16-year-old girls.

Now, if the girl is under 14, that’s different. If the man is 50 and the girl is 16, that’s different.

And I agree with that. That 18-year-old, in a few years, might be in a solid Catholic marriage and might be a responsible citizen. It might be way too much of a punishment for his name and picture to be posted on the Internet as a predator for all to see.

Now, what this legislation would do is the same thing for LGBT men. And again I agree with that. I can see the argument that a 60- or 80-year-old LGBT man who needs housing and who isn’t a threat to anyone should be punished in this way.

And I might go along with some of the others that a 10-year difference is too much.
There should be no difference in legal penalties based on the sexual orientation of the offender.

I personally believe the age of “discretion” of the judge should be 16 not 14 for heater or homosexual cases but that’s just me.
There is no talk of age 16, the age it is set at is age 14.
I don’t support these acts with an underage person.

I don’t support legalization of such acts
(some of the hysteria from anti-gay extremists may create the impression that this legislation would “legalize” it).

But I believe that, when appropriate, people should be given a second chance in life.

The people have decided, through the legislature, that an 18-year old makes a mistake on prom night with his 16-year-old girlfriend, that he won’t be required to register (the court still may require him to register). That person, as far as we know, is still attracted to women/girls of about his own age (as most young men are). Therefore, when he’s a little older, he won’t be a threat to 16-year-old girls.

Now, if the girl is under 14, that’s different. If the man is 50 and the girl is 16, that’s different.

And I agree with that. That 18-year-old, in a few years, might be in a solid Catholic marriage and might be a responsible citizen. It might be way too much of a punishment for his name and picture to be posted on the Internet as a predator for all to see.

Now, what this legislation would do is the same thing for LGBT men. And again I agree with that. I can see the argument that a 60- or 80-year-old LGBT man who needs housing and who isn’t a threat to anyone should be punished in this wa
This law is about 14 -17 so yes these are underage children. This is not about a 16 and 18 years old, it about a 10 year spread in age. starting at age 14.
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The sponsor of the bill, ouch. Senator Scott Wiener, picture in the below story:.

I tend to think those called sex criminals are, overall, sick to our way of thinking. People say people do things and they are evil but I tend to think it is in their system. Are we really talking about the rarer cases of 18 and 17 year olds or something else?
The sponsor of the bill is age 50 and that could be his son, not sure but it is an “ouch”

No they are using the “love” relationship of the 16 and 18 year old couple to justify it as being fine.
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This bill has passed and will be law in California and it begins at age 14 years old. The age spread is 10 years so the older person could be 24.
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This is California which by standard is a very liberal place so I assume there judges are very liberal. Do we need our courts bogged down with these types of cases, probably not.

These are 14 year olds and it just gets lower and lower.

I find it so hypocritical because Massachusetts had so many priests that had court cases for molesting males who were 14 and it was all over the news that they were pedophiles. One priest in particular was age 27 when the cases took place and he was in charge of a large school, molested over 100 children.
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That is not even discussed. Laws are already in place for the girls up to 10 years of age difference, which are ridiculous so now the new law will make it up to 10 years of age difference for gays so a 24 can date a 14 year old all in the name of “love”.
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To the readers here. Please remember this the next time the sexual deviants attempt to fool you by saying they are not interested in having sex with your children and come up with creative excuses to have sex with children.

Guard your children well!


Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Reducing Penalties for Sodomy with Minors​

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) signed a controversial bill into law Friday that will give judges greater discretion to decide whether adults who commit sodomy with minors should be placed on California’s sex offender registry.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The bill, which passed the Democrat-led legislature last week, created a firestorm as proponents said its main purpose was to end discrimination against LGBT adults who have oral and anal sex with minors who claim to be consenting to the sexual activity. . . .

. . . . Wiener claimed the existing law, which states oral and anal sex between an adult within ten years of the age of a consenting minor requires the adult to be registered as a sex offender, discriminates against LGBT individuals . . .

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The Washington Examiner reported Democrat Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez said as the bill was being debated:
I cannot in my mind as a mother understand how sex between a 24-year-old and a 14-year-old could ever be consensual, how it could ever not be a registrable offense. We should never give up on this idea that children should be in no way subject to a predator.
San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer (R) also tweeted after Newsom signed the bill into law, “As a parent I’m appalled that last night our governor signed a law maintaining a 24-year-old can have sex with a 14-year-old and it not be considered predatory.”

“An adult who commits ANY sex act on a minor 10 years younger must be registered a sex offender,” he added. “Law must be changed.” . . .

. . . .The legislation also assumes teens as young as 14 are capable of fully consenting to sex of any variety with any adult, regardless of sexual orientation.

Attorney and researcher Jane Robbins said in a statement to Breitbart News, “The Left wants to sexualize children, period, and to remove penalties for adult predators.” . . .
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. . . . “Pediatricians (ACPeds) . . . demanding that lawmakers strengthen existing laws instead of weakening them.”


Pediatric group condemns California bill to soften penalties for sex offenders against minors​

The American College of Pediatricians contends Senate Bill 145 ‘strains the bounds of common sense that any legislator would allow to pass … into law.’

Fri Sep 11, 2020

By Calvin Freiburger

September 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is speaking out against divisive California legislation that would empower judges to forgo adding those who engage in homosexual sex with certain minors to the state sex offender registry, demanding that lawmakers strengthen existing laws instead of weakening them.

California law forbids performing sex acts with a minor, but oral and anal intercourse requires that the older partner register as a sex offender, wheras in the case of vaginal intercourse judges have the discretion to choose whether to require registration. Senate Bill 145, introduced by Democrat state Sen. Scott Wiener, extends that judicial discretion to all three acts, so long as the victim is at least 14 and the offender “is not more than 10 years older than the minor.” . . .

. . . . “The existing laws in question were placed into the California Statutes to prevent the abuse of minors, whose intellectual immaturity makes them vulnerable,” former ACPeds president Dr. Joseph Zanga said in a press release. “These proposed modifications put more children at increased risk of abuse. It strains the bounds of common sense that any legislator (some of whom must be parents) would allow such proposals to pass out of Committee much less to pass them into law.”

The group noted that even non-forcible statutory rape is recognized as childhood sexual abuse because children “cannot consent to sexual relations with adults due to their cognitive immaturity and the psychological power differential inherent to the relationship,” and that childhood sexual abuse is “associated with elevated rates of mental illness including depression, anxiety, substance use, altered body image, self-mutilation and suicide attempts.” . . .
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