thanks Rich for your thoughtful reply to my post, of course I don’t mean to imply that the HS works in vacuum and the catechist and parents just sit there and let the kid absorb it all. What I cannot justify is the attitude that sacraments should be delayed so we can keep kids in our programs. Yes we all know the parents are not going to bring them back after 1st comm until its time for confirmation. We have another bribe we use down here, in that a girl cannot celebrater her 15era in church unless she has been coming to CCD for 2 yrs. My point is we still have to address the issue of adults and teens and kids need ongoing formation and catechesis and it is one of the key missions of the parish to provide it. It is the parents primary duty to educate the child, but the school and parish are there to provide the means. See Zenit for pronouncement on this topic from the Vatican yesterday.