Calling all converts!

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What a lovely thread!

In my situation, the Holy Spirit had tried every which way to get me here. I admired the faith of Catholic friends as a child. Then in college, I had a strong, almost overpowering thirst for religious art, which I studied like crazy to the amusement of my friends (I was raised as a non-observant Jew).

Then I fell in love with my future husband who introduced me to the culture of Mexico, and we visited about 4 weeks a year. I dragged him into every church, large and small, in every village and city. I was obsessed. And I dragged home bushels of religious art - Saints, milagros, retablos (Mexican icons) – you name it. I was now nominally agnostic, but my apartment looked like a shrine. I still didn’t “get” what was going on, but my spiritual thirst was getting to me in a bad way. And I was beginning to get stirrings regarding the tabernacle. Friends thought I was nuts - every wall and shelf was crammed with Catholic religious art and items, but I wasn’t a Christian.

One trip to Mexico, sitting in meditation (I didn’t call it that then, but in quiet absorption) before a life-size state of Mary (in the Dolores pose), I heard an clear, interior voice, "come to me through my Son’s church). I didn’t tell my husband or anyone else. Just shocked the heck out of me.

On returning, I started to visit USA churches for the first time, mostly in San Francisco - again, small and large. And Catholic bookstores and started reading. By this time, I learned about the Real Presence and the tabernacle began an almost magnetic draw for me. I spent hours and hours in front of various tabernacles - 6 a.m. before work, lunch breaks, and after work.

Then, turmoil really kicked in – After all, I was Jewish, albeit never practicing, and this Jesus business was very hard to swallow. I finally prayed, “OK, ‘Jesus’, I’ll give you a chance, I’m opening the door of my belief just a crack, if you are who they say you are, then you need to make it very clear… none of that small still voice… none of the quiet signs… drop a billboard on my head or leave me alone.”

Well I opened that door a crack, and He kicked it in all the way. There’s no other way of describing it. It all came crashing around me - BIG prayer experiences (supernatural), suddenly understanding stuff I never could before, weeping during Mass, and powerful desire to join the Catholic Church that couldn’t be denied.

20 years later and it still feels new, miraculous, absorbing, loving… I’m simply mad about Jesus and His church and His mother and the Saints.
What a lovely thread!

In my situation, the Holy Spirit had tried every which way to get me here. I admired the faith of Catholic friends as a child. Then in college, I had a strong, almost overpowering thirst for religious art, which I studied like crazy to the amusement of my friends (I was raised as a non-observant Jew).

Then I fell in love with my future husband who introduced me to the culture of Mexico, and we visited about 4 weeks a year. I dragged him into every church, large and small, in every village and city. I was obsessed. And I dragged home bushels of religious art - Saints, milagros, retablos (Mexican icons) – you name it. I was now nominally agnostic, but my apartment looked like a shrine. I still didn’t “get” what was going on, but my spiritual thirst was getting to me in a bad way. And I was beginning to get stirrings regarding the tabernacle. Friends thought I was nuts - every wall and shelf was crammed with Catholic religious art and items, but I wasn’t a Christian.

One trip to Mexico, sitting in meditation (I didn’t call it that then, but in quiet absorption) before a life-size state of Mary (in the Dolores pose), I heard an clear, interior voice, "come to me through my Son’s church). I didn’t tell my husband or anyone else. Just shocked the heck out of me.

On returning, I started to visit USA churches for the first time, mostly in San Francisco - again, small and large. And Catholic bookstores and started reading. By this time, I learned about the Real Presence and the tabernacle began an almost magnetic draw for me. I spent hours and hours in front of various tabernacles - 6 a.m. before work, lunch breaks, and after work.

Then, turmoil really kicked in – After all, I was Jewish, albeit never practicing, and this Jesus business was very hard to swallow. I finally prayed, “OK, ‘Jesus’, I’ll give you a chance, I’m opening the door of my belief just a crack, if you are who they say you are, then you need to make it very clear… none of that small still voice… none of the quiet signs… drop a billboard on my head or leave me alone.”

Well I opened that door a crack, and He kicked it in all the way. There’s no other way of describing it. It all came crashing around me - BIG prayer experiences (supernatural), suddenly understanding stuff I never could before, weeping during Mass, and powerful desire to join the Catholic Church that couldn’t be denied.

20 years later and it still feels new, miraculous, absorbing, loving… I’m simply mad about Jesus and His church and His mother and the Saints.
well… here’s a miracle that’s occurred because of your testimony… i started to cry when i read it… Its a miracle cuz I never cry… Crying is for sissies… and wimps… 😃

but anyway… i feel that way when reading other stories here also…

its SO nice to find people who are enthused about Jesus and His Church…

you’d think being Catholic i would know a LOT of such persons… but i don’t…

thanks… 🙂
Wow, Sojo… I’m crying too! Praise God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Everyone here has contributed many stories ‘of like minds and hearts’… this is the very building up of the Body of Christ and His Church! This is the stuff that makes us realize there is more to our Faith than can even be contained in the Sacred Scriptures… wonderful and Holy as they are. There are real life experiences, miracles, conversions, graces… those being bestowed upon individuals and those being bestowed upon our Church and Her leaders. The Holy Spirit is alive and working! We are bearing the fruits of Faith here. I can’t imagine why some of the people on the forums want to stick to their ideas of solo scriptura and other ‘limiting’ view points. How can anyone deny the workings of the Spirit…beyond the written texts! When one experiences the Sacraments, the Graces given when praying the Rosary, the intercessions by Our Lady… it makes everything come alive, into focus, make sense! The riches of our Church and her Traditions are so vast, one can not even grasp it in one small lifetime. Good thing Jesus gives us another shot at it for all Eternity! Thanks for all who share their stories, keep up the good writings, let’s help bring ourselves and many other souls to Jesus.
Be a Saint, What else is there?

Mary Teresa
that wasvery clear and interesting…

and uplifting… cuz some Catholics don’t appreciate the Church (or seem to) like you do… 🙂 but i have always thoguth that converts make the best Catholics… In a way i am a convert… I’m a revert, even though i never officially left the Church, just stopped going to Mass… and etc… I wasn’t catechized so didn’t know what the heck i was doing, what i was missing… but one day i prayed the rosary and God knocked some sense into me… 😃 Now I am on the same page with you… 🙂

I’m glad you didn’t listen to al that anti-C stuff…

kinda strange how some listen and beleive that stuff and some don’t… but i thnk eventually everyone begins to question all the hostility some non-C’s have toward Catholics…

dont you think?:confused:
Yes, it is clear that a spirit of hostility (in this case anti-Catholicism) is not of Jesus, so everyone would be questioning it at some point. It has a lot to do with someone’s background, because if one has been hurt by Catholics they would not listen readily to them, but if one didn’t have an incident of hurt in the Church they would be more open, especially if they saw Catholics practising their faith well.

I didn’t listen to the anti-Catholics, because I didn’t understand their claims as making sense. How could all Catholics be pagans worshipping Mary if there were so many holy saints? How could Mother Teresa be so good if her faith was “pagan”, and so on…? :confused: Along with this reasoning, I was not hurt by any Catholics, so nothing stood in my way of converting to the Faith. Actually, my Catholic school friend’s mother was a very good influence on me as she was such a devout Catholic. Later I found out from my friend she was a convert too!

Yes, it is a special gift to be a convert (or a revert), because you can appreciate the Church from an outside point of view. It is like saying if you knew sadness, your joy would be more intense. White looks brighter next to black. Remember St. Augustine?.. It often takes a major crisis in our life for us to appreciate our Faith. With me it was my depression that God alone brought me out of. I knew then that I needed Him more than anything…

I have a Catholic friend who entered a Carmelite convent recently (the same convent where I tested my vocation with her at the end of last year) and she is a revert like you. She has the zeal of a newly converted Catholic, and it is amazing to hear her story as well. She was into the nightclub scene and wearing miniskirts and shocking-pink clothing, and now she has a quietness, simplicity and innocence, so that I hardly believe that her life was the way it was! I met her months after her reversion, so I only knew her new self. She is very devoted to the Rosary too.

God bless
What a lovely thread!

In my situation, the Holy Spirit had tried every which way to get me here. I admired the faith of Catholic friends as a child. Then in college, I had a strong, almost overpowering thirst for religious art, which I studied like crazy to the amusement of my friends (I was raised as a non-observant Jew).

One trip to Mexico, sitting in meditation (I didn’t call it that then, but in quiet absorption) before a life-size state of Mary (in the Dolores pose), I heard an clear, interior voice, "come to me through my Son’s church). I didn’t tell my husband or anyone else. Just shocked the heck out of me.

On returning, I started to visit USA churches for the first time…I spent hours and hours in front of various tabernacles - 6 a.m. before work, lunch breaks, and after work.

Then, turmoil really kicked in – After all, I was Jewish, albeit never practicing, and this Jesus business was very hard to swallow. I finally prayed, “OK, ‘Jesus’, I’ll give you a chance, I’m opening the door of my belief just a crack, if you are who they say you are, then you need to make it very clear… none of that small still voice… none of the quiet signs… drop a billboard on my head or leave me alone.”

Well I opened that door a crack, and He kicked it in all the way. …20 years later and it still feels new, miraculous, absorbing, loving… I’m simply mad about Jesus and His church and His mother and the Saints.
What a LOVELY testimony Sojo! WOW, *awesome! *Glory be to God for His work in you! I was especially blessed by reading about your experience in Mexico at the statue of Mary, because my Catholic name I chose at confirmation is Dolores. 🙂 I also love the influence of art on the soul; I love the visual and symbolic aspects of our Faith.

God bless
Thank you everyone. I have been told so many times that I need to share my testimony. But it was so long, so involved, so rich, that trying to get it into a short post or commentary was/is daunting.

I still tear up myself when I think back on it all. A very wise RCIA helper told me to write it down in a journal because it was important and it might fade with time. The RCIA folks, all volunteers and cradle Catholics, were pretty blown away when I shared my story.

Writing it all down, that was good advice, and I filled up so many pages, but honestly, when I think back, it has not faded a bit. It is still every bit as miraculous as it first felt. The small details and timeline might be a bit fuzzy, but the sheer glory of it all remain. Which is, actually, a big part of the miracle.

I do feel that in the learning about Jesus, I was so absorbed that I never really thanked and got to know Mary. She was fine with that, I’m sure, but now after so many years, I just feel I want to thank and get to know His mother better. So I’m trying to do regular Rosaries with the intention of asking for a closer relationship to Our Lady - the one who truly reached out to me, knowing that as an Agnostic Jew, it was just too hard to relate to Jesus.
If anyone wants some reading material that will greatly increase their Faith, practices of Humility and devotions to Our Lady… please take time to read books on Mother Teresa.

Mother’s face lunged at me from a bookstore shelf when I was there for something else. She beckoned me take her home. I did, and several other books as well. I have to say that not only did MT do many things for many people when she was alive… but she is doing so to this day still. She is surely a Saint in Heaven working hard to intercede for us!

The book on her devotion to the Blessed Mother is In the Shadow of Our Lady… and the other books about her life and calling and her humble works are *Come Be My Light *and Mother Teresa’s Secret Fire. It was through MT that I began my deep devotion to Our Mother Mary. There are many other books but happens I have these at home on hand.

I was a convert 36 years ago, but when I reverted last year it was an experience so far beyond the original conversion… I refer to it as my second conversion. It’s more of a miracle, it’s as Paul writes, be filled with the Holy Spirit! It doesn’t mean I’m suddenly a saint each and every day… but the indwelling of the Spirit has never been so profound. I attribute this to Our Blessed Mother. She has brought a dimension to my prayer and devotion that I had not known before. MT lead me on that path. Not a thing do I attribute to myself in this, I was completely swept up in a whoosh and have only God to thank for this amazing grace.

I pray and work on it daily. Humility is a challenge for any of us and all of us who have a human ego. I now praise God for the times when I see my own sins pointed out… I turn it over to Him and ask for humility and pardon. I now praise God for sufferings, I can share in the suffering that Jesus did for my salvation… I surely owe him that!

The Church and her teachings are so vast, so able to cover any questions we have… and a web site like this gives us a chance to share our experiences of conversion… how rich are we! With Sacred Scripture and the Church and the experiences of others… it all comes alive, the past, the present and our hope for the future.

Again, check out Mother Teresa for a modern living of the faith so close to Mary’s that you can’t avoid the comparison! Before anyone jumps on me for saying that… I do realize that Our Lady is the Immaculate Conception and MT was a normal everyday human being called to great things… I compare MT’s statements to Jesus to use her as He wishes, no matter the cost to her… and it was a great cost! Compare to Mary’s fiat, “Let it be done to me according to thy will”… and the great cost that was to her!

Mary Teresa, OSSM
Humble Servant of Our Sorrowful Mother
Thank you everyone. I have been told so many times that I need to share my testimony. But it was so long, so involved, so rich, that trying to get it into a short post or commentary was/is daunting.

I still tear up myself when I think back on it all. A very wise RCIA helper told me to write it down in a journal because it was important and it might fade with time. The RCIA folks, all volunteers and cradle Catholics, were pretty blown away when I shared my story.

Why don’t you consider writing your conversion story and posting it on the web?

The whole long year I was converting, I was writing my story “Love Triumphant” at the same time, and the day I was received into the Church I posted it on the website . It was quite long then, 11 pages (!), but later I edited it for sending to some of my friends. Then earlier this year, I edited it again and added a little epilogue as an update after two years being Catholic. I sent it in this form to (Coming Home Network International). I couldn’t resist sharing it with others, because it was such a wonderful and important part of my life. 🙂

I really think your story will be a blessing to others, too; I myself would love to read a longer version….👍

Yes, it is clear that a spirit of hostility (in this case anti-Catholicism) is not of Jesus, so everyone would be questioning it at some point. It has a lot to do with someone’s background, because if one has been hurt by Catholics they would not listen readily to them, but if one didn’t have an incident of hurt in the Church they would be more open, especially if they saw Catholics practising their faith well.

I didn’t listen to the anti-Catholics, because I didn’t understand their claims as making sense. How could all Catholics be pagans worshipping Mary if there were so many holy saints? How could Mother Teresa be so good if her faith was “pagan”, and so on…? :confused: Along with this reasoning, I was not hurt by any Catholics, so nothing stood in my way of converting to the Faith. Actually, my Catholic school friend’s mother was a very good influence on me as she was such a devout Catholic. Later I found out from my friend she was a convert too!

Yes, it is a special gift to be a convert (or a revert), because you can appreciate the Church from an outside point of view. It is like saying if you knew sadness, your joy would be more intense. White looks brighter next to black. Remember St. Augustine?.. It often takes a major crisis in our life for us to appreciate our Faith. With me it was my depression that God alone brought me out of. I knew then that I needed Him more than anything…

I have a Catholic friend who entered a Carmelite convent recently (the same convent where I tested my vocation with her at the end of last year) and she is a revert like you. She has the zeal of a newly converted Catholic, and it is amazing to hear her story as well. She was into the nightclub scene and wearing miniskirts and shocking-pink clothing, and now she has a quietness, simplicity and innocence, so that I hardly believe that her life was the way it was! I met her months after her reversion, so I only knew her new self. She is very devoted to the Rosary too.

God bless
i love conversion stories… 🙂

i sometimes feel uncomfortable with some of my family members who know my past… i feel uncomfortable cuz they (i feel) tend to think i am the same person or somewhat the same as i once was… (& probably WISH I was the same…) although they also have to admit tht i am different. None of them (that i know of) is into the Church like i am … .so i tend to think they think i am a fanatic… :rolleyes:I dont keep in touch so really don’t KNOW for sure, but i know them… I can-and often do- imagine various scenarios… …talking about me at the dinner table… etc… (Most of my siblings are not living around “home” but some visit the parents fairly often and they talk about such things… and can be very critical/unloving… or at least were in the past…) but oh well…

also, this is another thing i hate: when people think that you have no right to speak on such and such sin cuz you once did that sin… (& in a big way)… The way i look at it, i have more reason to speak on it than thos who did not commit that particular sin… cuz i know the consequneces thereof…

anyhow… God bless…🙂
i love conversion stories…
i sometimes feel uncomfortable with some of my family members who know my past… i feel uncomfortable cuz they (i feel) tend to think i am the same person or somewhat the same as i once was… (& probably WISH I was the same…) although they also have to admit tht i am different. None of them (that i know of) is into the Church like i am … .so i tend to think they think i am a fanatic… I dont keep in touch so really don’t KNOW for sure, but i know them… I can-and often do- imagine various scenarios… …talking about me at the dinner table… etc… (Most of my siblings are not living around “home” but some visit the parents fairly often and they talk about such things… and can be very critical/unloving… or at least were in the past…) but oh well…
also, this is another thing i hate: when people think that you have no right to speak on such and such sin cuz you once did that sin… (& in a big way)… The way i look at it, i have more reason to speak on it than thos who did not commit that particular sin… cuz i know the consequneces thereof…
anyhow… God bless…
Of course you have a right to speak on that/those sins! Whom better than us sinners! They just don’t wanna hear it if it convicts them in their own conscience!
And you can’t do a thing about what others say, including family behind your back. No worries! The old saying ‘what others say about you is none of your business’ sounds harsh but it’s true. Let 'em be and go on the path you are on. You know you’re right. Better to be at peace than to be right in someone’s opinion.
Some of the lines in the Litany of Humility have helped me in these matters…

O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me.

From the desire of being esteemed,
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being loved…
From the desire of being extolled …
From the desire of being honored …
From the desire of being praised …
From the desire of being preferred to others…
From the desire of being consulted …
From the desire of being approved …
From the fear of being humiliated …
From the fear of being despised…
From the fear of suffering rebukes …
From the fear of being calumniated …
From the fear of being forgotten …
From the fear of being ridiculed …
From the fear of being wronged …
From the fear of being suspected …

That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

That others may be esteemed more than I …
That, in the opinion of the world,
others may increase and I may decrease …
That others may be chosen and I set aside …
That others may be praised and I unnoticed …
That others may be preferred to me in everything…
That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should…

God Bless You! Just keep going! 👍
Fourteen years after my conversion I received a great compliment:
The wife accused me of being a ‘religious fanatic’! 👍
Just 'cuz I went to Adoration on Friday, Mass on Sunday morning and a Marian Hour Sunday evening. As well as all my other visits to the church.

I’m a humble fanatic and proud of it.
(Does anybody have a bottle of humility?):o
I’m a humble fanatic and proud of it.
(Does anybody have a bottle of humility?)
👍 Hee heee heee! Me too!

Well you can go down and pray the Litany of Humility in my last post! 😉 If that works for ya!

And if you happen to want to do that, will you please dedicate it to a school for poor and orphaned kids in Uganda? Fr. Justus of Kabale, Uganda is starting a school for these youngsters from 5-11yrs old. 250 of them… they must be clothed, fed and med care for the 9 mos they board there. My Prayer Group is praying a Novena for them, the Litany of Humility and it ends tomorrow. We hope to be able to fund the school. It’s nearly built now, just needs the roof and furnishings… then it will cost $1,000 per mo to fund. We need all the prayers we can get. Thanks!
I apologize for the advertisement segment. 😊
My story could go on and on…but to make a long story short: After about 15 yrs of being curious, much study (and turned off at the same time by the Catholic upturned noses around me!)…I discovered something about my life. I come from Norwegian Lutheran stock, then wandered amidst the desert of different Protestant Denominations throughout my 20s-30s. Then a few lovely, kind, humble Catholics started to shine,shine on me. Then I did some interesting research: I was born at a Catholic Hospital, Sacred Heart Hospital, and almost died, with nuns doing some of the delivery --according to my mom…on the the 400yr-something anniversary of the 1st vision of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary, culminating in the full vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is also the Feast Day of St. John the Divine, who was in the vision (b/c it was his Feast Day), resting his head on Jesus’ chest. I also, unknowingly and very un-Catholic at the time, had my 2 sons baptized on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. There are other coincidences that stunned me along the way, showing me God’s hand on me into the Catholic Church…the only problem is that I had virtually no sleep last night and I can’t think straight at this point:o
Oh, how beautiful! Please do post more when you are rested. I well remember those meaningful coincidences that occur during the conversion experience.

Thank you (I forget who mentioned it, I’m sorry) to the person who suggested I post my conversion story on the internet - perhaps on a website others have set up for such a thing. I’ve been thinking and thinking about that so much. Right now with working full-time (out of the home), and home schooling, and doing therapy with my son, and keeping house and critters cared for, there is just so little time. But I’ve long wanted to spend more time writing.

I also want to share my experiences with raising a son withe Down syndrome, the incredible pressure from my own family to abort, and how the Holy Spirit helped me through the pregnancy and the pressures.
oh, how beautiful! Please do post more when you are rested. I well remember those meaningful coincidences that occur during the conversion experience.

Thank you (i forget who mentioned it, i’m sorry) to the person who suggested i post my conversion story on the internet - perhaps on a website others have set up for such a thing. I’ve been thinking and thinking about that so much. Right now with working full-time (out of the home), and home schooling, and doing therapy with my son, and keeping house and critters cared for, there is just so little time. But i’ve long wanted to spend more time writing.

I also want to share my experiences with raising a son withe down syndrome, the incredible pressure from my own family to abort, and how the holy spirit helped me through the pregnancy and the pressures.
Bless you Sojo!
👍 Hee heee heee! Me too!

Well you can go down and pray the Litany of Humility in my last post! 😉 If that works for ya!

And if you happen to want to do that, will you please dedicate it to a school for poor and orphaned kids in Uganda? Fr. Justus of Kabale, Uganda is starting a school for these youngsters from 5-11yrs old. 250 of them… they must be clothed, fed and med care for the 9 mos they board there. My Prayer Group is praying a Novena for them, the Litany of Humility and it ends tomorrow. We hope to be able to fund the school. It’s nearly built now, just needs the roof and furnishings… then it will cost $1,000 per mo to fund. We need all the prayers we can get. Thanks!
I apologize for the advertisement segment. 😊
I enjoyed the commercial break.

I’ve made your Litany of Humility into a word document and saved it onto my desktop so I will not forget it or loose track of it.

Dominus vobiscum!
There’s a link in my signature to my full conversion story, but the short answer is the Easter Vigil Mass. It really opened my eyes (and my heart) to the beauty and majesty of the Mass, and made me a lot more receptive to the teachings of the Church.
There’s a link in my signature to my full conversion story, but the short answer is the Easter Vigil Mass. It really opened my eyes (and my heart) to the beauty and majesty of the Mass, and made me a lot more receptive to the teachings of the Church.
I haven’t had a chance to check out your link yet, but I must say that the Easter Vigil Mass is the highlight of my year!!
I enjoyed the commercial break.

I’ve made your Litany of Humility into a word document and saved it onto my desktop so I will not forget it or loose track of it.

Dominus vobiscum!
Wow, that’s great! I have a lovely copy of it with pictures, it’s on my parish’s website. Here’s the link, scroll down looking on the left side for the word Humility… click there and voila! I printed it just as it is and hung it on the wall right next to my bed. We will finish our Novena tomorrow for Fr. Justus’ kids in Uganda.

Blessings, Peace be with You,
Mary Teresa
And you can’t do a thing about what others say, including family behind your back. No worries! The old saying ‘what others say about you is none of your business’ sounds harsh but it’s true. Let 'em be and go on the path you are on. You know you’re right. Better to be at peace than to be right in someone’s opinion.
as i was reading your post… i began to wonder why it was that i hate it so much when i am called names… criticized… totally misunderstood (or do they understand better than they let on??? hmm…🤷 /god knows…). Its not that i desire to BE someone in their eyes… not even close… If it was that, i would readily admit it…

you may not understand this or… whatever… but what came to me w hen i asked myself that question was this: it depresses me that people don’t know Jesus as i do…(i coul kno Him better… but I know Him cuz i spend time @ the Blessed Sacrament… etc… etc)

it depresses me that they seem to have one foot in Hell… I’m not judging… I’m just saying what i honestly feel when dealing w/ some of these poeple… In other words, i often feel i am speaking to demons… and if you heard some of the stuff i have to hear sometimes… or read it… you would know what i mean… but i don’t care to repeat it…

Even so, i realize that i don’t HAVE to hear or read what they have to say… I know God wants me to distance myelf from nonChristians…

no, i do not care whether they respect me or not… I mean, i do but not because i think i am so great & deserv respect… no, its more because i sense they are serving the devil far mor than either one of us would care to think… I am sure you have been around people who made you feel this way?? its not fun…
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