Calling Scott Hahn fans

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I first read some of Home Sweet Rome and did not like it at all. I thought his tone was too condescending to recommend the book to any one who was a Protestant. I think in retrospect, the issue for me too, was largely his writing style. It seems as if he is talking to a fifth grader.

Then I was flipping theough A Father Who Keeps His Promises at a book store when out of town, and The Lamb’s Supper and decided to order those on Amazon (cheaper when I got home. When I checked on Amazon the book Scripture Matters also came up, and I orderd that too and read it first.

I’m surprised that no one mentioned his collection of essays on reading and studying the Bible, Scripture Matters as a favorite, becuase that was what hooked me on Scott Hahn. I greatly benefited from reading about the four sense approach to studying the Bible, and the practice of typology.

The essay on"Coming Home" about the use of the word “hour” in John, and how it foreshadows the mass, which may be the way that Jesus intended to return to the earth sooner rhater than later (as in the eroneous Protestant interpretations of the rapture), was absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to read The Lamb’s Supper, but decided to begin A Father Who Keeps his Promises next, because it made sense to me to begin with a larger analysis of covenants as stressed throughout the Bible, before focusing on the covenant as articulated at mass.

I don’t always agree on his assessment of what the church needs to do for the future, but I am greatly indebted to the perspective he has given me for studying the Bible. A Father Who Keeps his Promises should be required reading of all confirmation and RCIA classes.
Has anybody else listened to his tape series on the Book of Revelation called “The End?” It was outstanding. I hope he writes a book on this material or at least converts the audio tape series to a written transcript so that I can study it more in depth.
I confess, I am a big fan of Scott Hahn. I think I have all of the books, including “The Lamb’s Supper” (a favourite) and “A Father who keeps His promises”. These books are really entertaining.

At the same time I have a lot of his tape sets. I used to play them in the car but I now have a car that does not have a tape recorder.

Hahn’s material is really good sermon material, and yes I have heard one priest who was constantly using Hahn’s material, and I can tell you that the day that he spoke about the Eucharist after having read the Lamb’s Supper, I heard a very passionate homily 🙂

I am looking forward to the release of Hahn’s Catholic Study Bible.

Has anybody else listened to his tape series on the Book of Revelation called “The End?” It was outstanding. I hope he writes a book on this material or at least converts the audio tape series to a written transcript so that I can study it more in depth.
I have not heard that series. Is it the same as his original on the Book of Revelation with a new name, or is it just on the End Times?

I have not heard that series. Is it the same as his original on the Book of Revelation with a new name, or is it just on the End Times?

Here it is. It is kinda costly to buy. I checked it out from our parish library for free 🙂

I either have to check it out again and take notes, or hope that he makes it into a book or transcript someday. There’s a lot in it to study. Oooooo … I see below that it has a study guide. Hmmmm… I might have to splurge and buy this one.

The End: A Study On the Book of Revelation
by Scott Hahn

Have you ever tried reading the Book of Revelation? Do you know how to properly interpret its mysterious imagery and mystifying theology? Unfortunately, most of us get bogged down in the details and fail to appreciate the profound insights contained in this enigmatic book. But you can change all this with the classic 12 CD (or 11 tape) series The End: A Study in the Book of Revelation, and its brand new 170-page study guide!

$66.95 (12 CD’s + 1 SG)
$64.95 (11 Audiotapes + 1 SG)
Additional Study Guide $14.95​
Scott Hahn is terrific. I love his books, and I’ve listened to his conversion story. After hearing him speak or reading some of his writings, all I can say is WOW. This guy is so educated and the way he presents the material is fantastic!!
Scott Hahn is one of the best theologians around. Also get his tapes. “A Father Who Keeps His Promises”( I believe that’s the name of the book or tape) helps you really see God’s plan and love for the world. Check out the Catholic Family Conference in Long Beach if you are in California. He usually speaks there. Or even better, go take his class at the Franciscan University of Stuebenville. What a dream school.

Scott Hahn is a Judas goat misleading millions by supporting Mark Miravalle’s shilling of the most condemned apparition in Church history, “The Lady of All Nations Who Once Was Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate.” Hahn has colluded with Miravalle, publisher of condemned seer Ida Peerdeman’s works, to delink her “Final Dogma” from the multiple Vatican condemnations in a legalistic move to skirt Petrine Authority.

The Vatican did act in good faith by ruling on this “Final Dogma” separately after unremitting pressure from Miriavelle and his group, VOX POPULI, which has sent the Vatican millions of petitions. The Vatican Theological Comittee unanimously rejected the “Final Dogma” as confusing and divisive. One priest-theologian called it “a waste of all that infallibility.” This ruling was announced at a Marian Congress with John Paul II in attendance.

After Miravelle’s millions of petitions kept coming, Cardinal Ratzinger, as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, declared the “Final Dogma” would never be adopted. This has not stopped Miravelle or his supporter, Hahn. No cult of personality can override Petrine Authority.
I have not heard this, not that I am saying that doubt it (I know nothing about it until now and am in no position to make any comments that solicit an opinion), but what may be a shortcoming in one aspect does not detract from my appreciation of his books that instroduce Bible study through typology and connect the stories to themes. Like convenants or the mass.

Kind of like Sungenis and his recent foray into science, or some of the alleged commentaries he has made on social groups. His work on theology is still helpful, even if his words on other topics are not.
I’ve been listening to his taped lecture series on the book of Romans. I think it’s his weekly lectures from a class at seminary, it’s about 13 tapes long.

It makes me feel like someone’s stuck a firehose in my brain and cranked up the spigot. Great stuff, when I’m done I’ll sign up for the next semester.
I want to get my hands on Hail, Holy Queen and The Lamb’s Supper.
I want to get my hands on Hail, Holy Queen and The Lamb’s Supper.
Are you in the USA, UK or Australia? If you are in Australia then I could provide you with some sources for the books. I have both and I obtained them from Portico Books. Otherwise you could get them through

nordskoven said:

Scott Hahn is a Judas goat misleading millions by supporting Mark Miravalle’s shilling of the most condemned apparition in Church history, “The Lady of All Nations Who Once Was Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate.” Hahn has colluded with Miravalle, publisher of condemned seer Ida Peerdeman’s works, to delink her “Final Dogma” from the multiple Vatican condemnations in a legalistic move to skirt Petrine Authority.

The Vatican did act in good faith by ruling on this “Final Dogma” separately after unremitting pressure from Miriavelle and his group, VOX POPULI, which has sent the Vatican millions of petitions. The Vatican Theological Comittee unanimously rejected the “Final Dogma” as confusing and divisive. One priest-theologian called it “a waste of all that infallibility.” This ruling was announced at a Marian Congress with John Paul II in attendance.

After Miravelle’s millions of petitions kept coming, Cardinal Ratzinger, as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, declared the “Final Dogma” would never be adopted. This has not stopped Miravelle or his supporter, Hahn. No cult of personality can override Petrine Authority.

Can you provide the supporting documents of “condemnation”? As far as I am aware what you are saying is in error. I will leave it there because I do think that this subject is not well understood by either Catholics or Protetants/Fundamentalists and the others.

The request to make this teaching a dogma is one that is supported by what has been taught all along in Sacred Tradition. For example, Ludwig Ott covers Mary as Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix and he wrote that book in pre-Vatican2 days. I can if necessary provide the reference from Ott’s book.

The comments made are insufficient to bring condemnation upon Scott Hahn. He is a very fine theologian and if he agrees with the request to have this Marian dogma approved then it will be that he has found the Scriptural evidence to support the push. This has very little to do with Ida Peederman (who was as far as I am aware not condemned by the Vatican as you claim).

Are you in the USA, UK or Australia? If you are in Australia then I could provide you with some sources for the books. I have both and I obtained them from Portico Books. Otherwise you could get them through

MaggieOH, thank you, but I’m in the good ol USA, United Secular Association. I see his books in the stores all the time, I just need to save up for them. Right now I’m reading, One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, the early church was the Catholic Church by Kenneth D. Whitehead. It’s very insightful.
MaggieOH, thank you, but I’m in the good ol USA, United Secular Association. I see his books in the stores all the time, I just need to save up for them. Right now I’m reading, One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, the early church was the Catholic Church by Kenneth D. Whitehead. It’s very insightful.
I have the same problem in having to save up for these books. A lot depends upon getting work. I have not had a steady job for several years and I have been doing temp work, when the agencies bother to contact me. I have the Whitehead book but have not got very far in reading it. There are several other books that I see in my local bookstore but as you say, I have to save up for them.

Can you provide the supporting documents of “condemnation”? As far as I am aware what you are saying is in error. I will leave it there because I do think that this subject is not well understood by either Catholics or Protetants/Fundamentalists and the others.

The request to make this teaching a dogma is one that is supported by what has been taught all along in Sacred Tradition. For example, Ludwig Ott covers Mary as Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix and he wrote that book in pre-Vatican2 days. I can if necessary provide the reference from Ott’s book.

The comments made are insufficient to bring condemnation upon Scott Hahn. He is a very fine theologian and if he agrees with the request to have this Marian dogma approved then it will be that he has found the Scriptural evidence to support the push. This has very little to do with Ida Peederman (who was as far as I am aware not condemned by the Vatican as you claim).

Just as a side note I went to the posted web site and it contained the work of Rick Solbato of Unity Publishing. The information contained was of doubtful quality, and I hesitate to suggest that there were inaccuracies in the report. The invective that was poured out against certain individuals was in my opinion unwarranted.

It is sad to think that there are people who would circulate a petition that contains what can only amount to false information. The people responsible for the spread of the petition against Our Lady of All Nations need to reconsider their hatred towards all Marian apparitions. This is turning into a witch hunt against certain people. As such, I discount anything that comes from such sources because it is mean spirited and there is an element of slander in what is presented.

My comments should not be read as approving or disapproving any alleged revelation. However, in the case of Amsterdam, the local ordinary has the right to make a decree on the matter, regardless of what Unity Publishing says.

I thought EWTN had a special about Mary as Mediatrix. I can’t recall whether it spoke approvingly of “Our Lady of All Nations” but I think it said that the bishop approved it. I thought EWTN had a prayer spot for that devotion but, of course, it would remove it if the Papacy condemned it.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
I thought EWTN had a special about Mary as Mediatrix. I can’t recall whether it spoke approvingly of “Our Lady of All Nations” but I think it said that the bishop approved it. I thought EWTN had a prayer spot for that devotion but, of course, it would remove it if the Papacy condemned it.
That is because the Papacy has not condemned it. There was a notification, but those notifications are not infallible. The Bishop of Amsterdam has pronounced that the visions were of supernatural origin. If there is a need to seek further clarification then that is what is needed from the Vatican.

We are allowed to say the prayer. We should be praying to Our Lady of All Nations. The Title gives Mary her true role in the Church, because Jesus said that He did not come to die for the few, but for all nations. The Scripture is very clear that God wants all nations to worship Him.


Franciscan University of Steubenville professors Mark Miravalle or Scott Hahn do not themselves constitute the problem which will lead to the prophesied Great Apostasy. Franciscans exploiting Medjugorje, forbidden by the local bishop, are not the problem. Lukewarm, false, and faithless low-life Catholics in-name-only who divorce Peter for ear-tickling teachings are the problem.

“The Lady of All Nations Who Once Was Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate,” was condemned so long ago the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (which renewed the multiple condemnations) was called the “Holy Office.” That’s not good enough for thrill-seekers.

Father Rene Laurentin seemingly never saw a Marian apparition he didn’t like. Father Laurentin voted “no” on the “Final Dogma” with the rest of the Vatican Theological Committee. Even Marian theologians are not good enough. Only pop theologians can cater to the pop mind.

Literally millions of petitions hit the Vatican from Miravelle’s VOX POPULI minons, as stoked by Queenship Publishing’s pamphlets, sales of condemned works and pilgrimage pimping. EWTN isn’t going to kill that cash cow. Hahn isn’t going to slay that golden egg-layer. And this whole travesty hangs on one thing: popularity, not piety.

The Vatican has ruled, and no bishop may override this. Like the charismatic Luther, on whom Hahn is an expert (a rather quiet expert that never discloses his glaring perversions), Hahn and MIravalle were both troubled youths now basking in fame for their great minds. Obedience is the first fruit of love. To reject Christ’s servants, let alone His Servant of Servants, Peter, is to reject Christ and the Father, as Jesus said.

AmChurch would have you believe the voice of the people, or hedged rulings of provisional bishops, takes precedence over Peterine Authority. Millions of sheep are led astray by the self-deluded intellectuals. All was prophesied, even geniuses whom God would leave to their own demented devices. Having not the love of the truth, Jesus warns, they will fuel their lying minds with abject error.

But that was then, Hahn would say, this is now. That warning against intellectuals doesn’t hold. Hahn is a Semi-Preterist, saying virtually all prophecy was fulfilled, and except for Christ’s Second Coming, nothing big is on the horizon. There won’t be any Antichrist. There’ll be no Beast, no economic Whore of Babylon falling as merchants weep. There’ll be no Woman Clothed with the Sun and no persecution.

The real “Woman Clothed with the Sun” appeared at a Church-approved Marian venue, Fatima, stating the “only” means to peace was the consecrtion of Russia to the Immaculate Heart by all bishops, led by Peter, each in their respective Cathedrals at one solemn, public time. Fist-shaking “Mary” contradicted Fatima at Amsterdam, giving her own formula for world peace–the adoption of the bogus “Final Dogma.”

WWSD? What Would Satan Do? Give a false means to peace which gains greater popularity than the daily Rosary, or collegial action. There are only two options: Seed of the Woman, brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ; or the Seed of Satan, Father of Lies (first) and Murder (second). Who’s your mama?
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