Calling Scott Hahn fans

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I have just read two books by Scott Hahn and now I’m hooked!
I’ll be looking for more:)
Anyone else out there read his books? and what has been your favorite.
Hi, Kayla! Read everything Hahn has written and read every book he mentions in his books! The first book I read of his, Rome Sweet Home, I just went to and ordered every book he mentioned in that book. That is where I found Keating and I immediately had three of his Catholicism and Fundamentalism books in our home and ordered it for everyone with God’s leading. Scott is wonderful if you have come from the Protestant faith becaue he knows all the things we knew so well and explains the “differences” that former Protestants need to know - or want to know. Pray for that man as his minstry is so powerful. Love in the Lamb. Terry
Hahn would say, this is now. That warning against intellectuals doesn’t hold. Hahn is a Semi-Preterist, saying virtually all prophecy was fulfilled, and except for Christ’s Second Coming, nothing big is on the horizon. There won’t be any Antichrist. There’ll be no Beast, no economic Whore of Babylon falling as merchants weep. There’ll be no Woman Clothed with the Sun and no persecution.
Hmmmm… you seem to me like a man with a lot of bitterness built up inside, who might say anything so long as you can sway an ill-informed soul to join your agenda.

According to his study of the Book of Revelation, you seem to me to be misrepresenting Scott Hahn’s position. He has not discounted a historicist or futurist view. He does, however, emphasize that these are not foundational in understanding Holy Writ, as he holds to what the Catholic Church teaches: “The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation: ‘All other senses of Sacred Scripture are based on the literal.’” (CCC 116)

I really don’t see where your contribution to this thread is in any way pertenant to the rest of the discussion. It seems more like a feable attempt to spread your bitterness where it isn’t wanted. I pray that you can find some peace in Christ Jesus.
nordskoven said:

Franciscan University of Steubenville professors Mark Miravalle or Scott Hahn do not themselves constitute the problem which will lead to the prophesied Great Apostasy. Franciscans exploiting Medjugorje, forbidden by the local bishop, are not the problem. Lukewarm, false, and faithless low-life Catholics in-name-only who divorce Peter for ear-tickling teachings are the problem.

“The Lady of All Nations Who Once Was Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix & Advocate,” was condemned so long ago the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (which renewed the multiple condemnations) was called the “Holy Office.” That’s not good enough for thrill-seekers.

Father Rene Laurentin seemingly never saw a Marian apparition he didn’t like. Father Laurentin voted “no” on the “Final Dogma” with the rest of the Vatican Theological Committee. Even Marian theologians are not good enough. Only pop theologians can cater to the pop mind.

Literally millions of petitions hit the Vatican from Miravelle’s VOX POPULI minons, as stoked by Queenship Publishing’s pamphlets, sales of condemned works and pilgrimage pimping. EWTN isn’t going to kill that cash cow. Hahn isn’t going to slay that golden egg-layer. And this whole travesty hangs on one thing: popularity, not piety.

The Vatican has ruled, and no bishop may override this. Like the charismatic Luther, on whom Hahn is an expert (a rather quiet expert that never discloses his glaring perversions), Hahn and MIravalle were both troubled youths now basking in fame for their great minds. Obedience is the first fruit of love. To reject Christ’s servants, let alone His Servant of Servants, Peter, is to reject Christ and the Father, as Jesus said.

AmChurch would have you believe the voice of the people, or hedged rulings of provisional bishops, takes precedence over Peterine Authority. Millions of sheep are led astray by the self-deluded intellectuals. All was prophesied, even geniuses whom God would leave to their own demented devices. Having not the love of the truth, Jesus warns, they will fuel their lying minds with abject error.

But that was then, Hahn would say, this is now. That warning against intellectuals doesn’t hold. Hahn is a Semi-Preterist, saying virtually all prophecy was fulfilled, and except for Christ’s Second Coming, nothing big is on the horizon. There won’t be any Antichrist. There’ll be no Beast, no economic Whore of Babylon falling as merchants weep. There’ll be no Woman Clothed with the Sun and no persecution.

The real “Woman Clothed with the Sun” appeared at a Church-approved Marian venue, Fatima, stating the “only” means to peace was the consecrtion of Russia to the Immaculate Heart by all bishops, led by Peter, each in their respective Cathedrals at one solemn, public time. Fist-shaking “Mary” contradicted Fatima at Amsterdam, giving her own formula for world peace–the adoption of the bogus “Final Dogma.”

WWSD? What Would Satan Do? Give a false means to peace which gains greater popularity than the daily Rosary, or collegial action. There are only two options: Seed of the Woman, brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ; or the Seed of Satan, Father of Lies (first) and Murder (second). Who’s your mama?

This belongs in another thread. Also, I do not consider that you have provided what could be called documentary evidence to support your contentions. It seems that you have an agenda and it appears that there is a lot of pent up anger inside of you. Perhaps the anger is a response to your own hidden agenda.

I will not engage in the matter of the desire to have this dogma declared since it has nothing to do with this thread.

If you want to raise the subject under a new heading then go ahead, just do not hijack Kayla’s thread with innuendo and inaccurate information.

i enjoy listen to his tapes an doing his online bible studies. i personally have learn a lot about my faith with him. god bless him and his family:)
mayra hart:
i enjoy listen to his tapes an doing his online bible studies. i personally have learn a lot about my faith with him. god bless him and his family:)
I have obtained the same enjoyment and I have also learned a lot about my faith because of his tapes and books.

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