I’m a heterosexual woman. I was s nurse for 44 yrs. I had to go through psychiatric nursing cycle. I had a bisexual brother. He was abused by a neighbor @11yo. I have a gay cousin. I had about 50 gay pts, some dying. The dying said, their life style wasn’t worth their dying. My brother wasn’t well. He mostly was heterosexual but did have a time living w a man. THIS IS NOT TRUE FOR ALL GAYS—- but many were molested as children.
I have heard that some gay men, want a family and live a faithful heterosexual marriage. It will come down to what you define as happiness.
Some ppl think that every urge you have,you have to act on it. WHAT FEELS GOOD IS GOOD FOR YOU…
WELL, I love ice cream and it isn’t good for me till I lose 100#’s.
Addicts feed their urges and die.
Their are certain places on our bodies that give all of us thrills. If you close your eyes or had blinders on, it would still feel good. I’m not saying wear blinders. JUST THINK!
Are you the blueberry girl in Charley Wonka? GIVE ME IT NOW! I WANT IT. I WANT IT! What does that bring-consequences. …
If they think rapists, pediophiles can be retrained, why not believe gays can?? Of course, gays have more of a chance. I think the individual gay, has to choose & want to adapt.
It can’t be forced.
Ask yourself,”WHAT IS HAPPINESS?” Why do you think X was your answer? Do you give to Charities? Do you volunteer to help others?
Heterosexual marriages make sacrifices!
If a family is your goal! DO IT! Program your life to want that. Watch romantic movies.
Sometimes, a gay guy finds a heterosexual girl as a BFF. They are in sync w everything. Partnerships can happen. They know, they agree. THEY MAKE IT WORK. It can happen. It doesn’t change the gay urges. He uses SELF-CONTROL. Holding his babies is the greatest feeling. DOLCE & GABBANA feel children should come the natural way. LGBT’s aren’t happy w them.
Life isn’t easy. Happiness can be fulfilled unselfishly w a life goal not a physical pleasure!?
Can you be happy w/o SEX=YES!
Who has made Sex become so wild. So untamed? Is it suppose to be that way??
God help our world. Help us find beauty where YOU placed it. THANK YOU FOR LOVING US. ALL OF US.
In Jesus name