Can a Pope be a heretic?

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Just as a just man can store up treasure in heaven, and then die in a state of sin, and go to Hell; so a sinner can build for himself “treasure in Hell” and then, by the grace of God, repent and be joined to the Saints.
Quite true.

Here is how the RC Priest Ben Luther describes Arius’ death

Unwelcome at Alexandria, the followers of Arius tried a new tactic - get him readmitted at Constantinople under the aged Patriarch, Eusebius. Constantine ordered the cathedral there opened to Arius, and he commanded Eusebius to receive Arius back into communion. Letters were exchanged between the Patriarch and Constantine.

The Patriarch fearfully stood his ground before the all-powerful Emperor. The Patriarch ordered a public round of prayers to resolve the hot issue! The emperor commanded the readmission of Arius within eight days. Patriarch Eusebius was recorded as praying, on the seventh day, lying prostrate on the floor of his cathedral:

*“Jesus, my Savior and my God, if Arius communicates here tomorrow, first take your servant out of the world, I implore. But if you care for your Church, as I know you do, take Arius away.” *

Now, a dramatic turn of events, indeed, and a strange answer to prayer! God’s ways are not our ways!

Arius and a noisy band of his followers came marching through the streets of Constantinople. They held a rally in the public square. Tomorrow, victory for Arianism! Victory for the archheretic, Arius, and his followers!

Suddenly, Arius said that he felt ill, excused himself, and went off alone. He did not return to the merrymakers. His body was found, his underbelly split open, and his entrails scattered about. He was not murdered. He simply split asunder - perhaps like Judas, who also betrayed his Master, Arius also was suffered to “burst open in the middle, and all his bowels gushed out” (Acts 1:18).
Father Luther accurately paraphrases Saint Athanasius’s account of Arius’s death.

While I do not at all doubt the veracity of the account, neither can wwe know whether or not Arius repented of his sins as he was dying.

Perhaps we would do well to keep him in our prayers as we retire for the evening?

Saint Isaac the Syrian tells us that Christian charity knows no limis; that the Christian heart burns with love even for the demons! I suppose we owe it to Arius to at least pray for him?

Here’s a question on this topic that I really don’t understand. How do we know which doctrines are infallible? How does a Pope let us know that a teaching is binding? Does it have to be in an encyclical? If I’m reading something from the Vatican, a writing of the early fathers, etc. how do I know if it is just opinion or binding truth? Hope someone can answer this for me. Thx!
No, a pope cannot be a heretic. But a heretic can become pope. (I hope some people know the miracle story I’m talking about.) 🙂
Likewise Pope Pius IX once said to the effect that if any future Pope should actually change/contradict Church teaching, do not follow him.

Yes, of course. But what if HE was a heretic?
Yes , a Pope can be a heretic. They are labeled by the Church as Anti-popes… of which there have been 10 total.
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