Trump doesn’t have to be angel from God for us to vote for him, no matter how much we don’t care for his outlandish language and manner of dealing with people. I’m not happy about him, either, but Hillary would do all in her power to push the pro-death agenda to the very max, and that we cannot allow.
Already the government runs our schools’ agendas with outright pro-death propaganda. Imagine how much worse it would be under her. Our elderly, disabled and infirm would be her next target. Our freedom of religion would even more strictly curtailed by the court appointments she would make. Think people, think. Try to be realistic about all this instead of having your heads in the clouds.
We CANNOT vote for Hilary and a 3rd party vote only gives her more votes by taking them away from Trump. He is endorsed by pro-life groups. Sure, he’s not going to rid the country of abortion, but he’s not going to push it, either. He’s going to leave it completely up to each person to decide, instead of putting the power of the government behind it to ensure more women, especially women of color, have abortions willy-nilly with no protections for their health and well-being.
It couldn’t be more black and white if you’d asked for it–Clinton is completely out, a 3rd party candidate vote is a vote for her. That leaves us with Trump as the only viable option, like him or not.
You are very well-spoken and argue your point well.
But I just don’t see how I could stand before God and justify voting for either of these two people. The only thing that’s making a Trump vote even
remotely* possible is that the establishment hates him so very much, which means he might not be given
carte blanche.
On the other hand, with his bank account and his access to certain favors within his granting, I have far too many reservations about who might be “swayed” to Trump’s side should he be elected.
And then there’s these five words that stop me in my tracks: “I’m your Commander In Chief.”
No. Just no.
If we’re talking about answering to God for our vote, I think both of these candidates are just way too dangerous – in my own opinion, which is all I have to answer for. HRC will absolutely push for unrestricted abortion and euthanasia on demand (i.e., physician-assisted suicide).
Trump’s money and very poor leadership temperament causes me worry for the very future of the Constitution itself!
So no, I won’t be voting for either of these very poor choices.
In my opinion, they each represent “clear and present dangers” to the future of the US.
Will my vote for a 3rd party take a vote away from one of these other candidates? NO. If a 3rd party weren’t an option, I simply would not vote for president this year.
My vote for a 3rd party candidate is, as Padres 1969 points out, a vote for a 3rd party candidate. Period.
(“remotely” possible, as in far removed from me, as in on the other side of the planet, hidden in a deep dark cave at the end of a dark labyrinth of tunnels, filled with mythological creatures trying to talk some sense into me… you get the idea.)