Can a practicing Catholic vote for a pro-life 3rd party instead of Trump?

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Yes as long as they are not pro abortion than the other candidates
No one is claiming Trump is the perfect choice. I was for Rubio myself. But we’ve only got two viable options here, and yes, and again, and because it’s just plain true–how I wish it weren’t, voting a 3rd party candidate hands your vote to the one who will get the most votes by those who are voting for one of the two main candidates. As I explained to Padres, all that does it make easier for one of the two party candidates to take the majority of votes. That’s how it works–again, I wish it didn’t, but that’s the reality of the situation. Trump is no prize, but he’s better that the alternative.

And no, God will not judge you for voting for a less than perfect candidate. God knows very well who is running for office–flawed human beings. He knows we only have two viable choices. The Church teaches us to be wise in how we vote so that the pro-life cause will make some progress rather than be set back another 4 to 8 years.

Please, everyone one. You have to vote against Hillary by voting for Trump–not because you like him, but because she’d be so much worse. I tried hard to get this point across in the last national elections and ran into the same political naivete and so-called “conscience voting” argument then, as well. And what did we get? A 3rd party candidate? One that was at least somewhat pro-life? No. We got a very pro-death, anti-Christian president. If you want the same outcome this year, vote for a 3rd party candidate, but you’ll come to regret it come November.
I’m one of those “Never Trump” peeps for obvious reasons. He is so unqualified. And his boorish behavior is frightening. He is the Republican nightmare. They allowed him to rise. HRC is getting my vote, simply because the alternative is unacceptable. Voting 3rd party is equally unacceptable.
I’m one of those “Never Trump” peeps for obvious reasons. He is so unqualified. And his boorish behavior is frightening. He is the Republican nightmare. They allowed him to rise. HRC is getting my vote, simply because the alternative is unacceptable. Voting 3rd party is equally unacceptable.
HRC is totally unacceptable for any Catholic. I have to be blunt because people just don’t realize what a vote for her really means. She may have experience and be a better liar, but she’s certainly cannot be claimed to be pro-life by any stretch of the imagination. Would you rather have a boor or a rabid supporter of abortion on demand as president? I know who I have to choose.
HRC is totally unacceptable for any Catholic. I have to be blunt because people just don’t realize what a vote for her really means. She may have experience and be a better liar, but she’s certainly cannot be claimed to be pro-life by any stretch of the imagination. Would you rather have a boor or a rabid supporter of abortion on demand as president? I know who I have to choose.
👍 Also, just because she has experience doesn’t mean she is qualified to be President. I find her even less qualified than Trump. She’s done a lot of things but many of them she did badly.
One can vote for any pro-life candidate, there is no moral issue there. Now whether it is prudent or not is debatable, but the Church does not say we must factor the chance of winning into our decision.
Clinton is a special kind of wrong. She needs to be stopped. We don’t have any clearly good choices this time, no argument.

Do you want to vote 3rd party and then watch what Clinton does for four years?

FWIW - I believe if we are not involved with youth ministry and adult faith formation in our churches, real improvement will not happen. 2 Chronicles 7:14 - he called on His people - that’s us.
I’ll be voting for Trump but with my nose pinched and trying not to vomit. ANYBODY is better than Clinton.
Our votes matter - and the difference in Democratic and Republican Party Platforms and actions in Congress - Bills passed, Signed into Law or Vetoed - Supreme Court Appointments ARE IMPORTANT. Lives - tens of thousands of lives this year, next year and the year after …

In 1995 a Republican led Senate and House passed a Partial Birth Abortion Ban - It was vetoed by President Clinton - a *Democrat *

In 1997 a Republican led Senate and House passed a Partial Birth Abortion Ban - It was vetoed by President Clinton - a *Democrat *

In 2003 a Republican led Senate and House passed a Partial Birth Abortion Ban - That bill was signed into Law by President George W. Bush - a Republican

Our country cannot afford to elect Democrats to any office - the Democratic Platform is even more pro-death this year than in the past. Supreme Court nominations are at stake. These life-time appointments are somewhat of a **** shoot but since the person is likely to serve 30 years - the election to fill the presidency is of primary importance - especially this year.

Those who say the Republicans do nothing regarding limiting abortions are delusional - is every Republican candidate perfect … no - there is no perfect candidate - ever … not one … but have Republicans worked to limit abortions - yes - some at great threat to their political careers. Many have been targeted specifically due to their Pro-Life stance.

Any person can vote for whomever they want … but a 3rd party vote in our 2 party system is not sending any message to the two major parties and is taking a vote from one of the two candidates from the major parties … One - representing the Democratic Platform - will seek to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will uphold killing babies and against any limits to that intrinsic evil. The other - representing the Republican Platform - will seek to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will uphold life.

Next year and for the next 20 plus years - Millions of babies can die through abortion … The blood of the innocents cry out to the heavens - How will you speak for them? Jesus said that whatever you do for the least of my people you do unto me …
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