Can an Atheist Answer These?

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Not at all… Back to your original reply:

There is evidence of people winning the lottery. Why do people play then, when they won’t win because the odds are so ridiculously bad? Because people are very bad at assessing things, as my other link about eye witness testimony also pointed out. (Of course some one will win, but statistically your chances are pretty much zero - the fact that some one wins is what tricks our rationale).

Why in the world would I believe the testimony of people that claimed such extraordinary things? Especially considering these people didn’t understand much of what we know today - a time when it was widely believed that the Earth was flat and a geocentric universe was assumed and the people that wrote down all the history of the subject didn’t even witness the events?

My video was on why we can’t trust anecdotal evidence and my link was on how eye witness testimony is technically one of the least trustworthy forms of evidence. Probability has nothing to do with it. It’s the fact that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Watch this, I think this explains it pretty well:
I did watch your video, and I find it practically untenable.

With regard to the lottery, though, your premise is false. The only way that you “won’t win” is if you don’t play. You’re teaching against evolutionary theory (which I subscribe to) when you claim that something with extraordinarily high odds can’t happen.
I did watch your video, and I find it practically untenable.

With regard to the lottery, though, your premise is false. The only way that you “won’t win” is if you don’t play. You’re teaching against evolutionary theory (which I subscribe to) when you claim that something with extraordinarily high odds can’t happen.
Untenable? First, it’s just a viewpoint, and one in-line with my own views. I was simply using it to express my own viewpoint. Second, how is it untenable? Is it really unreasonable to expect proof beyond eye-witness accounts and hearsay for important things? Now sure, in a court of law or other similar situations, sometimes that’s all we have to go on. However, if someone testified that the perpetrator walked through a solid brick wall before committing the crime, would you still have faith in their extraordinary claim? Saying “I saw X” is acceptable at times without further proof. Saying “I say Y” and that goes against every reasonable thing you’ve ever heard, is when you say you’d need further evidence to substantiate those claims.

Don’t get hung up on the specifics, the lottery was just an example of people believing something that is ridiculous. They won’t win. Yes someone wins, that’s why it’s so devious. It’s a perfect example of self-deception.
What the so-called “physicalists” are saying is that they don’t think we would be having this conversation about thoughts if there were no brains. Do you disagree?
Very good point.
Okay, so you’ve admitted the existence of evidence that the events giving rise to Christianity actually occurred. It’s just that the form the evidence takes is not enough to convince you (mind you, as is the case with evolutionary theory, we do have archaeological evidence that supports the historical accounts, and discover more every day). Again, I’m only concerned with the actual historical events that have been recorded both orally and in writing. I’m not talking about the existence of God, only the occurrence of the events. After listening to the evidence, you’ve created a standard that’s higher than the evidence could meet. Something tells me nothing would convince you. It’s funny that you seem to believe you can’t know anything about the universe by listening to an oral account. Have you personally measured the distance between the earth and the sun? No, you haven’t. But you’re taking someone’s word for it. And even if you had the mechanical means to test it, you’d have to rely upon someone else telling you what the speed of light is. Come on, now. You’ve created an artificially high standard for this particular proposition. You’re welcome to do that, as long as you acknowledge that other reasonable people may consider oral evidence enough for them.
Not at all, i would require the same standard that i require for any exceptional claim. Also you are way of the mark if you think i just “accept peoples word for it”. I accept the method, and with very good reason…

If i want to i can review the experiments and results, and see why the result is 93 million miles. Oh and with the right equipment i can also REPEAT the experiment, not that i need to for the method does that for me ;). So PLEASE don’t say i accept the word of others in the same way you do with religion :rolleyes:.
I’m pretty sure everyone knows what i mean.
The word “spirit” merely means “energy”. That is what it has always meant to the educated spiritualist or theist. Your spirit is your “inner energy” that is displayed by your activity, emotions, urges, desires, and so on. It is a physical reality although a little tough to measure precisely.
1.) Why is it that every form of life on this planet has a basic, fundamental desire to avoid death at all costs?

2.) Why does a species want to reproduce?

Many do - but do all “want” to do so ? Volition is hardly universal among animals. That reproduction occurs amomg them, is a physical fact - to prove it to be more, such an intention, is another story.​

3.) What is the point of continuing on, of ensuring that the next generation comes into existence? Is it to be remembered? If it is to be remembered, why ?
For what reason?
Why does a species like a virus have the same desire to survive that say, a human, or a sunflower has?

See above. Viruses have volition ? Since when ? And how is this ascertained as a fact ?​

In other words, why does every species of life on earth want to perpetuate itself?

ISTM you’re making very free use of the anthropomorphic fallacy. 😦 BTW - why is a reason needed ? And if one were given - would we even recognise it ? Again, to assume we would do so,is man-centred: but man is only one of many species of living things - what possible reason can man have for supposing that what suits him would therefore suit a shell-fish or whatever it might be ? It is quite possible that they are telling man “why” they act, & that man is too dense to understand them. They are not rational - we are not crustacean. What does a non-crustacean know of crustacean ? Next to nothing ! As well might a dog try to translate human life into language his own kind “understand”. Crustaceans may well be atheists, & be trying to get it it into our thick heads that there is no deity. Why not ask a sunflower its reasons ?​

Of all fallacies, the anthropomorphic fallacy is surely one of the most foolish. How can a species be so arrogant as to think it is fit to judge that other species act for “reasons” no different from those of its own members ? :banghead: :mad:
The word “spirit” merely means “energy”. That is what it has always meant to the educated spiritualist or theist. Your spirit is your “inner energy” that is displayed by your activity, emotions, urges, desires, and so on. It is a physical reality although a little tough to measure precisely.
Energy? What kind? Do you mean ATP?
Energy? What kind? Do you mean ATP?
I don’t know what ATP means. As far as what kind… I don’t really think that is so easily defined. It would be of the kinetic nature of course, but anything more specific, I’m not sure how to even think about it.

What would you call the energy that causes a dog to bark or feel the urge to chase a rabbit? Biochemical would obviously be involved, but that doesn’t identify the actual physical motion nor the mental passions. Bio-electric would come into play with the neurology.

The term was coined long before such detailed categories ever existed.

Another confusion is that in many scriptural writings, a “principle” is spoken of as a “spirit” even though there is a technical difference.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all of both principle and spirit (physical energy). Personally, I tend to think of the Father in merely the principle form even though it could include the energy that results due to the principle.

Principles are “super-natural” (above the natural) in that they are conceived as the “guiding or controlling principles” of motion and situations. These are the world of the “divine” perfect things (perfect concepts, much like a perfect square that cannot be actually represented in physical reality).

Get the words straight and the rest starts falling in line with Science and logic. It all actually fits despite how many people misunderstand the concepts yet preach anyway.

Religious people are not often wrong about what they say, they just don’t really understand what they said. :rolleyes:
I’m not really interested in going over the same old brain debate again, we have been through this several times. We can measure emotions, if you don’t believe me then go read some peer reviewed papers on the subject. We we do not have is one single measurable experiment that shows any form of spirit, if you know of a peer reviewed paper that shows otherwise please link it.

No such paper or experiment exists, nor will it ever. Spirit is not commensurable with what the men in white coats measure - it is not within the competence of science. So it cannot be scientifically tested. Annoying as this may be for some apologists. To apply such a method to metaphysical realities is a result of confusing metaphysical certitude with scientific certitude. Phenomena can be ascertained by scientific means - but if there are metaphysical realities behind them these can’t. Christians who say they receive certain things on faith, ought to know better than to try to verify them by science: they show only that they have no faith; that they find man more credible than God.​

The physiology of someone engaged in prayer can be measured: papers can be - have been ? - written about “The Physiology of Intercessory Prayer” - but they cannot measure prayer; only its results upon the person doing it. It’s incredibly naive to imagine the efficacy of intercessory prayer can be judged by such a method - even though such experiments have been made. “The pure in heart”, not the folk with the scientific apparatus, “shall see God”, they are using the wrong method, which puts the kibosh on their results. They may well be measuring something, and their results may be valuable; but if what they try to measure is incommensurable with their methods, it won’t register; so they will be left with a reductionist result. This isn’t rocket science, but a matter of everyday experience.

Science is a great gift - there is not a shred of doubt of that. That does not make it omni-competent. There are some realities which evade it; it’s limited by its lack of capacity to perceive them. So it cannot pronounce upon them.

No such paper or experiment exists, nor will it ever.​

Now, it’s not as specific as you might want, but I’m sure people said humans would never fly or land on the moon too. I think your claim that it will never be possible is an acceptance of ignorance. Maybe we’ll never be able to reliably do such things, but I’d be sorely disappointed if we stopped trying.
No you don’t you believe that god did it, belief and knowledge are not the same thing.
I say that I know God exists, and you say that it is really a belief.
Fine, that’s fair.

Now, let me ask you:

As an atheist, do you “know” God doesn’t exist, or do you “believe” God doesn’t exist?

To say you “know” is to set a double standard between you and me.
Not at all, i would require the same standard that i require for any exceptional claim. Also you are way of the mark if you think i just “accept peoples word for it”. I accept the method, and with very good reason…

If i want to i can review the experiments and results, and see why the result is 93 million miles. Oh and with the right equipment i can also REPEAT the experiment, not that i need to for the method does that for me ;). So PLEASE don’t say i accept the word of others in the same way you do with religion :rolleyes:.
Would you please repeat the exceptional and statistically improbable emergence of complex life from primordial elements on Earth for me? If not, why not?
I say that I know God exists, and you say that it is really a belief.
Fine, that’s fair.

Now, let me ask you:

As an atheist, do you “know” God doesn’t exist, or do you “believe” God doesn’t exist?

To say you “know” is to set a double standard between you and me.
I don’t know there is no god, and i don’t believe there is no god. I lack any theistic belief for there is no evidence to suggest any of the theistic beliefs i have encountered are true. If you look at my religion, it does not say atheist, it says none.

Atheist is an utterly pointless word, it tells you nothing about a persons beliefs. It’s like me calling you a invisible pink unicorn rejectionist, while the description fits it does not actually tell me anything about what you do believe.
I don’t know what ATP means. As far as what kind… I don’t really think that is so easily defined. It would be of the kinetic nature of course, but anything more specific, I’m not sure how to even think about it.

What would you call the energy that causes a dog to bark or feel the urge to chase a rabbit? Biochemical would obviously be involved, but that doesn’t identify the actual physical motion nor the mental passions. Bio-electric would come into play with the neurology.

The term was coined long before such detailed categories ever existed.

Another confusion is that in many scriptural writings, a “principle” is spoken of as a “spirit” even though there is a technical difference.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all of both principle and spirit (physical energy). Personally, I tend to think of the Father in merely the principle form even though it could include the energy that results due to the principle.

Principles are “super-natural” (above the natural) in that they are conceived as the “guiding or controlling principles” of motion and situations. These are the world of the “divine” perfect things (perfect concepts, much like a perfect square that cannot be actually represented in physical reality).

Get the words straight and the rest starts falling in line with Science and logic. It all actually fits despite how many people misunderstand the concepts yet preach anyway.

Religious people are not often wrong about what they say, they just don’t really understand what they said. :rolleyes:
Energy = ATP
Would you please repeat the exceptional and statistically improbable emergence of complex life from primordial elements on Earth for me? If not, why not?
We know that life emerged at some point in time because here we are. You can verify that fact for yourself at any time. We don’t know exactly how it happened. Are you suggesting that God had to intervene to make it happen and we shouldn’t bother looking for natural explanations?
We know that life emerged at some point in time because here we are. You can verify that fact for yourself at any time. We don’t know exactly how it happened. Are you suggesting that God had to intervene to make it happen and we shouldn’t bother looking for natural explanations?
Exactly, “god did it” is the exact same answer as “i don’t know”. If you believe god did it that is fine, the next question would be “how did god do it?”.
Why not go look at the papers for yourself, do i need to spoon feed you?
If you can’t answer the questions briefly either you don’t understand the papers or they don’t exist!
    1. Where exactly in the brain are emotions and decisions located?
  1. Where exactly in the brain is the power you use to control yourself?
  2. How can you measure your thoughts, emotions and decisions?
  3. Please describe exactly where truth is located.
  4. What do you consider to be evidence?*
If you want people to take you seriously then provide evidence for your claims.
Exactly! You have failed to do so.
Simply saying a mind cannot be produced by matter is absurd.
It is an intelligible proposition - unlike the proposition that irrational, purposeless matter has produced rational, purposeful minds…If the mind is merely brain activity why have human beings always distinguished the mind from the brain?
Please demonstrate this claim, for there are many experiments that show that the mind is the product of the material brain.
What a preposterous statement! It would be headline news all over the world if scientists had explained how the mind works.
If you take issue with this then please present your hypothesis, your experiments, your findings and your conclusions.
  1. My hypothesis is that my mind and other minds exist.
  2. I observe my thoughts and perceptions at regular intervals.
  3. I note that my thoughts and perceptions are consistent and coherent.
  4. I conclude that there is an intangible entity which produces these thoughts.
  5. I have perceptions which I interpret as communications from other minds.
  6. I conclude that there are other minds beside my own.
N.B. The only reality of which we have direct knowledge is the mind. Physical objects are inferred from our perceptions…

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