First, thanks for the kind and understanding words. You’ve almost got what I’m trying to say, but let me see if I can clarify.
If you take shovel full of gravel, and put it in a sieve, and shake it out a bit, you will find yourself with a bunch of smaller rocks on the ground at your feet, and a bunch of larger rocks remaining in the sieve.
The questions above ask: why did these small rocks choose to fall to the ground?
To use your example, I’m not concerned with why rocks fall to the ground–only how the rocks came to be small.
You’re starting with a subset of two types of rocks and saying that rocks must either be large or small. Then you make the point that, well, it’s obvious that those that make it through the holes happen to be small. But, again, survival of advantageous traits is elementary, if you think about it–of course the rocks that are small will make it through.
But I’m talking about the potentiality of a creature to exhibit a brand new trait for the first time, not whether the trait will cause the creature to survive [fall thru the holes]. To talk about this, we need to be discussing the genome. Reproduction/natural selection doesn’t help.
Living things around use have an intense, and equipped desire to live, because that is the only way they could be here to muse about. Like the large rocks in the gravel that cannot fit through the holes in the sieve, any organisms that do not have a visceral desire to survive and reproduce, to “fit through the holes” of nature’s sieve, perish from the earth.
First, I don’t think you’ve established that only a creature with a will to live could survive. Some living things are not conscious at all. But the question is, how could any organism all of a sudden have a conscious will to survive, where none had previously existed? The fact that some have it now does not mean it was a foregone conclusion at all. Saying that it happened because it happened is only a superficial answer to a really bad question “Why?”]. I’m concerned with “How?”.
We see vigorous dispositions toward survival and reproduction because that’s a necessary trait for making it to the present day.
Again, the answers the question of why we see creatures with this trait, but doesn’t explain how the trait was first exhibited. If I asked “Why are we here?” then you would be well within your rights to say, “Because we made it.” But if I ask “How did we come to be here?” then the answer would not suffice.
When you ask “how did the “will to live” get switched on, in the first animal to exhibit it?” I think you are asking nothing more than “why are the small rocks that fell through the sieve small?”.
No, if I had asked “why is the will to live so prevalent in living creatures now?”, then it would be the same as asking “why are the rocks that fell through the sieve small?” But your answer doesn’t explain why the rocks are small, it only explains why they fell through the sieve. Likewise, as I’ve explained, saying that creatures with the will to live reproduce successfully only explains why so many creatures exhibit the will to live today. It doesn’t explain how the will to live came to be in the first instance.
As life began – even before – the natural interactions of nature produce trial after trial, and the “will to live” is nothing more than whatever configurations succeed in the trials.
Still, in your big/small rock example, you put the rocks in the sieve, and those rocks already had definite sizes. Putting the rocks through the trials says nothing about how the trait of any given rock came to be. It only says which ones will make it through the trial. Obviously if the size of the rock was beneficial to falling through the hole, then the rock with a small enough size would fall through. But this says nothing about how each rock came to be that size [or if rocks could reproduce and pass on the trait of ‘small size’, how the first rock came to be able to exhibit the trait]. Of course size of rocks is a bad example because all objects have mass, but not heredity. But I digress…
If some variant strain of bacteria are more efficient at metabolism, they have no brain, and thus no conscious will to live; they are simply more able, more apt to live than their slower, less efficient cohorts.
A conscious will to live then, is the cognitive expression of the same dynamic. Humans have a will to live, because a will to live is advantageous to survival and the ultimate goal of nature perforce. Humans with mental instincts oriented around survival thrive and propagate. Those with less or without perish and become extinct.
It’s not that I disagree with what you’re saying about survival of advantageous traits; it’s just that you seem to be answering a question that I’m not asking. Some humans today either lack the will to live, or that part of their conscious is interfered with, and they commit suicide. Obviously that is not an advantageous trait, and it is easy to see how humans without the trait would be selected out of the population. But this does not answer the question of how the trait came to exist where it did not exist before.
The difference between the question “Why do humans [usually] have the will to live today?” is different than “How did the trait of a conscious will to live appear on the scene where it did not exist before?” And again, I posit that we would need to talk about the genome, not reproduction.