Good == being. Good is synonymous with being.
Why? And what do you mean, exactly? Lots of existent things are not good. Lots of non-existent things are theoretically good. The goodness of a thing doesn’t seem to me to be necessarily in proportion with its “being”.
The reason metaphysical evil can’t exist is because good itself is being. So whatever is not good (being) is not being. What is does not have being cannot be an ontological entity. So what I am saying is something that does not exist cannot be an ontological entity.
Only if we accept your initial assertion (i.e. “good = being”) as true. So far, I’ve seen no reason to do so. Frankly, I can’t even see a way to make sense of it to the point where I could even evaluate it as a proposition.
So everything has to act to a good (being) because otherwise this final end wont exist.
Why is “good” (or “being”) the “final end”, and why must that final end, as opposed to some other final end, necessarily exist?
Okay. I can accept that “good” exists (though how we define “good” gets tricky). I can also accept that “being” exists (since I read this as “existence exists”, which is a tautology and therefore true, even if only trivially so). What I don’t accept is your equivocation of “good” and “being”.
- What does not have being does not exist.
Fair enough.
- Good per se must be pure actually because potentialy is is a diffiency of what actually is.
I’m not sure I can sort out the grammar of this statement. Can you re-phrase?
- Good has to be one, since distinctions would contradict pure actually.
Good has to be one what? And exactly what is being contradicted?
- Good also needs to be immutable because changes would also contradict pure actually.
concept of “good”, perhaps. Are you implying that concepts have to exist in some sort of material way?
- Now space is the changing of something here to something over there. So anything that is actually here and potentially there is not a pure actually. Therefore good exists outside of space making him omnipresent.
Space is not “the changing of something here to something over there.”
Define “outside of space”. Based on the definitions of the terms that I know, the word “outside” implies a spatial, dimensional relationship to something else, but “outside of space”, dimensionality would have no meaning. In my mind, the phrase “outside of space” is about as meaningful as “taller than democracy”.
Also, there’s a contradiction in your statement. On the one hand, you say that pure good exists “outside of space”. Problems with this phrase aside, I assume that you mean that pure good does not exist within space. However, you then go on to say that good is omnipresent, which from the meaning of the word that I know, means that good exists
everywhere within space. How can something exist both everywhere and nowhere?
- Now we know that we have the capacity to know; good being the pure actually will be able to know all that is known by the potentially actually. Therefore good is omniscient.
If I could sort out the grammar of your sentence, I might be able to figure out your point better, but I fail to see how a concept, i.e. goodness, can posess knowledge or awareness.
- Being potentially actually we are able to do some things logically possible, but good is a pure actually therefore he is able to do everything that is logically possible thus making him omnipotent.
Same problem again: how can a concept posess physical power, let alone infinite power?
- We know that since good is being as therefore must have always existed otherwise nothing would exist.
We do? You’ll have to show your work on that one.
We know that you exist (via cargito ergo sum) and good exists therefore good is also Eternal.
I can’t make sense of this at all. What bearing does my existence have on the eternal nature of anything?
- Good(being) exists as a single immutable omnipresent omniscient omnipotent eternal entity. Good(being) is what men call God.
Well, this is mainly just a re-stating of your previous conclusions, and if they were valid (which I don’t think they were, though I dealt with each one already), fair enough, but you’ve added something new here: where does “single” come from?