Can Any One tell me what is Wrong with Harry Potter?

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I have a couple of friends that went ballistic because I read some of the Harry Potter Series. I should mention that they told me because of the way they push magic in the Books, but I thought they had as much magic as The Lord of the Rings and CHronicles of Narnia. I mean even a book like the Wizard of Oz or Peter Pan. I do not think much about it, but I would like to hear what all of you think??? 👍
there’s nothing wrong with Harry Potter, nor is there anything wrong with Narnia, Lord of the Rings, etc. The fantasy genre is deeply rooted in Catholicism - are your friends protestant by any chance? It is usually fundamentalist protestants who take offense to books that feature magic.
There are several other threads on this topic, do a search and you would find them.
JPII gave it a thumbs up, saying it was a good story about good and evil.
I am a fan of the Harry Potter books, and I say there is nothing wrong with them. On the contrary.

But I have heard endless criticism about two points:
  1. The books are drenched in witchcraft. The argument seems to be that C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien situated their magic in a world that was consistent with the Christian view of reality, while J. K. Rowlings places her story in a pure magical fantasy land that has no room for God. (In response, I say that the Potter books share this distinction with huge amounts of fiction.) Some also complain that it leads children to practice witchcraft, but I haven’t heard that anyone ever got any of the silly spells in the Potter books to actually work in real life!
  2. Another criticism is that Harry Potter tells lies to get out of trouble. True. But one of the things I most enjoy about the books is the realistic way they portray the problems of youth. Poor Harry lives in a world where the adults are not always helpful to him (and some are out to kill him). The way Harry sometimes lies to get out of their clutches is a normal way young people ( and many of us who are not so young) get out of fixes. Overall, though, Harry is a noble hero. Flawed, but noble, nevertheless.
i have read and enjoyed all of the harry potter books. they are good stories, and very well written. however, i do take issue with the main character on the issue of morals.

harry DOES cheat, lie, and steal his way through each adventure. he makes fun of those who follow rules, and rather than being punished for his actions, he is usually rewarded for ‘thinking outside the box’.

if i were a parent, i would let my children read harry potter, and see the movies. however, i would certainly sit down and explain the magic and the moral issues to them, and use the experience as instruction on the correct attitude toward magic and morality.

the magic issue is not a big one, i would say. as long as the kids understand that it’s only fantasy, and that any dabbling in magic or the occult is strictly anti christian.
Harry Potter is one of those series that seem to come down on two ends of the spectrum, and not much in between; either (excuse the language), damned good, or just plain damned. People who are against it seem to see boogey men under the bed; those who sing it’s praises seem to have no thought that it talks long and wide about witchcraft.

I think that there is more in terms of morals than the naysayers would ever credit it with. But they are not perfect morals; people are human, and they act in a human way.

And IMHO, the same could be said for most fiction, and in particular, fantasy and science fiction.

I have read (or rather, listened) to all 5 books and seen the film. I found it well written, absolutely delightful, and particularly funny in how his aunt and uncle (and their miscreant child) are portrayed. I think that children reading the books are going to see them for what they are: fiction, well written, with a great heroic flair. I think that evil, and its attractiveness, are particularly well done (as it is in the Lord of the Rings), and can be an excellent learning tool for parent/child interaction if you wish to get involved. And I wouldn’t preach, if I did so; I would ask a lot of questions…
Before I had read any of those books, I had read somewhere ( I don’t remember where) that we were discouraged from reading them because of the witchcraft in them. And the fact that Harry often broke the rules and got away with it. In other words, a major problem.

My daughter, who isn’t a catholic, said that she had heard much of the same, but that people should read them for themselves and then decide. So, I’ve read them. I think that they can be a good story. But it must be remembered that they are merely fiction. That being the problem. Some people may take them more seriously than they were meant to be taken.
It seems like a lot of adults have forgotten their childhood - if they ever had one.

I don’t want to know a kid that isn’t fascinated by wizards and magic and dragons and three headed dogs named fluffy.

Kids who probably never would have read book that wasn’t assigned became avid readers after discovering Harry Potter and expanding their imagination.
I think we can read Harry Potter books. The act of reading it is not a sin, I suppose.

However, I must share with you these comments. I don’t know about you but to me Harry Potter is more of a warlock, the male counterpart of a witch. And we know that witcraft is a sin against the First Commandment.

It truly is disturbing for me to find a warlock as the main protagonist of a story, who does good by “witchcraft and wizardry.” The line “You cannot do evil that good may come out of it” keeps nagging in my mind.

Harry Potter reminds me of the character Hellboy from the film and comic book “Hellboy” who is from Hell but battles evil. He reminds me of the character Spawn from the film and comic book “Spawn”, who made a bargain with the demon Malebolgia to lead the armies of Hell “to the gates of heaven and burn them down” for a chance to see his wife again, but refused to hold up his end of that diabolical bargain. He reminds me of the character The Necromancer from the computer game “Diablo” whom you could play. This “cool” character could raise his enemies from the dead and command them to fight the enemies all the way to the Lord of Destruction himself-- Diablo.

I’m sorry but it’s really unsettling.
I am not an expert on the issue. Even Micky Mouse as the wisard in Fantashia seems to give me shivers in my spine. As if my concience is trying to tell me something.

My sister inlaw was involved in WICA. She told me that they were witches trying to do good. I again got shivers in my spine.

My Grandmother would tie a thread to a needle and hang it over our wrists. If the needle swayed linear, you, male or female, would have a male child when you grew up. If it went circular you would have a girl. You would continue this untill the needle did not move at all. This, supposedly would tell you your future children’s sexes in order.

If magic things work then where does the magic eminate from? The devil and demonds, right? If it does not work then why promote what the bible indicates is the work of the devil.

I think seeing a Divinator like someone who reads Taro cards is prohibited in the bible.

Again, I am not an expert at knowing the what is ok and what is not ok by God. I am simply revealing some of my experiences.

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
I’ve never read the Harry Potter books, but I do read a lot in the fantasy genre. I’ll say this, its not real. I’ve never met a kid that has read them that thought they were real. I’ve never met a kid that, after reading it, suddenly wanted to study witch craft. The only people that seem to have problems with it are adults that, as someone earlier said, forget how it is to be a kid. Kids see it for what it is, a good story. I ask anyone, what has come along in our lifetime that has gotten more kids interested in reading than Harry Potter? That can’t be a bad thing.
I guess I’m a dissenter but I’d stay far away from the series. Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the Vatican’s chief exorcist, is very adamant about that:

Here’s a good article that articluates this position:

In all fairness, I haven’t read the books, nor would I want to. I saw the first movie unfortunately and thought it paled in comparison to Narnia, Lord of the Rings, etc. I personally didn’t see the “genius” of it at all.

Anyhoo - from what I’ve heard there are actual spells used in witchcraft in it, and the names of actual demons. For those who think this is all innocuous, I remind us all that the greatest victory the devil won is convincing the world he doesn’t exist!

My :twocents: anyway…
i have seen all harry porter movies an i truly enjoy them all, i have the books but haven’t found the time to read them. i can wait for my son to be older an see this movies, although i be there with him so he can ask all the questions he wants. lord make me an instrument of your peace by st francis of sales
I am going to defend the Harry Potter series here. I have read all 5 books and really enjoyed them. The character development is great, they are imaginative and fun. Although they are children’s books they are a fun easy read for an adult, which is why they are so popular with a wide age range. I can’t elaborate further on positive comments already made, it has all been said, so I won’t repeat. My husband and I decided to let our 7 yr old read them this summer, she is an avid reader and reading at about a 7th grade level, so they are at an appropriate reading level for her. She is on the 5th book. I check in with her every chapter, making sure she understands the vocabulary etc. I have explained that the books are for entertainment only and that we would never practice witchcraft and occult magic in real life, and have shown her in the Bible where it says that, I tell her its just for fun and to enjoy the imaginative world in the books. I would be cautious with a child who tends to become obsessed with things, or doesn’t have firm roots in their religion and parents available to discuss the issues with.

The parents I know who oppose the books happen to be protestant both nondenominational and fundamentalist. One of them saw the first movie and said she would let her children watch it, that the hype was uncalled for… but now she has changed her mind and thinks they are all wrong, evil etc.

I think parents seem to be more concerned about what people will think if they let their children read the books, than the books themselves so they jump on the bandwagon so as not to “look bad,” especially to other members of their church… I mean, when the preacher is condemning the books, the congregation is afraid of being judged by other church members and want to fit in. This is the case with my friend. I should mention that her children watch Star Wars and they have no problem with that.

I think alot of unnecessary hype has been made against these books. There are rumors that Harry will die in the last book and, if this is true, I am hoping it will not be morally bankrupt, but that he will be sacrificing himself defending his friends and “good over evil” etc.

I should also mention that my daughter reads alot about the lives of the saints and her Catholic Children’s Bible. She knows alot about the saints, so I feel that the balance of her reading, and knowlege of her Catechism sways so far over to the Catholic side, that occasional pure fiction is fine, under my guidence. She is enjoying the books and it has given us something interesting to discuss. I can hardly wait to read “The Lord of the Rings” with her, though I will probably wait a few years for that.

For parents out there, I would recommend “History Mystery” series by American Girl, my daughter loves that historical fiction series!

My Lutheran sis in law is against them and tells me they are garbage and wont’ let her son read them… but she strongly recommended I read the DaVinci Code. That puts her opinion in perspective for me. My 8yr old nephew said “I don’t like the Harry Potter books they are too violent… I would rather read about real history like about wars and battles.” ( he as never read HarryPot)
Anyhoo - from what I’ve heard there are actual spells used in witchcraft in it, and the names of actual demons. For those who think this is all innocuous, I remind us all that the greatest victory the devil won is convincing the world he doesn’t exist!

My :twocents: anyway…
Seriously? Are some of the Characters named after demons, because no demons are mentioned in the book. and where are the spells? Just curious,I have never heard this, were did you find this out?
most of the character names in the books come from actual people in the history of witchcraft. and yes, there are lots of children who become enamored with witchcraft after reading the series. the books are even marketed with ‘actual spell’ books in bookstores. once again, i wouldn’t say ‘avoid them at all costs’. they’re well written, entertaining, and intelligent. just be careful, and EXPLAIN. i say explain, not just wait for questions. don’t just let them read it and think ‘any questions? no? ok, no problem.’ children need to be taught good from evil, and that witchcraft is inherently antichristian. they won’t learn this from the books, so they have to learn it from their parents.
Anyhoo - from what I’ve heard there are actual spells used in witchcraft in it, and the names of actual demons. .
Jennifer123, take it from me, who once in their wandering youth was a practicing witch for over 7 years, there are not actual spells in the Harry Potter books. Spells in witchcraft are more complicated than just saying Expeleramus to remove an object from someone. If you look closely at what Rowling uses for the spells in the books, they are actually English words like expel with a little something tacked on at the end to make them sound Latin.
Seriously? Are some of the Characters named after demons, because no demons are mentioned in the book. and where are the spells? Just curious,I have never heard this, were did you find this out?
Again, not having read the book I can’t be sure to tell you, but I have read articles in which Fr. Amorth asserts this claim, so I take his word for it. Unfortunately I can’t find the article(s) to reference here. I don’t think there were actual demons in the book, I do believe they were central or periphreal characters named after the actual demons known to be in existence through exorcism rites.

Basically, my opinion is that since the Catholic Church says magic is a form of idolatry, why introduce ourselves, or even worse, our children to it, even if you don’t think it will spark an interest in it? From what I understand of the character, Harry Potter uses magic both “good” and “evil” for the better “good”. That just can’t be done and if that is true it is a dangerous lesson for Christian children. Again my :twocents: and I may be off about what Harry does with magic…
I don’t think it is going to spark any more interest in witchcraft than Superman is going to in flying. Yes, once in a blue moon some kid comes along with a cape and a means of getting up on the roof, and the results make the evening news.

What bothers me particularly is the comments, above, that state that there are actual spells in the book from witchcraft. People, let’s source our statements. There are so many urban legends flyting around it is astounding.
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