Can Any One tell me what is Wrong with Harry Potter?

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I love Harry Potter. šŸ™‚ I think if you tried you could find a lot of stuff wrong with Lord of the Rings too (love the movies, but the books were way too dry, blah, but i liked fellowship). The key word being ā€˜triedā€™. I think thats all it is with Harry Potter. There isnā€™t anything wrong with em, theyā€™re just fun little books. To me its just weird when people start going after books or movies, its like they donā€™t have anything to do or something. Or they donā€™t have a sense of humour, or just canā€™t be laid back about anything. I dunno. It isnā€™t like Iā€™m saying you have to like Showgirls or romance novels or anything lol, but I mean just say its trash and move on.
I have listened to several conversion stories on EWTN of people who have ā€œcome outā€ of the new age movement or satanic influence and to tales from actual exorcists. One thing I find they have in common is their distrust of any new age medium such as horoscopes, yoga, centering prayer, astrology, magic etc.

Satan cannot have power over you unless you allow him in. He does not appear to you as he is but as some ā€œharmlessā€ interest which can draw you deeper and deeper. Here is the web site of someone whose story was on EWTN, on both The Journey Home and The Abundant Life.
I just wanted to add one thing to this post. I have read all five of the books, and have allowed my older children, 16 years or older to read them. I have read and respect very highly Father Amorth and I feel we should take his warnings seriously, especially with regard to children.

In Det. 18: 10-12 ā€œLet there not be found among you anyone who immolates his son or daughter in the fire, nor a fortune-telloer, soothsayer, charmer, diviner, or caster of spells, nor one who consults ghosts and spirits or seeks oracles form the dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lordā€¦ā€

Yes, I know these are only fictional stories and not real, yet children do not always have the perception and experience to know the difference. Now I come to my main problem.

Has anyone noticed how these books, movies, etc. are being marketed. When I go into my local bookstore the newest Harry Potter book is sitting on an open display with other books of interest written for children. How to perform, charms, spells, etc.

In talking to some of my other Catholic and Christian friends who love the books and movies, they take exception to the fact that even all witchcraft is bad. These are adults mind you, passing on this to their children. I am not saying that those that can use these materials for teaching their children and who are well aware of the dangers canā€™t be responsible with them, but when you go to a Harry Potter Movie or buy the books you need to ask yourself ā€œAm I contributing to a very serious danger to other children who do not have the benefit of proper instruction. Am I thus sinning?ā€

Thatā€™s my two cents.

I have also struggled with this issue for a very long time and God bless you all on your journey with this, it is very difficult and confusing. Where there is confusion ā€œthere is the devilā€.

God bless!
Or they donā€™t have a sense of humour, or just canā€™t be laid back about anything. I dunno. It isnā€™t like Iā€™m saying you have to like Showgirls or romance novels or anything lol, but I mean just say its trash and move on.
The concern I have on this approach is, have you been diligent to explain the error in the story. Seems to me many people responding to whether Harry is OK seem to miss the basic plot, the obvious is that a child can wield power over things (people and objects) and that this is cool. Should a child be presented with a real life opportunity to read about WICA will the child see this as a serious opportunity or problematic from the get go?

Reality check, the deceiver wins many over simply by blinding them to the truth. He does this by convincing us that there is nothing wrong. Harry is fine because it is so remote, you might say, and I as an adult tend to agree if you have an informed mind. Most children simply do not. Most parents simply ignore the need to explain the concerns around witchcraft and the mediaā€™s attempts (very successfully) of presenting withcraft as innocuous, harmless simply straight forward fantasy.

In my opinion the potter series is not for children especially those that are ill informed or may walk away from the movie without an explanation. Witchcraft, Warlocks and wizardry are very real, be very careful of simply assuming that all is fine with this movie.
What bothers me particularly is the comments, above, that state that there are actual spells in the book from witchcraft. People, letā€™s source our statements. There are so many urban legends flyting around it is astounding.
Iā€™ve stated my source, Fr. Amorth, but unfortunately I donā€™t have the statements, but a google search of Fr. Amorth and Harry Potter should find some more information. Look in previous posts for informative articles too! šŸ™‚
Reality check, the deceiver wins many over simply by blinding them to the truth. He does this by convincing us that there is nothing wrong. Harry is fine because it is so remote, you might say, and I as an adult tend to agree if you have an informed mind. Most children simply do not. Most parents simply ignore the need to explain the concerns around witchcraft and the mediaā€™s attempts (very successfully) of presenting withcraft as innocuous, harmless simply straight forward fantasy.
I second this - I write on this thread because I think the danger is so real. The devil isnā€™t so dumb as to present his POV as 100% evil, he knows weā€™d all turn away eventually. His trick is to mix 85-90% ā€œgoodā€ with 15-10% evil so that eventually weā€™ll lose our sense of discernment and allow the 15-10% to sneak through. But my friends, that 15-10% is what leads to much larger dangers, including our loss of discernment which is so important for Christians! Would you let your kids drink a glass of water that has a drop or two of sewage?
I think St. Paul has the best advice, ā€œFinally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.ā€ Phil 4:8 šŸ‘
To the person who quoted me. I donā€™t know what the heck youā€™re talking about really. Iā€™ve read all of the books, some twice over, and iā€™ve seen all three of the movies. There isnt anything thats any worse than anything else you could get a kid to watch, including Disney cartoons. I really donā€™t get it. Itā€™s like saying, hey, donā€™t let the kids watch Hercules, since that cartoon secretly promotes worshiping heathen Greek gods !! Thatā€™d just be ridiculous, and so is this stuff about Harry Potter. I think with that youā€™re getting into weirdo territory. Yeah Harry has magical powers in it, but so did Dorothy with her red shoes, and so did Gandalf, ETC. It isnā€™t as if the book says that being evil is ok or something like that, Voldemort is bad and Harry is trying to fight against him. And i know some of you think Harry is a liar or something like that (?) but what about Frodo, who took the ring and treated Sam badly and blah blah blah. Golly day. Poor Harry! Nobodies giving him a break. heh
The Harry Potter books are not that bad. I have read all of the first five. I thought they were very entertaining. You can not expect her to write the characters to be perfect and unaffected by sin.

The one thing in the books I did not like though was the plant the mandrake which was used to cure illness. It reminded me quite a bit of abortion and stem cell research.
Yeah Harry has magical powers in it, but so did Dorothy with her red shoes, and so did Gandalf, ETC. It isnā€™t as if the book says that being evil is ok or something like that,

No, but using evil (Harry using black magic, Harry breaking rules, Harry lying) to bring good IS a message of the book, yes? That is trouble, and is a symptom of the society we live in, that everything is relative, there is no truth, or truth is what you make it. Evil can not be used for good period. Accepting this premise ultimately is what is wrong with society today i.e. abortion (evil but I have a right to choose, evil but I canā€™t afford a baby, etc.) embyonic stem-cell research (evil but it will lead to cures), etc. I know you think that this is over-reaching but I argue itā€™s a great way to lead children into this relativistic mindset thatā€™s ruining our world.
Also - Gandalf, Dorothy, is fantasy that is so much different than what is being discussed here.

Itā€™s pretty obvious that most people have their mind made up either for/against Harry. For those who may be undecided, I say please use caution and discernment!!!
Dorothy and Gandalf are NOT different. I have no idea what you base that on? Harry Potter is fantasy, just like those two stories. That was my point. I mean Dorothy was tryin to get around the law and her guardians authority by takin toto and runnin away. Is that promoting relativism and disobedience and evil? I donā€™t think so. Harry does the same thing, he breaks school rules sometimes, and he doesnā€™t do what his gaurdians tell him all of the time. But there are nuances in the story that I just donā€™t think you are getting here. And you are right you are reaching, comparing it to abortion and stem cell research. Going out walking the halls of Hogwarts at night, and all of that to stop an evil wizard who is trying to kill him (as Harry does) is QUITE different. rolls eyes ā€¦ all i can do lol.
Meh; I grew up with kids in Catholic school who were always getting into trouble for dabbling in magic. One kid had a book about how to summon ghosts wrapped in brown paper so the teachers wouldnā€™t catch him. Three girls went to detention for bringing a Ouija board to school. And donā€™t get me started on the number of time kids have tried to summon ā€œBloody Maryā€ from the bathroom.

Harry Potter is a complete red herring. If you want to see the real cultural enemy, go to and search for ā€œMagicā€ or ā€œWicca.ā€ You probably wonā€™t find Potter, but what you will find is volumes and volumes of dangerous propegandizing about arcane arts.

Before Harry Potter there was ā€œMagic: the Gatheringā€ (fun game, btw. I used to play it.) Before then it was D&D. Thereā€™s nothing new under the sunā€“kids have an imagination that hungers for mystery and discovery. Dangerous diablerie doesnā€™t result from fantasy games and books, but from the ignorance by children of the dangers involved. Harry Potter is PGā€“Parental Guidance. So do it! Your kids WILL be exposed to opportunities to play with magic whether they read Potter or not. Let them have Potter; tell them to just say ā€œnoā€ to seances.

On another related note, the only thing I donā€™t like about Harry Potter is the implicit consumerism. The plots are never resolved around any truly inspiring heroism, extremes of human character, or interesting personalities; rather, itā€™s always a ā€œmagic trickā€ that saves the day. The message seems to be (to me) that Things are your goals, and Things are your vindication. Quiddich is always won by the ā€œlatest and greatestā€ broom, not the best or most determined seeker. Tragedy is never dealt withā€“only erased, with Deus Ex Machina magic items that fly in, magically appear, or reveal themselves to make everybody happy in the end. Itā€™s all soā€¦ mechanical.
I noticed this in the article:
To the charge that Harry Potter teaches children moral lessons, I would heartily agree it does promulgate lessons - but of the wrong kind. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, for example, Harry magically attacks a troublesome aunt by causing her to blow up like a balloon - with no repercussions. One of his teachers becomes an allay to Harry, relating to him on the same level, showing a decided blurring of personal boundaries not uncommon is todayā€™s high schools. Emotion-sucking ghouls are depicted as handy prison guards and the scenes of their near possessive attacks on children are uncannily real. No clear cut right and wrong lines here
Well lets see:
  1. Harryā€™s attack of his aunt is not concious. He gets angry at her insults about his parents, it happens uncousiously.
2 Whatā€™s wrong with a teacher tring to conect with a student?.
  1. The dementors are not considered good by most people, and are shown why evil should not be used for handy purposes
Anyhoo - from what Iā€™ve heard there are actual spells used in witchcraft in it, and the names of actual demons. For those who think this is all innocuous, I remind us all that the greatest victory the devil won is convincing the world he doesnā€™t exist!

My :twocents: anywayā€¦
List one please.
There arenā€™t any spells in the book. As someone who actually was a witch during my youth I can assure you I know what I am talking about. The claim that there are actual spells in the book is mistaken.
Unfortunately, I canā€™t post the information contained in these articles here on the thread. I trust all interested will read and think about the information presented. šŸ™‚

Regarding occult:

Regarding spells in the book:

ā€œDoes this have anything to do with Harry Potter? You bet. Though itā€™s all dressed up as sweetness and light, the first Harry Potter book has rituals (for example, ā€œthe Sorting Ceremony,ā€ pp. 117-122); spells (Hermione casts the full Body-Bind spell on Neville, p. 273); spirits and other non-human entities (Voldemort inhabits Quirrellā€™s body, pp. 293-295, and the myriad ghosts of Hogwarts); candles (thousands floating above the tables at Hogwarts, p. 116); and brews (Professor Snapeā€™s potions class, pp. 136-139).ā€ From the Envoy link listed above.

ā€œOther Actual Occult Practices
Curses and counter-curses (Philosophers Stone, p. 62; Goblet of Fire, pp. 187-194; ). Astrology, Fortune telling (Philosophers Stone, pp. 188-190; Prisoner of Azkaban, p. 45, 47; Goblet of Fire, pp. 116-117).
Rune stones (Prisoner of Azkaban, p. 45, 47).
Palmistry, Divination, Crystal ball gazing, Tea leaf reading, Auras. (Prisoner of Azkaban, pp. 45; 79-86).
Arithmancy (a Chaldean and Greek method of divination by numbers) (Prisoner of Azkaban, pp. 45; 79-86; Goblet of Fire, p. 171).
Charms, Incantations (Prisoner of Azkaban, p. 176).
Numerology (Prisoner of Azkaban, p. 232).ā€ From the Spotlight Ministries article posted above.

For all those who donā€™t think HP will influence kids to start to practice witchcraft, something opposed by God:

Iā€™m sorry but I still believe that the fantasy of our youths versus the fantasy presented by Rowling can not be positively compared. The fantasy presented by Lewis, Tolkien, yes even Dorothy of the Wizard of OZ shows that evil is inherently evil, and good is inherently good. The source of power is not evil, or evil for goodā€™s sake, which is opposed to truth, it is not morally achieveable.
We must be on guard at all times for things that would lessen our discernment. When children read in the HP books that those who oppose wizardy are basically stupid people, not enlightened like they are, what lesson does the child take into the real world? You donā€™t think that wonā€™t influence them to think those telling them HP is dangerous are stupid and backward? That it wonā€™t lead to a worldview that is more accepting of things opposed to Godā€™s word and to have a relativistic view of things?
I stand by my posts asking those who are on the fence to please be aware. šŸ‘

Ps. 34:14: ā€œDepart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.ā€

II King 21:6: " he made his son pass through the fire, practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft, and consulted spiritistā€™s and mediums." The Lord called this evil in his sight.
I have a couple of friends that went ballistic because I read some of the Harry Potter Series. I should mention that they told me because of the way they push magic in the Books, but I thought they had as much magic as The Lord of the Rings and CHronicles of Narnia. I mean even a book like the Wizard of Oz or Peter Pan. I do not think much about it, but I would like to hear what all of you think??? šŸ‘
You know, they are all a bunch of nonsense if you really think about it because nothing is worth our time if it doesnā€™t involve Jesus.
Harry Potter is bad because it makes all the sorcery stuff appear to kids and they want to be like the kids in the movieā€¦it, just as Lord of the Rings can, can teach kids the wroing thing and they frget realityā€¦Lord of the Rings can do this too.
Honestly, I saw Lord of the rings and Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings was actually a good movie, but not really something kids need to be watching either.
Harry Potter was an absoultely TERRIBLE movieā€¦I watched it when my firend had it on, and it was junk. The acting was bad and the stories are cheesy and make kids look bad. Harry Potter is the kind of kid that use to get beat up in school for being a dork, not the way Iā€™d want to teach kids to beā€¦
Thanks for the site :rolleyes: I think that you should have looked at this ministry closer, other than the articles on Harry Potter. If you would find in a section on Catholicism how we are apostates and aligned with the Whore of Babylon. They appear to have an agenda that is anti-Catholic .

Yes, that is unfortunate. I almost put in a disclaimer but forgot. I still feel the information is important and as we know sometimes truth can be found among those who donā€™t possess its fullness as we do as Catholics.
Dorothy and Gandalf are NOT different. .
Well, actually, Gandalf represents an angelic creature in the Tolkien mythology. He and his other Istari (wizards) are actually sent from ā€œheavenā€ to help the mortals combat the evil of Sauron. And of those, he is the only one who remains true to his mission. The movies were unable to show the mythology or the self-sacrifice of Frodo, ect. (Sorry, had to come to the rescue of Fro and company. šŸ˜ƒ Tolkien geek here. Heeheehee)

Dorothy is a child. šŸ™‚

Canā€™t comment on HP as Iā€™ve only seen the movies. šŸ˜ƒ
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