Can Anyone Really Be 100% Sure They Will Go To Heaven When They Die?

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It was both
Fair enough and thank you for the information

Again, this is way off subject but: No, that’s NOT it!!! Learn the lesson of the rich man asking Jesus what he needed to go to heaven. It is NOT any one thing, be it faith, grace, Scripture, it’s “sola” nothing!!! It’s everything not “sola” anything.
Hi Tom,
As you are today,trusting in Christ, can you go out tomorrow and liquidate all that you have and give it to the poor and then trust in Him to day by day provide for you and your family.

That’s faith.

Why say that it is insufficient without trying it.

Walk in love
We can have a moral certainty, if we follow and obey Jesus, and if we die in the state of following and obeying Jesus (ie, not in a state of apostacy or mortal sin). We cannot have a prideful presumption,ie., “I can do whatever I want, I’m saved,” but I think we can have a humble confidence in Jesus and His Mercy, if we constantly seek after that Mercy and are constantly being created/re-created in His image. We cannot have an absolute certainty because, frankly, we cannot tell the future, or if we will continue to follow Him and confess Him. It seems to m that we have to walk a line between proud presumption and debilitating despair.
Well put, we can have a moral certainty but NOT absolute certainty, because we can fall into mortal sin in the future. If we are in a state of sanctifying grace without any mortal sin on our soul when we die, then we will be saved.
Great question: Can anyone be completely sure of their salvation!

What about when one receives a plenary indulgence or last rites from a priest?

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