Can Catholics only ask God for forgiveness and not a priest?

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“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9

If we ask only God and Jesus for forgiveness will our sins be forgiven or do we need to see a priest?
I am asking because all sacraments and Holy mass have been cancelled to the public until unknown date.
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What about Protestants?
Will they go to Hell for their sins?
As far as I know they don’t confess to a priest.
I’ve no idea who will or won’t be going to Hell… I’m not suggesting that all Protestants go to Hell, just as I’m not suggesting that all Catholics go to Heaven.

1 John 5:16-17 tells us that there is sin that leads to death and that sometimes prayer isn’t enough. Proverbs 14:12 tells us that just because a way seems right to the person, it isn’t necessarily.
If one cannot go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and has committed a mortal sin. In order to become right with GOD is to do an Act of “Perfect Contrition” with true sorrow for the sin asking GOD for forgiveness and strength to not commit it again AND have the firm conviction to as soon as it becomes available avail him/herself of confession.
This is what has been repeated by many priests over and over.
The issue with this is that when we sin we can delude ourselves and believe that we are repentant when we truly are not. Sin is like a drug or alcoholism. It is difficult to shake it completely out. This is why the Church recommends frequent confession and communion as well as prayer especially the Rosary.
Yes. And this isn’t a new situation (not being able to go to confession right away).

You can ask God for forgiveness of even mortal sins, and receive forgiveness, in times like these so long as you have:

A) Perfect contrition (sorrow for sins motivated not by the ugliness of the sin, or fear of punishment, but rather a genuine love of God and sorrow at offending him).

B) Resolve to go to confession as soon as possible to confess the grave sin.

1 John 5:16-17 tells us that there is sin that leads to death and that sometimes prayer isn’t enough.
I’m sorry, but where in the bible does it say prayer is not enough. I know we should do more then just pray, we should also take action, but I dont think it ever said prayer was not enough… especially when Jesus said to pray without ceasing.

Have you called your church to see what they are doing to help people with confession… I would start there… in the mean time.

Show God your remorse, confess to Him if your priest isnt available… then get to your church, get to a priest, as fast as you can when they open and go to confession.

FYI, the Lutheran priest at my church told me he would always hear my confession if I need him too. Not sure if they are all like that though.

Dont let being quarinted stop you from confessing any sin. God is always listening.
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What about Protestants?
Will they go to Hell for their sins?
As far as I know they don’t confess to a priest.
Protestants are Catholics “in a state of protest”; they are standing outside the confessional door refusing to enter.
Because of his nature God does all his “dealings” with us (temporal creatures) via his “authorized messengers” (also temporal creatures and in person) so that we are able to interact for penance and absolution.
Jesus never authorized disciples to pronounce absolution onto themselves after praying they repent, nor to presume absolution without hearing it physically in person.
“…He is faithful and just to forgive our sins…” It is at his command and inspiration that the temporal creature priest says, “I absolve you…” And it is so - what was forgiven on earth, in your hearing, is forgiven by God in heaven.
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. In order to become right with GOD is to do an Act of “Perfect Contrition” with true sorrow for the sin asking GOD for forgiveness and strength to not commit it again AND have the firm conviction to as soon as it becomes available avail him/herself of confession.
So you need a perfect contrition outside of the Sactament but in the confession booth you only need contrition (whitch can be imperfect)???

I really liked this book
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As others have mentioned, you need absolution from a bishop or priest unless you have perfect contrition–Jesus has given them the authority to absolve or “retain” sins. In times like these–just as in any times–God will get you what you need for salvation if you ask for it–even if it takes a miracle. The same goes for Protestants who ask God for what is needed for salvation with an upright conscience–He will either given them the grace of perfect contrition (perhaps at the “eleventh hour”) or the grace of conversion to the Catholic faith. I just posted this in another thread:

Pray to God in Jesus’ name that He give you the opportunity and grace to make a good confession as soon as you are able and He will certainly make it so. As Jesus promises:
Matt. 7:[7] Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you.
He elaborates on this elsewhere:
John 16:[24]…Ask, and you shall receive; that your joy may be full.
The condition on His unfailing promise to give what we seek is that it make our joy full, that is, it is good for our salvation (that’s what full joy is). Making a good confession when we are in mortal sin is always good for our salvation!

He also desires all to be saved (see also 1: Tim 2:4)–He doesn’t abandon one who wants to be forgiven:
Matt. 18:[11] For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. [12] What think you? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them should go astray: doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains, and go to seek that which is gone astray? [13] And if it so be that he find it: Amen I say to you, he rejoiceth more for that, than for the ninety-nine that went not astray. [14] Even so it is not the will of your Father, who is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.
That’s why God grants us anything we seek if it is conducive to our salvation. In fact, if He denies what we seek it means not getting it is even better for our salvation! The classic Roman Catechism sums this up when discussing this principle of prayer:
For God will either grant what is asked, and thus they will obtain their wishes; or He will not grant it, and that will be a most certain proof that what is denied the good by Him is not conducive either to their interest or their salvation, since He is more desirous of their eternal welfare than they themselves.
In cases like this, pray to God in Jesus’ name that you will be able to make a good confession and be absolved and have perfect contrition, and then do your best to go and sin no more until God enables you to get to confession.
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surely there must be an exception in times like this
There is, Jerry above mentioned what is required for times like this. See here:
If one cannot go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and has committed a mortal sin. In order to become right with GOD is to do an Act of “Perfect Contrition” with true sorrow for the sin asking GOD for forgiveness and strength to not commit it again AND have the firm conviction to as soon as it becomes available avail him/herself of confession.
I’m sorry, but where in the bible does it say prayer is not enough.
Sin that leads to death isn’t just to be prayed about. Also, when we’re not truly sorry or willing to change, prayer is not enough. If we’re not praying according to God’s will, rather our own will, then prayer is not enough. If we wish somebody well who is in need but do nothing to help them, our prayers is not enough. Don’t get me wrong, prayer is very powerful. Acts of charity can cover a multitude of sins, too.
So you need a perfect contrition outside of the Sactament but in the confession booth you only need contrition (whitch can be imperfect)???
I dont think that’s what they mean. I think your priest is also looking for perfect contrition.

Besides if he’s not God is.

God always know if you are trully sorry. You could be crying like a baby for your sins with your priest, yet not have a care in world if you are trully sorry. God knows the difference.
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In the Sacrament of Confession imperfect contrition suffices. This is why it is so important for us.
I was just told this but Im not sure if it is correct can someone please clarify
if you make an act of contrition and go as soon as confession is available you will be fine because its confession by desire. I’ve heard of baptism by desire but not confession? Is this true.?
Yes because we cannot be certain of perfect contrition. Perfect contrition is truly difficult to experience and is impossible to be sure that we had. That is why we must resolve to go to the confessional as soon as able.
Where does it say that? Pray but sometime it’s not enough. That pray is not enough.
when we’re not truly sorry or willing to change, prayer is not enough. If we’re not praying according to God’s will, rather our own will, then prayer is not enough. If we wish somebody well who is in need but do nothing to help them, our prayers is not enough. Don’t get me wrong, prayer is very powerful. Acts of charity can cover a multitude of sins, too.
I never said sny of that. I said
sometimes God wants us to take action as well as pray. To not just sit around and wait for things to happen, but where does it say prayer not enough.
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Sorry im not too educated so to be clear if we didn’t have perfect contrition and died we would be absolved anyway by desire of confession?
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