Can Catholics only ask God for forgiveness and not a priest?

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So, confess to the Holy Spirit is fine I think.
Christ gave authority to men to forgive and absolve sins. So it’s about doing what Jesus established.

As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. . . If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” -John 20:21-23

Obviously in order to forgive or retain sins they have to hear what they are, thus one has to confess them. Absolving someone’s sins is one of the functions of the priest.
Christ gave authority to men to forgive and absolve sins. So it’s about doing what Jesus established.

As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. . . If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” -John 20:21-23

Obviously in order to forgive or retain sins they have to hear what they are, thus one has to confess them. Absolving someone’s sins is one of the functions of the priest.
When no priest around, I confess to the Holy Spirit.
Our body is temple of God and the Holy Spirit resides in our body.
I know you dont know me but that hurts…
Shouldn’t hurt. Everything I’m saying comes from love. I didn’t say you were conceited, only that line of thinking leaves you open to conceit. & I said from my experience I found that I’m really good at lying to myself. It’s human nature.
what I dont understand is what would the difference be by hearing a priest give you absolution for your sin you may have committed more then once, over someone who’s life changed by the forgiveness they were given directly from God?
I’m coming from a place where I truly believe Jesus himself established this Church. & He told them they can forgive my sins, or not. Once I confess it to Jesus, through the priest, He takes my offering to the Father as if it were His own. Similar to the priest who would sprinkle blood on the ark in the holiest of holies.

So if the priest absolves me, it’s no longer mine.

As far as someone whose life has changed, that’s really a big topic that may need it’s own thread.
Keep in mind both can fall again or am I to understand that after receiving absolution from a priest you never sin again?
If I never sin again then it’s by the grace of God. If I do I pray for the grace to truly be contrite & humbly seek reconciliation.
So, why am I being conceited?
Yeah… you took that way wrong. I see that now. I apologize.
someone said that wasn’t true… but we might not be able to hear God because of something about our ears,
What he was talking about is that we are weak insecure creatures. If I pray in my heart for forgiveness & I feel as if I’m forgiven & everything is great for a while, it’s possible as soon as things go wrong I could second guess myself & say, “was I truly contrite? Did I pray hard enough?” Etc…

Even though we know God doesn’t work that way.

Confessing to a priest I can think back & say, “no… Fr Pio said I’ve been absolved, must be something else.”

You’re right, I don’t know you. But it really helps me to hear, Jesus speak through the priest & say your sins have been absolved."
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Please read your bible:
1 John 1: 5-6
1 John 5: 16-17
John 20:19-23

These are in the bible to teach us what IS God’s way for the forgiveness of sin. This is of course the NORM, there can be exceptions; but the verses shared ARE God’s desired expectations.

God Bless you
You’re right, I don’t know you. But it really helps me to hear, Jesus speak through the priest & say your sins have been absolved."
I also apologize for taking your words so personal. That was wrong of me, I’m sorry.

If you read what either of us wrote and we are honest with ourselves, we would agree every thing we do when in regards to confession is by faith and trust God

Okay here is what I mean…

I know people believe if they confess directly to God when they cant get to church is no different then when a Protestants who confess directly to God and its wrong… but it really no difference then sayng confessions to a priest. If Im understanding confession correctly.

The reason I believe they are the same is because when you confess to a priest you are still confessing to God. The priest isn’t absolving you of your sin but God is through the priest. The same faith that the priest believes in the honesty of your confession is the same faith you have that God has forgiven you through the priest.

Both cases you have to humble yourself, both case you have to be honest, both case you have to be sincere in asking for forgivess…and in both cases you need to have faith God has forgiven you.

Yes a priest gives you the Sacrament of Penance…which is still a little confussing to me to be honest. It’s prayer, fasting, works of something type to what, earn back grace from God, you lost because you sinned? To show you are honest in speaking your sins… Isnt that also done by faith? The priest has to believe you will do what ever penance he gives you. That you will honestly do them. That you changed and try to sin no more. Live by God’s will with help of the Holy Spirit.

That is no different then if you confess directly to God. You can not lie to God. God knows what is in your heart and mind. He will know if you are humble, regretful, sincere in your confession… and He will fill you with the Holy Spirit so you can live by His will and sin no more. Who to say afterwards you will not feel the need to show your sincerity for forgivess to do works for God.

Both done by Faith in our Lord and Savior… anyway that’s my understood.

Sorry for the long post, but before I shut up, understand I didn’t say you could sin over and over again without remorse or change…nor did I say you didn’t have to go to a priest. The point of me saying this is so the OP can understand if a priest isn’t available they can confess directly to God… others have said the same thing.
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For one, Catholics pray directly to God for the forgiveness of sins all the time. It’s not a Protestant thing.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell, & lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy.
Lord Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner
Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for my sins. In choosing to do wrong & failing to do good I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, & to avoid whatever may lead me to sin…
Just a few examples. Reconciliation is something different. More like bringing a spotless lamb to the temple. But you are the Lamb
Call a priest and see if they will hear your confession over the phone or meet you and he can hear your confession from his car and you can confess from your car
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