Can Catholics only ask God for forgiveness and not a priest?

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When did I say anything about me hearing God?
And when did I deny God would hear us?
You can’t hear forgiveness no matter how much he hears you.
People think God doesn’t hear because they don’t listen to the servants he entrusts with the answer - not the bible, but the priest.
Every Catholic knows God hears every prayer, as do Mary and the Saints.
It is our hearing that is bound to our real ears.
Dears brothers/sisters
Just Keep reading the Bible, alone, with a priest, family member or a friend. II Timothy 3:16 says :
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
And during this hard time/Coronavirus lets practice what the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7: 14 “f my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. ”
God bless you all
And when did I deny God would hear us?
You did… you replied to me, it was when you started to explain how I wouldn’t hear Him, that I started to ask about how God wouldn’t hear me when I pray.

The other part I don’t agree with, but that’s for another thread… this is about God hear us when we as for forgiveness when we are not able to get to church.
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friend. II Timothy 3:16 says :
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Paul is telling the Catholic Bishop, Timothy the official man of God, that the scripture is not to be privately explained by individuals reading it, but it isn’t for the bishops and priests to tell the meaning correctly, and individual Christians accept obediently the “teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” from the priest rather than pretending each person reading can figure out their own “teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” and confusing people about confession, the sacrament where God forgives you in your hearing.
I think he was trying to say that God wouldn’t physically say “Your sins have been forgiven” when you confess only to Him.
Brothers and sisters I’m so thankful to God
To see that people are reading the Bible, sharing theirs understanding, replaying to each other. It’s amazing to see how God’s word works in our heart and mind. My prayer is that everyone continue strong in your love for Jesus, our Savior.
I’m sorry I meant to say you did reply to me… in my previous post, not you didn’t… you DID reply to my original question.
I think he was trying to say that God wouldn’t physically say “Your sins have been forgiven” when you confess only to Him.

If you confess your sins to God, He will tell you, you are forgiven. He tells you by how your life changes. He tells you by how you physically change. He tells you by how you act with other people. He tells you by how other people treat you, especially those you’ve sinned against. He tells you by how you have the need and desire to ask a person you sinned against how sorry you are for what you did. He tells you by how even if that person still hates you, you know God loves you. He tells you by how even you have the power to accept any earthly punishments for your sin. He tell you in so many way, all you have to do is listen.

When you confess to God, being forgiven… truly forgiven is not a just a physical thing… its more then just hearing a priest say your sins have been absolved. Its something that is indescribable… something that will make you drop to your knees and say THANK YOU. God’s forgiveness changes you. Physically and emotionally changes you. If you don’t think that’s God talking to you, then I don’t know what to say except, God, I pray you do someday.

God can and does physically tell you, you are forgiven.
You just have to listen.

Sorry for yelling…🙂
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But only God knows what is or isnt a perfect contrition, correct?
Well, God knows for sure, but human can have some idea as well. 🙂
I think he was trying to say that God wouldn’t physically say “Your sins have been forgiven” when you confess only to Him.

If you confess your sins to God, He will tell you, you are forgiven. He tells you by how your life changes. He tells you by how you physically change. He tells you by how you act with other people. He tells you by how other people treat you, especially those you’ve sinned against. He tells you by how you have the need and desire to ask a person you sinned against how sorry you are for what you did. He tells you by how even if that person still hates you, you know God loves you . He tells you by how even you have the power to accept any earthly punishments for your sin. He tell you in so many way, all you have to do is listen .
That is is not quite the same thing as “saying physically”.

Also, since you thought lower certainty is a significant objection to Catholic position as far as imperfect contrition is concerned, how do you know that is specifically forgiveness? Can you rule out a possibility that this is the effect of grace meant to get you a tiny bit closer to confession, when the actual forgiveness will happen? With just a “taste” of future forgiveness?
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The Church does not ask us to do the impossible. If you are in a state where you are in danger of death, that may be your only choice.
We should already be regularly asking and trusting in God for forgiveness. This is contained in the Our Father.

As far as the Sacrament, a person can make an act of perfect contrition until they can visit a priest:

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That is is not quite the same thing as “saying physically”.
How is that not physical when you have changed? How do you know God is not whispering in your ear you are forgiven when all the non-physical things in your life are taking place… changing you?
Also, since you thought lower certainty is a significant objection to Catholic position as far as imperfect contrition is concerned, how do you know that is specifically forgiveness?
Not really sure what the first part of this question means… but how do you know it is not specific forgivness?
Can you rule out a possibility that this is the effect of grace meant to get you a tiny bit closer to confession, when the actual forgiveness will happen?
No I can not… why would I rule that out… It might be one of the non-physical points I made when you feel the undeniable urge to ask for forgiveness. Never said not to go to confession… just said if you listen you can hear God speaking to you.
With just a “taste” of future forgiveness?
Not sure what this means… what do you mean a taste of future forgiveness… that you won’t feel forgiven for your sins until you hear someone say you are?
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I meant that God doesn’t come in front of you and says: “Your sins have been forgiven”
@hanspi02, so Catholic’s need someone to physically tell them they are forgiven in order to know they are forgiven?
If you confess your sins to God, He will tell you, you are forgiven. He tells you by how your life changes. He tells you by how you physically change. He tells you by how you act with other people. He tells you by how other people treat you, especially those you’ve sinned against. He tells you by how you have the need and desire to ask a person you sinned against how sorry you are for what you did. He tells you by how even if that person still hates you, you know God loves you . He tells you by how even you have the power to accept any earthly punishments for your sin. He tell you in so many way, all you have to do is listen .
IMO, this mode of thinking leaves one highly susceptible to conceit. I’ve caught myself many a times telling myself this thing or that thing… only to find out later, I’m lying to myself.

Don’t get me wrong. My sins were forgiven before all creation, when God decided to create all things through Christ, with Christ, & in Christ.

I’m an adopted son of the most high, in Jesus. I do not fear punishment from Our Father. I expect guidance, correction, challenges. The sacrament of reconciliation is part of that. God works in me to desire this gift.

That’s the voice of the evil one who says it is not necessary.
so Catholic’s need someone to physically tell them they are forgiven in order to know they are forgiven?
I think it’s a human thing. Why else would Jesus give his Apostles authority on earth to forgive sins?
Our parish is holding a Livestream “act of perfect contrition” service next week.
I think it’s a human thing. Why else would Jesus give his Apostles authority on earth to forgive sins?
Because you are right, it is a human thing. God knows His children.

He knew some would need a voice for forgivess, for comfort, for support, for advise, for help. He knew some of His children would be so distraught by the sins they committed, they wouldnt be able to hear Him.

He knew His children would feel the very idea of being forgiven is impossible. He knew they would be so traumatized by they’re sin, unable to accept the forgivness He want to give them, they might do something drastic to free themselves from the guilt…like Judas.

So you are right it is a human and that’s why I believe God gave us the Apostles authority on earth to forgive sins. He knew we would need them.
IMO, this mode of thinking leaves one highly susceptible to conceit. I’ve caught myself many a times telling myself this thing or that thing… only to find out later, I’m lying to myself.
I know you dont know me but that hurts… what I dont understand is what would the difference be by hearing a priest give you absolution for your sin you may have committed more then once, over someone who’s life changed by the forgiveness they were given directly from God? Keep in mind both can fall again or am I to understand that after receiving absolution from a priest you never sin again?

Remeber, I never said you shouldn’t go to confession or do the Sacraments of Penance. I never said you dont have to face the consequences of your actions. I never said it was okay to sin, say ‘whoops, my bad Big Guy in sky, sorry’ move on and then sin again, and again, and again without remorse for your action because God will forgive you anyway.

I never said you should not humble yourself before the Lord when you ask for forgiveness.

And I especially never said it was okay to take advantage of the blood God shed for you, for the forgivness of sins.

So, why am I being conceited?

I just asked if Catholic believed God cant hear your prayers without a priest present, someone said that wasn’t true… but we might not be able to hear God because of something about our ears, he explained it much better then I did. I thought that might be the case for some but I dont believe it is the case for all. I believe God is always trying to talk to us if we just listen. Even He speaks to us through a priest…we still have to listen.
As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” -John 20:21-23
So, confess to the Holy Spirit is fine I think.
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